Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.
Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Indeed and Trump wants answers.

Did Joe Scarborough Murder his Intern, Lori Klausutis during a Sexual Assault?



Maybe Joe will start a show with Keith Olbermann?
With Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor and Judge Moore..comedy by Franken, of course.

And..we could have Gloria a Dominatrix get up..all black leather and whips--

I'd watch that!

You liberals are messed up.....
Lol! 13th time today..not a Liberal. so funny..other sites..they are on me because they say I'm a Conservative. It's like I just can't be a guy who is issue driven..and likes to laugh at things.

the post is a joke ...guess you missed that.

So you say Trump is crazy because he tweets and is not PC?

Well consider this, his base eats it up. People are simply tired of the PC police and the well groomed, sliver tongued PC politician saying the right things while their policies are crazy.

Hillary wanted to set up a no fly zone in Syria. Incidentally, if history is any lesson in Iraq and Libya, that is code for regime change. We have had 16 looooooong years of insane foreign policy that perhaps Trump can now avoid. No more taking out countries so that ISIS and Iran can take them over.

Then there is the economy. No President like Obama has overseen such a sorry economy in his 8 years in office in terms of jobs numbers and economic production.

I'll take Trump's crazy ass tweets any day over what we have had.
Your first sentence is a hoot.
As if his behavior the last 4 months hasn’t been erratic.
Threatening nuclear war against an equally unhinged leader. Calling him names” short and fat” is the mark of crazy man.
Picking fights with private citizens, dealing in conspiracy theories, saying it wasn’t his voice on the ACESS HOLLYWOOD tape after admitting is was is normal behavior to you?
Of course his base loves it. They’re just as crazy as he is. You’re just a unstable as he is.
There was a petition signed by hundreds of psychologists stating he’s unfit to serve due to his extreme erratic behavior.
The evidence keeps mounting every day that there is something seriously wrong with this man.
You republicans also wouldn’t believe Reagan had Alzheimer’s when we know now he did.
And of course you HAD to bring up Hillary.
When you can’t defend the indefensible always resort to Hillary.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.
Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, are just a few of a long list of tired old lefties with dementia. The rest are perverted.

That’s silly opinion but the point, none of them are president.

Even his fans are seeing that trump is unhinged. He has little grasp of reality. Reminds me The Madness of King George.

Face facts.

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The only madness is from the left drooling over Trumps every comment. Turns out most of the critics are actually worse.
The left is like kittens chasing a laser light that Trump keeps waving around in the form of tweets. He does this purposefully and with obvious intent to trigger. I think he actually enjoys it. Like Pavlovs dog you all come running for the bell. It's rather hilarious.
Still doesn’t understand why his demented one continues to be the lowest rated president in history.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.

Absofuckinglutely. The Paris accord raped us but allowed the biggest polluters on the planet to continue polluting. We are ALREADY at 1990 levels of emissions. We are already below what we promised. The clean water act was a ploy to steal private property from farmers and an outright violation of the civil rights of the People of this country. The EPA was fining companies MILLIONS of dollars for not using a biofuel that doesn't even exist but dipshits, like you, demand the EPA continue abusing the companies of this country. My gosh you are an imbecile.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.
I applaud him through sheer patriotism and love for his respect for conservationists like us Hunters and Fishermen.
Not only is he in the early stages of dementia, he's in the early stages of impeachment. Americans won't stand for this piece of shit much longer.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.

Absofuckinglutely. The Paris accord raped us but allowed the biggest polluters on the planet to continue polluting. We are ALREADY at 1990 levels of emissions. We are already below what we promised. The clean water act was a ploy to steal private property from farmers and an outright violation of the civil rights of the People of this country. The EPA was fining companies MILLIONS of dollars for not using a biofuel that doesn't even exist but dipshits, like you, demand the EPA continue abusing the companies of this country. My gosh you are an imbecile.

First lie:
Three Reasons to Believe in China's Renewable Energy Boom

2nd lie:
Carbon Emissions Had Leveled Off. Now They're Rising Again

Then you use one example to be against the clean water act?
Clean water is the most valuable resource on earth that all living things need to survive. . That's not only preposterous. That's brain damaged.

Then you use your red herring again to denegrate the entire EPA, which is the only vehicle we have to keep polluters in check.

You lie like your liar in chief and have the same anti environment message as Trump/Pruitt and their fossil fuel cronies as if we have a planet B to go to.

You are a sociopath and well represented here with your fellow deplorables.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.
I applaud him through sheer patriotism and love for his respect for conservationists like us Hunters and Fishermen.
How is giving Big Coal the right to pollute our rivers and streams respecting hunters and fishermen?
Wouldn't fishermen want LIVE FISH not laden with chemicals in the streams to catch?
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.
What an outright trump whore.
His promises? Like permitting Big Coal to pollute our rivers and streams? Like gutting consumer protections? Like being the only country that got out of the Paris Accord?
Like replacing scientists with fossil fuel executives in the EPA?
His campaign promises were horrendous for America yet you applaud him for following thru with pure evil.

Absofuckinglutely. The Paris accord raped us but allowed the biggest polluters on the planet to continue polluting. We are ALREADY at 1990 levels of emissions. We are already below what we promised. The clean water act was a ploy to steal private property from farmers and an outright violation of the civil rights of the People of this country. The EPA was fining companies MILLIONS of dollars for not using a biofuel that doesn't even exist but dipshits, like you, demand the EPA continue abusing the companies of this country. My gosh you are an imbecile.

First lie:
Three Reasons to Believe in China's Renewable Energy Boom

2nd lie:
Carbon Emissions Had Leveled Off. Now They're Rising Again

Then you use one example to be against the clean water act?
Clean water is the most valuable resource on earth that all living things need to survive. . That's not only preposterous. That's brain damaged.

Then you use your red herring again to denegrate the entire EPA, which is the only vehicle we have to keep polluters in check.

You lie like your liar in chief and have the same anti environment message as Trump/Pruitt and their fossil fuel cronies as if we have a planet B to go to.

You are a sociopath and well represented here with your fellow deplorables.

There are multiple reasons. Funny how you ignore the non constitutional behavior of a government bureaucracy. That's antithetical to the very principles of the founding of this country.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .
Oh yes he does. One , Tax Reform, will be passed tonight or early in the morning.
If it does, it will make Trump more unpopular than ever as well as damaging the whole Republican party.
Only to liberals he'll be more unpopular. For us conservatives and common sense republicans, he'll deserve the status of Emperor Trump.
Replace Trump by Amendment XXV.
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

They should do it, for the safety and security of our country. He has us on the brink of nuclear war. He is alienating our allies. He needs to go asap.
Has anyone figured out why Morning Joe's face looks like he slept in a pillow with poison ivy leaves? Why is his face so puffy with little, tiny eyes?

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