John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Your post is a mess from some apocrypha I never heard of.

And I asked you to do what the NT did...
[1] Stick to Tanach just like the NT.
[2] Read chapters and not verses.

Psalms 110 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
I presume you can't read Hebrew...It's The Lord (Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay), referring to God, said to my master (Aleph-Daled-Noon-Yud), referring to Avraham.
It's one of the shams pulled off by the RCC that did not allow their "flock" to learn Hebrew.
If you look at the 2nd line of Hebrew, you can see that no word is written twice.
Yet another RCC scam.

I never heard of Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13.
It's not in Tanach.

What does Number 6 have to do with anything?
Do you even read anything or just grab sound bites?
Job would laugh at the idea of God as man...I presume you haven't read Job.

So Number 8 is a misquote.

The number of covenants in TJS...
Five Great Bible Covenants (Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Christ)
A covenant is simply an agreement.

Number the chapters, not the verses.
When God reveals himself everyone will know everything, just like at Mount Sinai.
Has that happened? Nope.

I know you mean to be sincere but your are simply Googling at random tossing dirt at the wall.
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
Let me guess------Nipper did divinity studies at Seton Hall.
Is that your problem, Nip dear?
""Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13.""" it seems to be some fictional fanciful thing written by the staff of mad magazine.
I cannot figure out WHO DID IT. --------There are psychotics who
come up with this sort of thing
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...

the verse is KINDA stupid.-----"if you believe......then you go to paradise..." ??? that's it? seems a silly idea designed to attract the simple minded. Maybe it was a reaction to islam which also has an easy way to Jannah.
Just mumble some nonsense syllables. I cannot believe that
the very early Christians like Paul-------would be THAT shallow. As to "john" who ever or however many 'johns'
there were, it is clear that the agenda for those works is
IMPERIALIST ROME which like islam sought NUMBERS
John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

What about if you call yourself a Christian but follow the teachings of Satan the way the GOP does? Then what?
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.

someone should sue this Phillip Goble schmuck-----how does he come off calling his shit "orthodox jewish bible"?. Considering his style---he seems to share a personality disorder similar to that of the "john" who wrote the
stuff in "Hebrews" and "the book of revulsions"------for that matter-------he could be a jew----Isaac Asimov was a little nuts.--------Rod Serling -----nice guy but sorta BESET, the people who do "THE ONION.........even Mel Brooks
turns out that the organization GATEWAY is devoted to
proselytizing of DA JOOOOS by any means
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...

I tried to confirm this for you, but was unable to do so. The only sources I found were with people in recent times who clearly had an agenda. (And, if we put it on the Internet, it must be true.) Even so, the passage in John is unfairly used, with some insisting "condemned" means sent to hell. The original Greek is also used to mean judged, with condemned also more on the line of, If I go out on a winter day without a coat, I condemn myself to be cold. Those who do not believe John 3:16-21, simply "condemn" themselves to another way or belief and all it entails. In any case, I was not taught that John 3:16-21 is an automatic condemnation to hell with no judgment. Jesus felt what he was teaching removed burdens, that his yoke was easy, the burden light.

In any case, Catholicism teaches that Jews have an everlasting Covenant with God, and that God always keeps His Covenants. Even should anyone wrongly try to wield John 3:16-21 as a hammer, it should have no power over followers of the original covenant.

What do you consider some of the most treasured passages in the Hebrew Bible?
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...

I tried to confirm this for you, but was unable to do so. The only sources I found were with people in recent times who clearly had an agenda. (And, if we put it on the Internet, it must be true.) Even so, the passage in John is unfairly used, with some insisting "condemned" means sent to hell. The original Greek is also used to mean judged, with condemned also more on the line of, If I go out on a winter day without a coat, I condemn myself to be cold. Those who do not believe John 3:16-21, simply "condemn" themselves to another way or belief and all it entails. In any case, I was not taught that John 3:16-21 is an automatic condemnation to hell with no judgment. Jesus felt what he was teaching removed burdens, that his yoke was easy, the burden light.

