Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.

Still pretty bizarre. And i'm sure if a dead woman was found dead in Trump's office, you wouldn't be so dismissive. So i think you're being a bit disingenuous.
He might be on to somthing .

Trump can’t seem to remember his campaign promises .

So far, he hasn’t delivered even one of his campaign promises.

Actually, just the opposite.

All he has done is screw over the very people who voted for him.

And they love it.

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Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.

Still pretty bizarre. And i'm sure if a dead woman was found dead in Trump's office, you wouldn't be so dismissive. So i think you're being a bit disingenuous.

How is an investigation and autopsy “dismissive”?

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Joe takes aim in obvious tit for tat:

Joe Scarborough: Trump in 'early stages of dementia,' people close to him tell me

"MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Thursday that people close to President Trump during the 2016 campaign told him the commander in chief “had early stages of dementia.”

On “Morning Joe,” Scarborough warned the U.S. is closer to a ground war on the Korean Peninsula than most Americans realize, urging Cabinet members to take action on removing Trump from the presidency because he’s “completely detached from reality.”

“You serve America and you know it,” Scarborough said. “You know you don’t serve Donald J. Trump … You don’t represent him. You represent 320 million people whose lives are literally in your hands and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power.”

He continued: “People close to him say [he’s] mentally unfit. People close to him during the campaign told me [he] had early stages of dementia.”"

And the beat goes Trump Demented/ Or just crazy?
IF he's not crazy yet Flynn pleading guilty will drive him bonkers
After we saw lefties smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat activist tried to assassinate every conservative republican politician not to mention the Vegas assassin and after we saw H'wood celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to arson and murder and we saw pervert sexual abusers who used to pal around with and defend democrat politicians falling like flies, the crazy angry and incoherent left wants to lecture us about insanity.
Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.

Still pretty bizarre. And i'm sure if a dead woman was found dead in Trump's office, you wouldn't be so dismissive. So i think you're being a bit disingenuous.

How is an investigation and autopsy “dismissive”?

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So, you aren't curious at all? I am. And i'm pretty sure you'd be losin your shit 24/7 if it was revealed that a dead girl was found in Trump's office. So i do think y'all are being very disingenuous.
After we saw lefties smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat activist tried to assassinate every conservative republican politician not to mention the Vegas assassin and after we saw H'wood celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to arson and murder and we saw pervert sexual abusers who used to pal around with and defend democrat politicians falling like flies, the crazy angry and incoherent left wants to lecture us about insanity.

Spot On. :clap:
Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.

Still pretty bizarre. And i'm sure if a dead woman was found dead in Trump's office, you wouldn't be so dismissive. So i think you're being a bit disingenuous.

How is an investigation and autopsy “dismissive”?

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So, you aren't curious at all? I am. And i'm pretty sure you'd be losin your shit 24/7 if it was revealed that a dead girl was found in Trump's office. So i do think y'all are being very disingenuous.

Why do RWNJs always do this?

Seems to me they’re the last people who should argue against learning “critical thinking”.

Can anyone post s link to where I even hinted that I’m “not curious at all”?

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After we saw lefties smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat activist tried to assassinate every conservative republican politician not to mention the Vegas assassin and after we saw H'wood celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to arson and murder and we saw pervert sexual abusers who used to pal around with and defend democrat politicians falling like flies, the crazy angry and incoherent left wants to lecture us about insanity.

whitehall has a very active fantasy life.

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Scarborough has a lotta explaining to do. A dead girl in his office? WTF??
Old news..and the autopsy found she had a weak heart..passed out and struck her head on a desk. Good luck in reopening that case. Of course, the tin-hats will scream conspiracy..and all that--but there is no there.....there.

Still pretty bizarre. And i'm sure if a dead woman was found dead in Trump's office, you wouldn't be so dismissive. So i think you're being a bit disingenuous.

How is an investigation and autopsy “dismissive”?

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So, you aren't curious at all? I am. And i'm pretty sure you'd be losin your shit 24/7 if it was revealed that a dead girl was found in Trump's office. So i do think y'all are being very disingenuous.

Why do RWNJs always do this?

Seems to me they’re the last people who should argue against learning “critical thinking”.

Can anyone post s link to where I even hinted that I’m “not curious at all”?

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Well, you seemed very dismissive. But my bad, if i interpreted wrong.
' people close to him
tell me (Joe Scarborough)'

So Joe is saying his candidate Hillary was so bad that she needed to cheat debates and the election to beat someone he claims is crazy with dementia or is he gloating that he bashes a person he claims is mentally handicaped with dementia?

Joe is sharing with us how he really feels about his own camdidate selection, and his true nature and feelings about disabilities and illnesses. Surely if it were true one would have sympathy & nurturing concern not distaste and wack a mole response to
inflictions and suffering. He only
revealed the true hatred and bully baiting his party path has taken. =epic fail.
Trump's distracted, obviously. I think MSNBC is basically trolling him. Trump is not in the same frame as mind that he was in when he'd call into the morning show something like a year and a half ago. I don't think that's arguable, but being being potus "changes a man." And Trump does seem to view the WH residence as a cage.

The gop congress is watching the guy as they do the tax ripoff of the middle class waiting for him to erupt. More that one person has said Trump expects Mueller to exonerate him before the New Year (ain't gonna happen.) Trump's isolated from Jared and Ivanka. Melania sees the white house as worse than the rural farm in eastern Europe where she may have pulled the plow. And MSNBC is doing all it can to stir the pot.

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