Joe, You Know This Promise Is Bullsh!t


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Joe, You Know This Promise Is Bullsh!t

Derek Chauvin, the (now) former Minneapolis police officer, was seen pinning George Floyd to the ground while kneeling on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day. Floyd died from his injuries, and on Friday, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced Chauvin had been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Friday afternoon, Status Quo Joe’s comments concerning Floyd’s death were streamed on YouTube. It was there he explained he had spoken with Floyd’s family that day, calling Floyd’s killing an act of brutality so elemental that it denied him of his very humanity and deprived him of his life.

Status Quo Joe then reflected on the deaths of Eric Garner, a Black man killed by New York City police officers who placed him in a choke-hold; Breonna Taylor, a Black woman shot to death by police in her home; and Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was killed by white men while jogging in Georgia. “We’ve spoken their names aloud,” old Joe said. “We chisel them onto our long-suffering hearts.”

After Status Quo Joe paid, what he considered, adequate lip service to the issue, he made a promise to the family of George Floyd that: As president, he will seek justice and enact “real police reform.”

It’s apparent Status Quo Joe has already forgotten he promised the same billionaires that pay for Republicans' corrupt politician’s campaigns that, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.”
Status Quo Joe obviously does not understand “real police reform” is one he11 of a fundamental change, considering the money billionaires rake in from their investments in the “for profit” prisons in the U.S.

So Joe, you know full well your promise to seek justice and enact “real police reform” is bullsh!t. Those “for profit” prisons must be kept full (or nearly full). And there is no way the fuzz can go around abusing white people the way they do black people to fill quotas necessary to maintain those privately run prison populations.

As Trump threatens violence, Biden offers empathy and a promise of “real police reform”


Joe, You Know This Promise Is Bullsh!t

Derek Chauvin, the (now) former Minneapolis police officer, was seen pinning George Floyd to the ground while kneeling on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day. Floyd died from his injuries, and on Friday, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced Chauvin had been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Friday afternoon, Status Quo Joe’s comments concerning Floyd’s death were streamed on YouTube. It was there he explained he had spoken with Floyd’s family that day, calling Floyd’s killing an act of brutality so elemental that it denied him of his very humanity and deprived him of his life.

Status Quo Joe then reflected on the deaths of Eric Garner, a Black man killed by New York City police officers who placed him in a choke-hold; Breonna Taylor, a Black woman shot to death by police in her home; and Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was killed by white men while jogging in Georgia. “We’ve spoken their names aloud,” old Joe said. “We chisel them onto our long-suffering hearts.”

After Status Quo Joe paid, what he considered, adequate lip service to the issue, he made a promise to the family of George Floyd that: As president, he will seek justice and enact “real police reform.”

It’s apparent Status Quo Joe has already forgotten he promised the same billionaires that pay for Republicans' corrupt politician’s campaigns that, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.”
Status Quo Joe obviously does not understand “real police reform” is one he11 of a fundamental change, considering the money billionaires rake in from their investments in the “for profit” prisons in the U.S.

So Joe, you know full well your promise to seek justice and enact “real police reform” is bullsh!t. Those “for profit” prisons must be kept full (or nearly full). And there is no way the fuzz can go around abusing white people the way they do black people to fill quotas necessary to maintain those privately run prison populations.

As Trump threatens violence, Biden offers empathy and a promise of “real police reform”


So, I'm guessing you're not voting for Biden?
Other than shaking down China and the Ukraine for his son and brother, Biden's list of government accomplishments is zilch. Actually his list of sexual assault accusations is much larger than his work accomplishments. He has laid claim to the Black vote because he thinks he knows how "real" Blacks act and he also likes using the fact that he was Obama's token Whitey. Biden doesn't even rate a second look.
You know, police reform is kinda needed right now. I know that when I was in the military and on the Security Force, if I did any of the things that a lot of cops have been caught doing, I would have been removed from my duties guarding the base, and more than likely would have gone to courts martial. Captain's Mast would be a guarantee, but it would more than likely be bumped up to courts martial and I would have done brig time and been kicked out.

My question is, why can't we hold the police accountable like the military? We do a lot of the same things.
Then Biden drew a longer arc. “It’s a list that dates back more than 400 years,” he said, calling upon the history of slavery, which he described as “the original sin of the country” that “still stains.” The consequences, he said, are “the norm black people deal with.” And he promised to “hold bad cops accountable” as part of an effort to address the systemic racism Black Americans experience.​


Police power being largely State power, the influence of the Federal government is rather slim, as the federal prosecution of the lynch mobs in blue for "civil rights violations" demonstrates. Still, what a contrast to the Orange thug. Even if little more than the verbiage at the top changes, and some federal dollars to the States conditioned on successful police reforms, and a DoJ having a watchful eye on the laws being faithfully executed rather than the Orange thug being protected from the law, it would be rather disappointing but still welcome change.

Joe, You Know This Promise Is Bullsh!t

Derek Chauvin, the (now) former Minneapolis police officer, was seen pinning George Floyd to the ground while kneeling on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day. Floyd died from his injuries, and on Friday, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced Chauvin had been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

Friday afternoon, Status Quo Joe’s comments concerning Floyd’s death were streamed on YouTube. It was there he explained he had spoken with Floyd’s family that day, calling Floyd’s killing an act of brutality so elemental that it denied him of his very humanity and deprived him of his life.

