John Boehner Has Really Crossed Into The Land Of Stupidity


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

He is only further alienating the poor and the left. This kind of rhetoric is why republicans have a 75% disapproval rating. Does he really expect that to change? He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid. Does he really think this is going to boost republican approval ratings? It's such non sense. I don't understand how someone this moronic made it to the position he is in.

It only makes it worse how wrong he is.

Maybe the US has some of those. The phrase ā€œcouch potatoā€ caught on here in America, after all. But many economists say the fundamental challenge remains how to generate stronger growth in jobs and wages (the issue Boehner had focused on in his prepared remarks), not a declining willingness among Americans to work.

Boehner says unemployed don t really want jobs. How bad a gaffe for GOP
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How is he wrong?

The reality of what he said is dead on. Sorry, but the truth w/o it's sugar coating is a hard pill for leftist

You are turning this great country into a leftist shithole, where everyone will be equal in misery, sans the power elites, of course
Another fail for Billy000. Freeloaders aren't going to vote anything other than Democrat because they have found their Robin Hood Party. Why should Boehner or anyone else pander to the parasites?
How is he wrong?

The reality of what he said is dead on. Sorry, but the truth w/o it's sugar coating is a hard pill for leftist

You are turning this great country into a leftist shithole, where everyone will be equal in misery, sans the power elites, of course
So you think the almost 10 million that are unemployed simply don't want to work. You actually believe that?
Another fail for Billy000. Freeloaders aren't going to vote anything other than Democrat because they have found their Robin Hood Party. Why should Boehner or anyone else pander to the parasites?
Tell me if unemployment benefits are so limited these days, why would 9.6 million people simply choose not to work?
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Another fail for Billy000. Freeloaders aren't going to vote anything other than Democrat because they have found their Robin Hood Party. Why should Boehner or anyone else pander to the parasites?
Tell me if unemployment benefits are so limited these days, why would 9.6 million people simply choose not to work?
Because they're lazy slugs who would rather get a little bit for nothing than get off their lazy asses and work.
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.
Another fail for Billy000. Freeloaders aren't going to vote anything other than Democrat because they have found their Robin Hood Party. Why should Boehner or anyone else pander to the parasites?
Tell me if unemployment benefits are so limited these days, why would 9.6 million people simply choose not to work?
Because they're lazy slugs who would rather get a little bit for nothing than get off their lazy asses and work.
Well your stupidity shows in a couple of ways:

1) Only a small percentage of the unemployed are on unemployment benefits
2) Those that are make 60% of the wage they made on the job that they lost against their will. They are also required to submit documentation every two weeks that prove they are actively searching for a job. Oh and it is temporary benefits.
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, ā€œleisure inequalityā€ ā€“ time spent on enjoyment ā€“ is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a ā€œproxyā€ for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)
How's that saying go, the one old codgers liked so much, oh yeah, "Get a job, Hippy."
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, ā€œleisure inequalityā€ ā€“ time spent on enjoyment ā€“ is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a ā€œproxyā€ for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)
How's that saying go, the one old codgers liked so much, oh yeah, "Get a job, Hippy."
Lol you people crack me up. When it comes to the economy being short on full time job creation you are quick to associate it with Obama. When it comes to crap posts like this, you just ignore it and asssume the poor are all lazy. Hmm why is that?
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, ā€œleisure inequalityā€ ā€“ time spent on enjoyment ā€“ is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a ā€œproxyā€ for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)
How's that saying go, the one old codgers liked so much, oh yeah, "Get a job, Hippy."
Lol you people crack me up. When it comes to the economy being short on full time job creation you are quick to associate it with Obama. When it comes to crap posts like this, you just ignore it and asssume the poor are all lazy. Hmm why is that?
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, ā€œleisure inequalityā€ ā€“ time spent on enjoyment ā€“ is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a ā€œproxyā€ for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)
How's that saying go, the one old codgers liked so much, oh yeah, "Get a job, Hippy."
Lol you people crack me up. When it comes to the economy being short on full time job creation you are quick to associate it with Obama. When it comes to crap posts like this, you just ignore it and asssume the poor are all lazy. Hmm why is that?

There are 20 million illegal infiltrators in the American job market. Boot them out of the country and there'll be 20 million new jobs to fill.

Make your choice, which is most important to you, to boost the incomes of low income Americans or help foreign infiltrators? Pick one and then STFU about the other.
When asked about what lawmakers should do about poverty. He replied with:

"I think this idea thatā€™s been born over last ... couple of years that, ā€˜You know, I really donā€™t have to work, I donā€™t really want to do this, I think Iā€™d just rather sit around,ā€™ ā€“ this is a very sick idea for our country."

New York Times:

Since 1980, the number of men in the bottom fifth of the income ladder who work long hours (over 49 hours per week) has dropped by half, according to a study by the economists Peter Kuhn and Fernando Lozano. But among the top fifth of earners, long weeks have increased by 80 percent.

I couldn't find easy data on American time use studies but this Canadian study popped up. The lowest income quintile reports a 39.2% rate of watching 15 hours or more of TV per week and the rate drops as we climb the income quintiles and in the top quintile only 22.1% watch 15 hours or more TV per week.

The same pattern repeats for computer usage. 15.7% of the lowest quintile uses the computer for more than 11 hours per week compared to 14.1% for the highest quintile.

45.4% of HS drop-out men and 49.2% of women of HS drop out women report watching more than 15 hours of TV per week compared to 25.1% of postsec-grad men and 22.2% of postsec-grad women.

You can't fault Boehner for telling the truth. The problem here is guys like you who don't understand the real world.

He is only further alienating the poor and the left.

