John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
There are Messianic Jews, and their numbers are growing. I assume that both they and I have the very same brains to consider what is the Bible says apart from Orthodox Jews. I do not feel that the God of the Bible has excluded anyone and that all are welcome --- the problem is that many Jews believe that the fact of their ancestry is what saves them, and this is far from the truth. The Messiah is their/our only hope. And frankly, even if you disagree with parts of the Protestant Bible, I believe you should treat it with respect. I do not treat the Old Testament with disdain, and I am one who honestly feels that the promises GOD made to Abraham and his descendants still apply. Christians have been grafted onto Abraham's root and not the other way around. I firmly believe that the rebirth of Israel is prophetic truth. I also believe that Jews are beginning to see the light and are not dogmatic. There is nothing worse than a Jew who holds to self-righteousness and there is nothing superior to a Jew seeking GOD's salvation. That extends to Christians also!
By the way Irosie and Independent if I remember correctly John 3 :16 was not found in the original Gutenberg Bible from the 1400 s.. It most probably was added later then that making it a rather late edition to say the least...So I just find the whole verse humorous and just take it with a grain of salt as it is pure propaganda to entice people from other religions to Christianity because they sold it that way to gain as many people as possible...

I tried to confirm this for you, but was unable to do so. The only sources I found were with people in recent times who clearly had an agenda. (And, if we put it on the Internet, it must be true.) Even so, the passage in John is unfairly used, with some insisting "condemned" means sent to hell. The original Greek is also used to mean judged, with condemned also more on the line of, If I go out on a winter day without a coat, I condemn myself to be cold. Those who do not believe John 3:16-21, simply "condemn" themselves to another way or belief and all it entails. In any case, I was not taught that John 3:16-21 is an automatic condemnation to hell with no judgment. Jesus felt what he was teaching removed burdens, that his yoke was easy, the burden light.

In any case, Catholicism teaches that Jews have an everlasting Covenant with God, and that God always keeps His Covenants. Even should anyone wrongly try to wield John 3:16-21 as a hammer, it should have no power over followers of the original covenant.

What do you consider some of the most treasured passages in the Hebrew Bible?
Which yoke is easier? One where Jesus does all the work or one where you do all the work? And even if it is both Jesus and an individual both doing work, you can rest assure that Jesus does far more than anyone can possibly imagine.

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. 2 Samuel 22:33

Surely, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. Isaiah 42:16

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand. Isaiah 41:10
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No I am staying on topic since this is Blackrook topic...There is time for that ā€œ possiblyā€ at a later date and time... Goodnight...

The topics are: God so loved the world; God's wish is not to condemn the world but to bring it salvation; and to address the statement that people must believe in a certain way to receive God's favor. In addition, John 3:16 is a passage beloved by many Christians.

Does the Hebrew Bible not contain passages of God's love for the world? No passage about bringing it salvation? No passages on saving covenants? There are no passages in the Hebrew Bible beloved by many Jews?

On a topic about God's love and saving power, all that is seen is an opportunity to bash the New Testament, Jesus, and John? Really? It just seems to me that religion, faith--but most particularly our love of God--should bring about a result of our joy and admiration for God's works and promises.
Which yoke is easier? One where Jesus does all the work or one where you do all the work? And even if it is both Jesus and an individual both doing work, you can rest assure that Jesus does far more than anyone can possibly imagine.

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. 2 Samuel 22:33

Surely, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. Isaiah 42:16

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand. Isaiah 41:10

Great passages and apt. I've never been a fan of the idea "Jesus does all the work." God rightly has expectations, but He is ever present in guidance, grace, teaching, and strength.
John 14:6:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
That same dude said that his followers should sell all they have and give the proceeds to the poor..Instead you, Christian Evangelicalis have psychotic hatred for any and all poor folks specially if they are Black or minorities...

If only Christians get to heaven then guess what I do not want to go anywhere near heaven
... I mean Christians to me are kind of leave me out of that "heaven"
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
There are Messianic Jews, and their numbers are growing. I assume that both they and I have the very same brains to consider what is the Bible says apart from Orthodox Jews. I do not feel that the God of the Bible has excluded anyone and that all are welcome --- the problem is that many Jews believe that the fact of their ancestry is what saves them, and this is far from the truth. The Messiah is their/our only hope. And frankly, even if you disagree with parts of the Protestant Bible, I believe you should treat it with respect. I do not treat the Old Testament with disdain, and I am one who honestly feels that the promises GOD made to Abraham and his descendants still apply. Christians have been grafted onto Abraham's root and not the other way around. I firmly believe that the rebirth of Israel is prophetic truth. I also believe that Jews are beginning to see the light and are not dogmatic. There is nothing worse than a Jew who holds to self-righteousness and there is nothing superior to a Jew seeking GOD's salvation. That extends to Christians also!
You replied to me with nonsense.
There's no logic in misquotes no matter who's misusing them.
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.