Status Quo Joe then reflected on the deaths of Eric Garner, a Black man killed by New York City police officers who placed him in a choke-hold; Breonna Taylor, a Black woman shot to death by police in her home; and Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was killed by white men while jogging in Georgia. “We’ve spoken their names aloud,” old Joe said. “We chisel them onto our long-suffering hearts.”

After Status Quo Joe paid, what he considered, adequate lip service to the issue, he made a promise to the family of George Floyd that: As president, he will seek justice and enact “real police reform.”

It’s apparent Status Quo Joe has already forgotten he promised the same billionaires that pay for Republicans' corrupt politician’s campaigns that, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.”
Status Quo Joe obviously does not understand “real police reform” is one he11 of a fundamental change, considering the money billionaires rake in from their investments in the “for profit” prisons in the U.S.

So Joe, you know full well your promise to seek justice and enact “real police reform” is bullsh!t. Those “for profit” prisons must be kept full (or nearly full). And there is no way the fuzz can go around abusing white people the way they do black people to fill quotas necessary to maintain those privately run prison populations.

As Trump threatens violence, Biden offers empathy and a promise of “real police reform”

What was Joes promise to the billionaires about fundamental change? I’d love to see it to see if it actually applies to the police stations and race relations. My guess is no but please surprise me.
My question is, why can't we hold the police accountable like the military? We do a lot of the same things.

I would think, that's not too hard to see, Sailor. If the police is the only thing standing between a white majority and the revenge by the mistreated Black minority they are fearing after centuries of keeping them down, you don't punish and thereby alienate the police for following their implied orders to put the Black "thugs" down. And that's why it's nigh on impossible to find a jury willing to convict a police officer, pretty much no matter how egregious his brutality. That's only been changing (just slightly) very recently due to the availability of cellphone videos, when coordinated lying by the police could be effectively disproved - and not just by the word of the Black "thug" (provided he made it out of the encounter alive).
Other than shaking down China and the Ukraine for his son and brother, Biden's list of government accomplishments is zilch. Actually his list of sexual assault accusations is much larger than his work accomplishments. He has laid claim to the Black vote because he thinks he knows how "real" Blacks act and he also likes using the fact that he was Obama's token Whitey. Biden doesn't even rate a second look.
Well that's a lie.
Democrats aren’t shy about making BS promises because they know the majority of their voter base are idiots.

Here’s Biden promising to cure cancer if he’s elected.....

Biden is like an old senile Forrest Gump. He's more like someone you feel sorry for than a Presidential candidate. The fact that he is going to be the nominee is bizarre to say the least.
Other than shaking down China and the Ukraine for his son and brother, Biden's list of government accomplishments is zilch. Actually his list of sexual assault accusations is much larger than his work accomplishments. He has laid claim to the Black vote because he thinks he knows how "real" Blacks act and he also likes using the fact that he was Obama's token Whitey. Biden doesn't even rate a second look.
Well that's a lie.
Brilliant post. Mucho thought. You might get a Pulitzer for this one.
Other than shaking down China and the Ukraine for his son and brother, Biden's list of government accomplishments is zilch. Actually his list of sexual assault accusations is much larger than his work accomplishments. He has laid claim to the Black vote because he thinks he knows how "real" Blacks act and he also likes using the fact that he was Obama's token Whitey. Biden doesn't even rate a second look.
Well that's a lie.
Brilliant post. Mucho thought. You might get a Pulitzer for this one.
Still true, though.
Biden is like an old senile Forrest Gump. He's more like someone you feel sorry for than a Presidential candidate. The fact that he is going to be the nominee is bizarre to say the least.
You're falling for the fake news.

Biden is like an old senile Forrest Gump. He's more like someone you feel sorry for than a Presidential candidate. The fact that he is going to be the nominee is bizarre to say the least.
You're falling for the fake news.

Right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. Accuse your opponent of exactly what you are doing. That's weak, Qdog.
Biden's going to have to figure out how to get off the stage without help from his wife before he can enact real police reform.
Biden is like an old senile Forrest Gump. He's more like someone you feel sorry for than a Presidential candidate. The fact that he is going to be the nominee is bizarre to say the least.
You're falling for the fake news.

Right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. Accuse your opponent of exactly what you are doing. That's weak, Qdog.
No, son. That's republican tactics. Not something I do.
Thanks for the link but I don’t see anything about police and race relations. He seemed to be talking about Economics

Yes and no, Slade. He appears to be talking about taxation and (not) vilifying the rich. On the other hand, "nothing will fundamentally change" comprises everything, policing and race relations included. Bertram appears to be interpreting Biden's remark that way, and not for the first time.

If you looked closely enough, that was in June 2019. Quite a bit changed since, from the pandemic hitting the world to Sanders mounting a formidable challenge and being granted influence on the Democratic party platform, and race relations being put on the table with an urgency not felt back then. So, it would be safe to assume Biden would not issue the same assuring message today, and seeing everything in light of "nothing would fundamentally change" is most assuredly neither a fair nor an accurate way to interpret current-day statements.
You know, police reform is kinda needed right now. I know that when I was in the military and on the Security Force, if I did any of the things that a lot of cops have been caught doing, I would have been removed from my duties guarding the base, and more than likely would have gone to courts martial. Captain's Mast would be a guarantee, but it would more than likely be bumped up to courts martial and I would have done brig time and been kicked out.

My question is, why can't we hold the police accountable like the military? We do a lot of the same things.
It basically boils down to this:
The military is run by soldiers.
The police are run by politicians.

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