Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

Maybe Joe will start a show with Keith Olbermann?
With Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor and Judge Moore..comedy by Franken, of course.

And..we could have Gloria a Dominatrix get up..all black leather and whips--

I'd watch that!

You liberals are messed up.....
Lol! 13th time today..not a Liberal. so funny..other sites..they are on me because they say I'm a Conservative. It's like I just can't be a guy who is issue driven..and likes to laugh at things.

the post is a joke ...guess you missed that.
Joe takes aim in obvious tit for tat:

Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

"MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Thursday that people close to President Trump during the 2016 campaign told him the commander in chief “had early stages of dementia.”

On “Morning Joe,” Scarborough warned the U.S. is closer to a ground war on the Korean Peninsula than most Americans realize, urging Cabinet members to take action on removing Trump from the presidency because he’s “completely detached from reality.”

“You serve America and you know it,” Scarborough said. “You know you don’t serve Donald J. Trump … You don’t represent him. You represent 320 million people whose lives are literally in your hands and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power.”

He continued: “People close to him say [he’s] mentally unfit. People close to him during the campaign told me [he] had early stages of dementia.”"

And the beat goes Trump Demented/ Or just crazy?

Is it just me or does ole joe have a

big fat clown nose?

For shits and giggles lets say Trump

has lost it....

He's still kicking your sorry ass's:dance:
Maybe Joe will start a show with Keith Olbermann?
With Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor and Judge Moore..comedy by Franken, of course.

And..we could have Gloria a Dominatrix get up..all black leather and whips--

I'd watch that!

You liberals are messed up.....
Lol! 13th time today..not a Liberal. so funny..other sites..they are on me because they say I'm a Conservative. It's like I just can't be a guy who is issue driven..and likes to laugh at things.

the post is a joke ...guess you missed that.

Lol for the 1st time today....

If you walk like a duck and

you quack like a duck....

You're a duck in my book....
Joe takes aim in obvious tit for tat:

Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

"MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Thursday that people close to President Trump during the 2016 campaign told him the commander in chief “had early stages of dementia.”

On “Morning Joe,” Scarborough warned the U.S. is closer to a ground war on the Korean Peninsula than most Americans realize, urging Cabinet members to take action on removing Trump from the presidency because he’s “completely detached from reality.”

“You serve America and you know it,” Scarborough said. “You know you don’t serve Donald J. Trump … You don’t represent him. You represent 320 million people whose lives are literally in your hands and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power.”

He continued: “People close to him say [he’s] mentally unfit. People close to him during the campaign told me [he] had early stages of dementia.”"

And the beat goes Trump Demented/ Or just crazy?
Some of us have said that for awhile.
Maybe Joe will start a show with Keith Olbermann?
With Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor and Judge Moore..comedy by Franken, of course.

And..we could have Gloria a Dominatrix get up..all black leather and whips--

I'd watch that!

You liberals are messed up.....
Lol! 13th time today..not a Liberal. so funny..other sites..they are on me because they say I'm a Conservative. It's like I just can't be a guy who is issue driven..and likes to laugh at things.

the post is a joke ...guess you missed that.

Lol for the 1st time today....

If you walk like a duck and

you quack like a duck....

You're a duck in my book....
Well..your book is a bit limited..if we were talking Illegal Immigration...My hard line stance would get nothing but praise..and the other side would be doing the kicking..same on the 2nd Amendment. My position on the deficit is pure Tea Party..and I'm all about Entitlement Reform. I am an Anti-Trumper though..and I despise the Alt/ there's that. No matter....These are the Culture Wars..and anyone in the Middle had best be ready to be kicked by both sides. You could call me a RINO...except that's what I call the Alt/right..Lol!
All who believe in Truth, Justice, and the American way are anti-Trump and anti-Alt Right
Joe takes aim in obvious tit for tat:

Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

"MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Thursday that people close to President Trump during the 2016 campaign told him the commander in chief “had early stages of dementia.”

On “Morning Joe,” Scarborough warned the U.S. is closer to a ground war on the Korean Peninsula than most Americans realize, urging Cabinet members to take action on removing Trump from the presidency because he’s “completely detached from reality.”

“You serve America and you know it,” Scarborough said. “You know you don’t serve Donald J. Trump … You don’t represent him. You represent 320 million people whose lives are literally in your hands and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power.”

He continued: “People close to him say [he’s] mentally unfit. People close to him during the campaign told me [he] had early stages of dementia.”"

And the beat goes Trump Demented/ Or just crazy?
You have to be deaf dumb and blind not to see this president has dementia.
There is Alzheimer’s in his family.
It’s pretty obvious he’s in the throes of it already.
That antiMuslim tweet, his constant fighting with private citizens, his vocabulary keeps becoming more limited by the month etc.
People that knew him 15-20 years ago say they don’t recognize the man they see today.
Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, are just a few of a long list of tired old lefties with dementia. The rest are perverted.

That’s silly opinion but the point, none of them are president.

Even his fans are seeing that trump is unhinged. He has little grasp of reality. Reminds me The Madness of King George.

Face facts.

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Reason I think King George is that trump believes he’s a dictator and above the law.

He has even said it.

He’s a nightmare, one big hot mess of nutty.

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Maybe Joe will start a show with Keith Olbermann?
With Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor and Judge Moore..comedy by Franken, of course.

And..we could have Gloria a Dominatrix get up..all black leather and whips--

I'd watch that!

You liberals are messed up.....
Lol! 13th time today..not a Liberal. so funny..other sites..they are on me because they say I'm a Conservative. It's like I just can't be a guy who is issue driven..and likes to laugh at things.

the post is a joke ...guess you missed that.

So you say Trump is crazy because he tweets and is not PC?

Well consider this, his base eats it up. People are simply tired of the PC police and the well groomed, sliver tongued PC politician saying the right things while their policies are crazy.

Hillary wanted to set up a no fly zone in Syria. Incidentally, if history is any lesson in Iraq and Libya, that is code for regime change. We have had 16 looooooong years of insane foreign policy that perhaps Trump can now avoid. No more taking out countries so that ISIS and Iran can take them over.

Then there is the economy. No President like Obama has overseen such a sorry economy in his 8 years in office in terms of jobs numbers and economic production.

I'll take Trump's crazy ass tweets any day over what we have had.
The big question i have, was a dead woman really found in Scarborough's office? That's what the rumors are. Will it be investigated by the MSM?
Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, are just a few of a long list of tired old lefties with dementia. The rest are perverted.

That’s silly opinion but the point, none of them are president.

Even his fans are seeing that trump is unhinged. He has little grasp of reality. Reminds me The Madness of King George.

Face facts.

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The only madness is from the left drooling over Trumps every comment. Turns out most of the critics are actually worse.
The left is like kittens chasing a laser light that Trump keeps waving around in the form of tweets. He does this purposefully and with obvious intent to trigger. I think he actually enjoys it. Like Pavlovs dog you all come running for the bell. It's rather hilarious.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

He can't? He has already delivered on more of his campaign promises than any POTUS that I know of. Me thinks it is you who are suffering from dementia.

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