Everytime Democrats open their yap about the Civil Rights Act they alienate people who fight for and value human rights, the people who value merit, the intelligent and honest. Do you see Democrats shedding a tear about losing the votes of people who would never vote for Democrats?

He is only preaching to the choir when it comes to his small minority of supporters. He isn't going to change anyone's minds with crap like this. Most Americans already favor extending unemployment benefits. I just don't understand how republicans could be so stupid

Losers vote for Democrats, winners vote for Republicans. Look at the low unemployment rate for whites, 4.9% in August, compared to 10.8% for blacks. Whites know that government transfers to Democrat loser voting blocs come out of the hides of white taxpayers so Republicans cater to the desire to keep taxes low.
Lol so you're idea of a response for this thread is stats on computer and TV use? Seriously? I watch a shit load of TV and I still work 40 hours a week.

Oh and the poor working less hours has more to with employers saving on labor. The fact that you think that doesn't factor in is just laughable.


A new study offers evidence that higher-educated (and therefore higher-earning) Americans do indeed spend more time working and less time on leisure than poorer income groups. In fact, while income inequality may be growing, ā€œleisure inequalityā€ ā€“ time spent on enjoyment ā€“ is growing as a mirror image, with the low earners gaining leisure and the high earners losing.

The paper, by Orazio Attanasio, Erik Hurst and Luigi Pistaferri, finds that both income inequality and consumption inequality (the stuff that people buy) have increased over the past 20 years.

The more surprising discovery, however, is a corresponding leisure gap has opened up between the highly-educated and less-educated. Low-educated men saw their leisure hours grow to 39.1 hours in 2003-2007, from 36.6 hours in 1985. Highly-educated men saw their leisure hours shrink to 33.2 hours from 34.4 hours. (Mr. Hurst says that education levels are a ā€œproxyā€ for incomes, since they tend to correspond).

A similar pattern emerged for women. Low-educated women saw their leisure time grow to 35.2 hours a week from 35 hours. High-educated women saw their leisure time decrease to 30.3 hours from 32.2 hours. Educated women, in other words, had the largest decline in leisure time of the four groups.

(The study defines leisure as time spend watching TV, socializing, playing games, talking on the phone, reading personal email, enjoying entertainment and hobbies and other activities.)
How's that saying go, the one old codgers liked so much, oh yeah, "Get a job, Hippy."
Lol you people crack me up. When it comes to the economy being short on full time job creation you are quick to associate it with Obama. When it comes to crap posts like this, you just ignore it and asssume the poor are all lazy. Hmm why is that?

There are 20 million illegal infiltrators in the American job market. Boot them out of the country and there'll be 20 million new jobs to fill.

Make your choice, which is most important to you, to boost the incomes of low income Americans or help foreign infiltrators? Pick one and then STFU about the other.
Lol changing the subject does nothing for you I'm afraid.
Another fail for Billy000. Freeloaders aren't going to vote anything other than Democrat because they have found their Robin Hood Party. Why should Boehner or anyone else pander to the parasites?
Tell me if unemployment benefits are so limited these days, why would 9.6 million people simply choose not to work?
Because they're lazy slugs who would rather get a little bit for nothing than get off their lazy asses and work.
Well your stupidity shows in a couple of ways:

1) Only a small percentage of the unemployed are on unemployment benefits
2) Those that are make 60% of the wage they made on the job that they lost against their will. They are also required to submit documentation every two weeks that prove they are actively searching for a job. Oh and it is temporary benefits.
Your stupidity shows in every comment you post. Lazy liberals like you will milk unemployment as long as you can. You won't look for a job unless it runs completely out because to you, success is getting something for nothing.
There are 20 million illegal infiltrators in the American job market. Boot them out of the country and there'll be 20 million new jobs to fill.

Make your choice, which is most important to you, to boost the incomes of low income Americans or help foreign infiltrators? Pick one and then STFU about the other.
Lol changing the subject does nothing for you I'm afraid.

I often wonder what it's like to be you. Do you crap your pants when someone boxes your into a corner? Does it bother you that your political philosophy prevents you from answering my question to you? Does it bother you, on an intellectual level, that you want two things which are mutually incompatible? Is it all this angst that reality thrusts upon you that drives your psychosis?
There are 20 million illegal infiltrators in the American job market. Boot them out of the country and there'll be 20 million new jobs to fill.

Make your choice, which is most important to you, to boost the incomes of low income Americans or help foreign infiltrators? Pick one and then STFU about the other.
Lol changing the subject does nothing for you I'm afraid.

I often wonder what it's like to be you. Do you crap your pants when someone boxes your into a corner? Does it bother you that your political philosophy prevents you from answering my question to you? Does it bother you, on an intellectual level, that you want two things which are mutually incompatible? Is it all this angst that reality thrusts upon you that drives your psychosis?
Huh? I wasn't listening. What?
There are 20 million illegal infiltrators in the American job market. Boot them out of the country and there'll be 20 million new jobs to fill.

Make your choice, which is most important to you, to boost the incomes of low income Americans or help foreign infiltrators? Pick one and then STFU about the other.
Lol changing the subject does nothing for you I'm afraid.

I often wonder what it's like to be you. Do you crap your pants when someone boxes your into a corner? Does it bother you that your political philosophy prevents you from answering my question to you? Does it bother you, on an intellectual level, that you want two things which are mutually incompatible? Is it all this angst that reality thrusts upon you that drives your psychosis?
Huh? I wasn't listening. What?

Please, don't share with us the gory details of how you have to change your Depends every time you get beaten in an argument.
The President is the Scapegoat for Congress, no matter which party is in the White House.

Boehner, most likely never did his job, upholding the Constitution and representing the people.

Real Conservatives have no use for Boehner and a whole lot of other failed politicians.

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