John Bonifield, CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative "Mostly bullshit right now"

I believe Project Veritas is planning to drop another bombshell today.
a carefully edited fake video ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And faked voices, faked video and what else? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Nice try...actual;ly wasn't a nice try, but the video is hard proof of a set up...
No its not its the same as his other edited videos ...BS ..fake
All you have is a person in the film that is merely saying ok, but the person who claims they dug holes and filled them up again is off camera...easy to manipulate. Not like the original presented in the OP.
No one cares about a one sided verdict handed down by a liberal judge against Project Veritas. They have done good work exposing The Left.
Liberals have launched an army of Attorneys at Project Veritas to shut them down and have thus far failed, but you cannot erase the comments made by Planned Parenthood, The Democrat Party, and CNN. No one held a gun to these people's heads and made them reveal how ugly they are, and how they lie and scheme, and do all manner of unethical and illegal things to forward The Liberal Agenda. No one held a gun to Podesta's head, or The DNC, or Clinton's head to say the things they said, Racist, Bigoted, Nasty things about people they don't like. Someone did hold a gun to Seth Rich's head for leaking emails to Julian Assange.

No one told Obama or Clinton to lie to the American People about "Russian Collusion". No one "made" Donna Brazile, and Debbie Schultz steal debate questions and rig the DNC Primary against Bernie Sanders. No one put a gun to Comey's head or Lynch's head to have them engage in Obstruction of Justice, leak classified information and engage in witch hunts in one instance, and sweeping Clinton's Crimes under the rug in another. No one "made" Eric Holder perjure himself over Fast & Furious. No one "made" Lois Lerner use the IRS as a weapon, then tried to destroy evidence she did that very thing, then plead the 5th. No one "made" Koskinen lie under oath. No one "made" Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama. and Susan Rice, lie about Benghazi. No one "made" Hillary Clinton create a secret server so she could share "classified intel" with her friends in an insider trading scheme. No one "made" Loretta Lynch meet secretly with Bill Clinton on a tarmac and then seal the investigation against the Clinton Foundation. No one "made" Susan Rice illegally unmask targets of illegal surveillance. No one "made" Obama Bin Spying engage in illegal surveillance against The Trump Campaign.

They Chose to be Corrupt. They Chose to be Unethical. They Chose to Lie to The American People. They Chose to engage in Espionage, Treason & Obstruction of Justice. They Chose THE PATH OF EVIL.

No sting video or leaked email "made" them do any of the things PROVEN that they did do, and did say. They chose to do it. They chose to say it. Attempts at attacking and defaming and discrediting the messenger isn't going to change the message that these people are "ROTTEN TO THE CORE."
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I believe Project Veritas is planning to drop another bombshell today.
a carefully edited fake video ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And faked voices, faked video and what else? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Nice try...actual;ly wasn't a nice try, but the video is hard proof of a set up...
No its not its the same as his other edited videos ...BS ..fake
Can you show me one TV show, News Program, News Clip, Radio Spot that is not edited? You have to edit interviews, film and recordings. But unlike CNN, you have to have ethics and journalistic integrity when doing so. Who in the heck would put hours of raw unedited footage for consumption in the media or newspapers Online? Newspapers have Editors, News Stations have editors. Claiming that something is edited as some kind of argument that it is fake is NOT AN ARGUMENT.
Last edited:
Tyrone is awful angry this morning. He must have forgotten to extract the Obama Bobblehead Doll out of his ass this morning. That could make a guy a bit cranky I guess.
That and TRUTH for a liberal is Literally a PAIN IN THE ASS!
No one cares about a one sided verdict handed down by a liberal judge against Project Veritas. They have done good work exposing The Left.
Liberals have launched an army of Attorneys at Project Veritas to shut them down and have thus far failed, but you cannot erase the comments made by Planned Parenthood, The Democrat Party, and CNN. No one held a gun to these people's heads and made them reveal how ugly they are, and how they lie and scheme, and do all manner of unethical and illegal things to forward The Liberal Agenda. No one held a gun to Podesta's head, or The DNC, or Clinton's head to say the things they said, Racist, Bigoted, Nasty things about people they don't like. Someone did hold a gun to Seth Rich's head for leaking emails to Julian Assange.