nibbles-----THE OJB is a bad translation from the pen of a sophist piece of shit. Even I (not actually fluent in Hebrew), can detect the distinct and devious SLANT of misquotes that the GOBLE jerk employs.
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
There are Messianic Jews, and their numbers are growing. I assume that both they and I have the very same brains to consider what is the Bible says apart from Orthodox Jews. I do not feel that the God of the Bible has excluded anyone and that all are welcome --- the problem is that many Jews believe that the fact of their ancestry is what saves them, and this is far from the truth. The Messiah is their/our only hope. And frankly, even if you disagree with parts of the Protestant Bible, I believe you should treat it with respect. I do not treat the Old Testament with disdain, and I am one who honestly feels that the promises GOD made to Abraham and his descendants still apply. Christians have been grafted onto Abraham's root and not the other way around. I firmly believe that the rebirth of Israel is prophetic truth. I also believe that Jews are beginning to see the light and are not dogmatic. There is nothing worse than a Jew who holds to self-righteousness and there is nothing superior to a Jew seeking GOD's salvation. That extends to Christians also!

I never met an orthodox jew who claimed that the way to PARADISE is via one's ancestors. I have lived in
communities of the ULTRA ULTRAS------(one of my best friends there was a convert from Catholicism) You must
be thinking of TAOISM and ancestor worship.
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
There are Messianic Jews, and their numbers are growing. I assume that both they and I have the very same brains to consider what is the Bible says apart from Orthodox Jews. I do not feel that the God of the Bible has excluded anyone and that all are welcome --- the problem is that many Jews believe that the fact of their ancestry is what saves them, and this is far from the truth. The Messiah is their/our only hope. And frankly, even if you disagree with parts of the Protestant Bible, I believe you should treat it with respect. I do not treat the Old Testament with disdain, and I am one who honestly feels that the promises GOD made to Abraham and his descendants still apply. Christians have been grafted onto Abraham's root and not the other way around. I firmly believe that the rebirth of Israel is prophetic truth. I also believe that Jews are beginning to see the light and are not dogmatic. There is nothing worse than a Jew who holds to self-righteousness and there is nothing superior to a Jew seeking GOD's salvation. That extends to Christians also!
You replied to me with nonsense.
There's no logic in misquotes no matter who's misusing them.
Perhaps it is not a misquote . Jews themselves have not cornered the world on fact only their ability as scribes.
Hebrews 8, New International Version (NIV) | Chapter 8 | The Bible App |

There are so many errors in Hebrews it would take me hours to explain the corruptions from the Torah and Psalms.
There's no way an educated Jew could ever take it seriously.
The shame is your fear base Heaven/Hell paradigm.
Yehudim in Moshiach 8:1-13

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we in fact have such a Kohen Gadol, who has taken his moshav LIMIN HASHEM ("at the right hand of the kisse of the kavod in Shomayim" TEHILLIM 110:1).

2 Our Kohen Gadol is mesharet baKodesh (minister in the holy things) of the true Mishkan set up by Adoneinu and not by any mere mortal.

3 For every Kohen Gadol is ordained to offer both minchot and zevakhim, from which it was necessary for this Kohen Gadol to have something also which he might offer.

4 If, therefore, he were on haā€™aretz he would not be a kohen, als there are kohanim who offer every korban (sacrifice) according to the Torah;

5 However, the avodas kodesh sherut of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "UREā€™EH" ("Now see to it"), Hashem says, "VAā€™ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" ("that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain" SHEMOT 25:40).

6 But now our Kohen Gadol has attained a more fest (excellent) avodas kodesh sherut in as much as he is also the Metavekh (Job 33:23; Isa 43:27; 2Ch 32:31; Isa 42:4; cf. Dt 5:5, 22-31) of a more fest (excellent) Brit upon which more auspicious havtachot (promises) have been enacted.

7 For if the Brit HaRishonah had been without fault, it would not have been necessary to speak about a Brit HaShniyah [YIRMEYAH 31:30-33 (31-34)].

8 For, when Hashem finds fault with them, he says, "HINEI YAMIM BAā€™IM, NEā€™UM HASHEM, VKHARATI ES BEIS YISRAEL Vā€™ES BEIS YEHUDAH BRIT CHADASHA"("Behold, days are coming, says Hashem, when I will establish with the Beis Yisroel and with the Beis Yehudah a Brit Chadashaā€).

9 "Not like the Brit that I made with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt; because they broke my Brit, though I was a husband to them")

10 "KI ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT ES BEIS YISROEL ACHAREI HAYAMIM HAHEM, NEā€™UM HASHEM; NATATI ES TORATI BEKIRBAM Vā€™AL LIBAM EKHTAVENNAH, Vā€™HAYITI LAHEM Lā€™ELOHIM Vā€™HEMMAH YIHā€™YU LI LEā€™AM" ("Because this is the Brit which I will make with the Beis Yisroel after those days, says Hashem: putting my Torah into the mind of them and upon the levavot of them I will write it and I will be to them G-d and they will be to Me a people"ā€” see Jer 31:30-33; also Prov 30:4; 8:30;Yn 1:1; Rev 3:20).