In any case, Catholicism teaches that Jews have an everlasting Covenant with God, and that God always keeps His Covenants. Even should anyone wrongly try to wield John 3:16-21 as a hammer, it should have no power over followers of the original covenant.

What do you consider some of the most treasured passages in the Hebrew Bible?
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...

I tried to confirm this for you, but was unable to do so. The only sources I found were with people in recent times who clearly had an agenda. (And, if we put it on the Internet, it must be true.) Even so, the passage in John is unfairly used, with some insisting "condemned" means sent to hell. The original Greek is also used to mean judged, with condemned also more on the line of, If I go out on a winter day without a coat, I condemn myself to be cold. Those who do not believe John 3:16-21, simply "condemn" themselves to another way or belief and all it entails. In any case, I was not taught that John 3:16-21 is an automatic condemnation to hell with no judgment. Jesus felt what he was teaching removed burdens, that his yoke was easy, the burden light.

In any case, Catholicism teaches that Jews have an everlasting Covenant with God, and that God always keeps His Covenants. Even should anyone wrongly try to wield John 3:16-21 as a hammer, it should have no power over followers of the original covenant.

What do you consider some of the most treasured passages in the Hebrew Bible?
Meriweather you are back to apologizing again...I told you that Christian Apologetics are all over the web APOLOGISING for wrongs they have done and covering up the countless lies that have been told in the name of Jesus....Putting aside the fact that In the New Testament Jesus had many claimed fathers ie Joseph, David etc etc or himself fathering himself by having an incestious relationship with his mother...This is because Christians play a popular game called TWISTER where they twist and contort and use circular reasoning to baffle guliable or naive people with their bull...Anyways you launched into this or that regarding that silly verse found in John 3:16 but I and I am sure others noticed you avoided the fact that those verses were NOT FOUND in the Gutenberg Bible of the 1400 s and that in other bibles there are references or footnotes that those verses were added at a later date.... Meaning that those verses including John 3 :16 might not have been added to the Christian NT till at least the mid 14 th century if not later... Lol... That is a lot for an apologist to try and cover up isnā€™t it.... Wink...
Yet Jesus said came to fufill the law, not change it. If an infant dies, no heavan?
There is an exemption for the young. In order to make the choice to accept Christ as Savior, one must be old enough to understand and make that choice.
Meriweather you are back to apologizing again...I told you that Christian Apologetics are all over the web APOLOGISING for wrongs they have done and covering up the countless lies that have been told in the name of Jesus....Putting aside the fact that In the New Testament Jesus had many claimed fathers ie Joseph, David etc etc or himself fathering himself by having an incestious relationship with his mother...This is because Christians play a popular game called TWISTER where they twist and contort and use circular reasoning to baffle guliable or naive people with their bull...Anyways you launched into this or that regarding that silly verse found in John 3:16 but I and I am sure others noticed you avoided the fact that those verses were NOT FOUND in the Gutenberg Bible of the 1400 s and that in other bibles there are references or footnotes that those verses were added at a later date.... Meaning that those verses including John 3 :16 might not have been added to the Christian NT till at least the mid 14 th century if not later... Lol... That is a lot for an apologist to try and cover up isnā€™t it.... Wink...

No, I am not apologizing. I flat out stated I investigated the claims about the Gutenberg Bible and could not verify them. Journalism training: Go to the source and find three verifications. They are not there. If people are fine with a claim quoted by others "all over the Internet" that's their prerogative. I'm a bit more picky. Original source, and then three separate verifications. Just like the Shroud of Turin, I will continue to study future data--not that I expect you to believe that . I can already see the Meriweather you are designing in your own mind. That's certainly an option when it is too much trouble to keep up with reality

Look. When people want to whine and defame the name of God, there is really not a lot that can be done. People are going to continue to believe God was mean and unfair to Adam and Eve, that He is a murdering, immoral being for what happened to people during the flood or to the Amalekites. Naturally, Jesus is going to be subjected to the same type of denigration. Some have very nasty minds and seem to delight in creating even nastier ones day by day.