No one told Obama or Clinton to lie to the American People about "Russian Collusion". No one "made" Donna Brazile, and Debbie Schultz steal debate questions and rig the DNC Primary against Bernie Sanders. No one put a gun to Comey's head or Lynch's head to have them engage in Obstruction of Justice, leak classified information and engage in witch hunts in one instance, and sweeping Clinton's Crimes under the rug in another. No one "made" Eric Holder perjure himself over Fast & Furious. No one "made" Lois Lerner use the IRS as a weapon, then tried to destroy evidence she did that very thing, then plead the 5th. No one "made" Koskinen lie under oath. No one "made" Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama. and Susan Rice, lie about Benghazi. No one "made" Hillary Clinton create a secret server so she could share "classified intel" with her friends in an insider trading scheme. No one "made" Loretta Lynch meet secretly with Bill Clinton on a tarmac and then seal the investigation against the Clinton Foundation. No one "made" Susan Rice illegally unmask targets of illegal surveillance. No one "made" Obama Bin Spying engage in illegal surveillance against The Trump Campaign.

They Chose to be Corrupt. They Chose to be Unethical. They Chose to Lie to The American People. They Chose to engage in Espionage, Treason & Obstruction of Justice. They Chose THE PATH OF EVIL.
No one cares about a one sided verdict handed down by a liberal judge against Project Veritas. They have done good work exposing The Left.
Liberals have launched an army of Attorneys at Project Veritas to shut them down and have thus far failed, but you cannot erase the comments made by Planned Parenthood, The Democrat Party, and CNN. No one held a gun to these people's heads and made them reveal how ugly they are, and how they lie and scheme, and do all manner of unethical and illegal things to forward The Liberal Agenda. No one held a gun to Podesta's head, or The DNC, or Clinton's head to say the things they said, Racist, Bigoted, Nasty things about people they don't like. Someone did hold a gun to Seth Rich's head for leaking emails to Julian Assange.

No one told Obama or Clinton to lie to the American People about "Russian Collusion". No one "made" Donna Brazile, and Debbie Schultz steal debate questions and rig the DNC Primary against Bernie Sanders. No one put a gun to Comey's head or Lynch's head to have them engage in Obstruction of Justice, leak classified information and engage in witch hunts in one instance, and sweeping Clinton's Crimes under the rug in another. No one "made" Eric Holder perjure himself over Fast & Furious. No one "made" Lois Lerner use the IRS as a weapon, then tried to destroy evidence she did that very thing, then plead the 5th. No one "made" Koskinen lie under oath. No one "made" Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama. and Susan Rice, lie about Benghazi. No one "made" Hillary Clinton create a secret server so she could share "classified intel" with her friends in an insider trading scheme. No one "made" Loretta Lynch meet secretly with Bill Clinton on a tarmac and then seal the investigation against the Clinton Foundation. No one "made" Susan Rice illegally unmask targets of illegal surveillance. No one "made" Obama Bin Spying engage in illegal surveillance against The Trump Campaign.

They Chose to be Corrupt. They Chose to be Unethical. They Chose to Lie to The American People. They Chose to engage in Espionage, Treason & Obstruction of Justice. They Chose THE PATH OF EVIL.
Well done, Tree!
No one cares about a one sided verdict handed down by a liberal judge against Project Veritas. They have done good work exposing The Left.
Liberals have launched an army of Attorneys at Project Veritas to shut them down and have thus far failed, but you cannot erase the comments made by Planned Parenthood, The Democrat Party, and CNN. No one held a gun to these people's heads and made them reveal how ugly they are, and how they lie and scheme, and do all manner of unethical and illegal things to forward The Liberal Agenda. No one held a gun to Podesta's head, or The DNC, or Clinton's head to say the things they said, Racist, Bigoted, Nasty things about people they don't like. Someone did hold a gun to Seth Rich's head for leaking emails to Julian Assange.

No one told Obama or Clinton to lie to the American People about "Russian Collusion". No one "made" Donna Brazile, and Debbie Schultz steal debate questions and rig the DNC Primary against Bernie Sanders. No one put a gun to Comey's head or Lynch's head to have them engage in Obstruction of Justice, leak classified information and engage in witch hunts in one instance, and sweeping Clinton's Crimes under the rug in another. No one "made" Eric Holder perjure himself over Fast & Furious. No one "made" Lois Lerner use the IRS as a weapon, then tried to destroy evidence she did that very thing, then plead the 5th. No one "made" Koskinen lie under oath. No one "made" Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama. and Susan Rice, lie about Benghazi. No one "made" Hillary Clinton create a secret server so she could share "classified intel" with her friends in an insider trading scheme. No one "made" Loretta Lynch meet secretly with Bill Clinton on a tarmac and then seal the investigation against the Clinton Foundation. No one "made" Susan Rice illegally unmask targets of illegal surveillance. No one "made" Obama Bin Spying engage in illegal surveillance against The Trump Campaign.