11 "Vā€™LO YELAMMEDU OD ISH ES REā€™EHU Vā€™ISH ES AKHIV LEMOR, DEā€™U ES HASHEM; KI KHULAM YEDEā€™U OTI LEMIKTANNAM Vā€™AD GEDOLAM" ("No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying ā€˜Have daā€™as of Hashem,ā€™ because they will all have daā€™as of Me, from the least of them to the greatest.")

12 "KI ESLACH LAā€™AVONAM Uā€™LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR OD" ("For I will forgive the wickedness of them and their sin I will remember no more." Jer 31:30-33 [31-34]).

13 When Hashem uses the word "CHADASHA" he has thereby made the Brit HaRishonah yeshanah and a Brit thus made aging, is near to being yakhlof (vanished).

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) - Version Information -
"Version Information

The Orthodox Jewish Bible, completed by Phillip Goble in 2002, is an English language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. "

Are you jerking me around?
You're using a Jesus site that supposedly has an Orthodox Jewish Bible that is simply a compendium of bull crap?

Do better.
There are Messianic Jews, and their numbers are growing. I assume that both they and I have the very same brains to consider what is the Bible says apart from Orthodox Jews. I do not feel that the God of the Bible has excluded anyone and that all are welcome --- the problem is that many Jews believe that the fact of their ancestry is what saves them, and this is far from the truth. The Messiah is their/our only hope. And frankly, even if you disagree with parts of the Protestant Bible, I believe you should treat it with respect. I do not treat the Old Testament with disdain, and I am one who honestly feels that the promises GOD made to Abraham and his descendants still apply. Christians have been grafted onto Abraham's root and not the other way around. I firmly believe that the rebirth of Israel is prophetic truth. I also believe that Jews are beginning to see the light and are not dogmatic. There is nothing worse than a Jew who holds to self-righteousness and there is nothing superior to a Jew seeking GOD's salvation. That extends to Christians also!
You replied to me with nonsense.
There's no logic in misquotes no matter who's misusing them.
Perhaps it is not a misquote . Jews themselves have not cornered the world on fact only their ability as scribes.

but the book that OJB CLAIMS to translate----does exist----
and the jerks MISQUOTE IT----and provide very slanted
Jews, same as Gentiles, have, all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus hating Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus hating Gentile speaks for all Gentiles.
Jews, same as Gentiles, have, all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus hating Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus hating Gentile speaks for all Gentiles.

I never met either a jew or gentile who 'hated' Jesus. In the account provided by the NT------those parts that a sane person could consider possibly credible------the only persons who hated
Jesus were the Roman governors and their Sadducean shills----
read it again. Jesus was a Pharisee----which means---mostly a rebel against roman rule
Jews, same as Gentiles, have, all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus hating Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus hating Gentile speaks for all Gentiles .

I never met either a jew or gentile who 'hated' Jesus. In the account provided by the NT-----
-those parts that a sane person could consider possibly credible------the only persons who hated
Jesus were the Roman governors and their Sadducean shills----
read it again. Jesus was a Pharisee----which means---mostly a rebel against roman rule

Point well taken. Hope the following is more to your satisfaction.

Jews, same as Gentiles, have all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus rejecting Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus rejecting Gentile speaks for all Gentiles
Jews, same as Gentiles, have, all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus hating Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus hating Gentile speaks for all Gentiles .

I never met either a jew or gentile who 'hated' Jesus. In the account provided by the NT-----
-those parts that a sane person could consider possibly credible------the only persons who hated
Jesus were the Roman governors and their Sadducean shills----
read it again. Jesus was a Pharisee----which means---mostly a rebel against roman rule

Point well taken. Hope the following is more to your satisfaction.

Jews, same as Gentiles, have all along been divided about Jesus.
The Jesus rejecting Jew does not speak for all Jews any more than the Jesus rejecting Gentile speaks for all Gentiles

It is not clear to me what "Jesus rejecting....." is Is that something like "robin hood rejecting..."
Jesus certainly would not be involved with any organized religion on earth today they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
Jesus certainly would not be involved with any organized religion on earth today they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
The members are sincere but true theyā€™ve fallen for a scam.

But even the priests believe. The liars died a long time ago. Or do you think the churches are run by rich atheists?
Jesus certainly would not be involved with any organized religion on earth today they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
The members are sincere but true theyā€™ve fallen for a scam.

But even the priests believe. The liars died a long time ago. Or do you think the churches are run by rich atheists?
If the churches are run by the state and the state is really run by the shadow government they adhere to the luciferian religion satan worshippers do the math
Jesus certainly would not be involved with any organized religion on earth today they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
The members are sincere but true theyā€™ve fallen for a scam.

But even the priests believe. The liars died a long time ago. Or do you think the churches are run by rich atheists?
If the churches are run by the state and the state is really run by the shadow government they adhere to the luciferian religion satan worshippers do the math
But if I invented a religion like Mohammad Joseph Smith Moses or Jesusā€™ 11 disciples would you tell anyone? And would the church leaders tell their recruits and pass that information down? I think they actually believe although it wouldnā€™t surprise me if you were right

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