If you want to denigrate me, go for it. Join the nauseating group who delights in maligning the Hebrew Bible by creating another nauseating group to malign the New Testament. What is the end game? Whoever disheartens the greatest number wins? Don't expect me to follow suit and trade insults with devoted followers of Judaism because it's not going to happen.

I've tried with all my might to tell people of the beauty of the accounts in Genesis, Exodus, and other stories and teachings presented in the Jewish Bible. No one wants to hear it. They want a genocidal supreme being they can tear down and feel great superiority in doing so.

Now, are there Biblical passages you especially treasure? If not, I'll move on.
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.

"One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love."

No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity.

Now, which of us is correct? Dang, no way to tell...
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.

"One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love."

No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity.

Now, which of us is correct? Dang, no way to tell...

"No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity."
Can you elaborate on this using the surrounding verses?
Can you define "humanity"?

Is it surprising that the solution, such as making clothes from a tree, was in existence prior to trespassing God's command?
Or does God provide the solution to all potential trespasses?
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.

"One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love."

No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity.

Now, which of us is correct? Dang, no way to tell...

"No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity."
Can you elaborate on this using the surrounding verses?
Can you define "humanity"?

Is it surprising that the solution, such as making clothes from a tree, was in existence prior to trespassing God's command?
Or does God provide the solution to all potential trespasses?

The answers to your questions are:

1) pancake
2) cartoon
3) beer

And I get an A+, because anything anyone says about all of this magical nonsense is as true or false as anything anyone else says.
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.

"One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love."

No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity.

Now, which of us is correct? Dang, no way to tell...

"No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity."
Can you elaborate on this using the surrounding verses?
Can you define "humanity"?

Is it surprising that the solution, such as making clothes from a tree, was in existence prior to trespassing God's command?
Or does God provide the solution to all potential trespasses?

The answers to your questions are:

1) pancake
2) cartoon
3) beer

And I get an A+, because anything anyone says about all of this magical nonsense is as true or false as anything anyone else says.
My questions were not in regards to belief, they were in regards to your slant on the scenario.
There is not one word revealed from God which is any more or less important than any other word.
Every letter from God is a component of the universe.
That's why Jews and Noachides learn every word in the order in which it is written and in context.
You can spend a lifetime studying any phrase God has revealed to us which is why there are so many Tanach commentaries with thousands more produced every year.

Wasn't speaking of importance, but rather what one treasures. One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Another is in the Book of Kings where God reveals Himself in a tiny whispering sound.

As far as other Biblical characters, I love Jeremiah where he just could not remain quiet. Isaiah warning, Listen carefully, look intently--but...

You might dismiss these and many others as just the same as all others (all important), but (in my life) they have made more of an impact than some others equally important.

"One example, for me, is the passage in Genesis where God clothes Adam and Eve. It is a beautiful illustration of God's kindness, compassion, empathy, and love."

No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity.

Now, which of us is correct? Dang, no way to tell...

"No it wasn't. It was a symbol of God shaming them for their pitiful humanity."
Can you elaborate on this using the surrounding verses?
Can you define "humanity"?

Is it surprising that the solution, such as making clothes from a tree, was in existence prior to trespassing God's command?
Or does God provide the solution to all potential trespasses?

The answers to your questions are:

1) pancake
2) cartoon
3) beer

And I get an A+, because anything anyone says about all of this magical nonsense is as true or false as anything anyone else says.
My questions were not in regards to belief, they were in regards to your slant on the scenario.

Yes, I know. But I can produce 20 different "slants" in about 10 minutes, so what is the point of manufacturing even one? THAT is my point.

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