They Chose to be Corrupt. They Chose to be Unethical. They Chose to Lie to The American People. They Chose to engage in Espionage, Treason & Obstruction of Justice. They Chose THE PATH OF EVIL.
Well done, Tree!
Thank you sir....
Tyrone is awful angry this morning. He must have forgotten to extract the Obama Bobblehead Doll out of his ass this morning. That could make a guy a bit cranky I guess.
That and TRUTH for a liberal is Literally a PAIN IN THE ASS!
Have either of Donald Trumps Two spokes persons John Miller or John Baron commented on the CNN not being legitimate organization ? :asshole:
Donald Trump narrative to the Rubes is all Bull shit
Donald Trump's Long, Strange History of Using Fake Names | Fortune ...

All Americans, including The Left should applaud the work Project Veritas has done in exposing Planned Parenthood's "Blood Money for Bloody Baby Body Parts" Scam, The Democrat Party's "Pay For Punches" Political Violence Schemes, and now CNN's "Pravda Programming" Big Lie Propaganda Campaign.
Sadly many Americans do not want the truth, if the truth conflicts with their dogma. Tyrone is a perfect example.
If Clinton had won, you wouldn't be hearing a peep from Democrat Fake News on this issue. It's manufactured Bullshite. Nuff said.
Tyrone is awful angry this morning. He must have forgotten to extract the Obama Bobblehead Doll out of his ass this morning. That could make a guy a bit cranky I guess.
That and TRUTH for a liberal is Literally a PAIN IN THE ASS!
Have either of Donald Trumps Two spokes persons John Miller or John Baron commented on the CNN not being legitimate organization ? :asshole:
Donald Trump narrative to the Rubes is all Bull shit
Donald Trump's Long, Strange History of Using Fake Names | Fortune ...

What does your comment have anything to do with the topic?
Are you an Agent of The Kremlin?
Or perhaps you are Barney Frank's "pool boy"?

And how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when all you do is Troll and deflect from topics and facts?

You should probably be on Ignore, but there is some sick part of me that likes to rubber neck at train wrecks.

You are giving "Good Democrats" who actually like a "Good Debate" and there aren't many, a "BAD NAME!"

But that's what Trolls Do. They ruin it for everyone.
I believe Project Veritas is planning to drop another bombshell today.
a carefully edited fake video ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And faked voices, faked video and what else? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Nice try...actual;ly wasn't a nice try, but the video is hard proof of a set up...
No its not its the same as his other edited videos ...BS ..fake
Can you show me one TV show, News Program, News Clip, Radio Spot that is not edited? You have to edit interviews, film and recordings. But unlike CNN, you have to have ethics and journalistic integrity when doing so. Who in the heck would put hours of raw unedited footage for consumption in the media or newspapers Online? Newspapers have Editors, News Stations have editors. Claiming that something is edited as some kind of argument that it is fake is NOT AN ARGUMENT.
I just came across this story again today. Funny how it disappeared so quickly.

It is clear that much of the MSM is only interested in making money. They aren't interested in properly reporting news and informing Americans of what their criminal government is up to.

The false narrative that is the Russia story, continues even today. Even though this clip from CNN proves they are only doing it for ratings and they even admit there is nothing to the Russia story, because if there was it would be out by now....and this was back in June.

I just wonder how dumb must one be to continue to watch CNN.
John Bonifield, CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative "Mostly bullshit right now"

"Get back to Russia," Says CEO Jeff Zucker

President Trump is Right About Witch Hunt, "No real proof"

Comes in Wake of CNN's Russia-Gate Retraction & New Rules on Russia Coverage

(NEW YORK) -- Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN's Russia narrative.

"I mean, it's mostly bullshit right now," Bonifield says. "Like, we don't have any giant proof."

He confirms that the driving factor at CNN is ratings:

"It's a business, people are like the media has an ethical phssssss... All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business."

Bonifield also acknowledged: "I haven't seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime." He continues:

"I just feel like they don't really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof."


They even admit their fake news...Guess we know who is going to be canned next. Adios Bonifield.

Look for his firing or fake "he touched me" claims soon.
I believe Project Veritas is planning to drop another bombshell today.
a carefully edited fake video ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And faked voices, faked video and what else? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Nice try...actual;ly wasn't a nice try, but the video is hard proof of a set up...
No its not its the same as his other edited videos ...BS ..fake
Can you show me one TV show, News Program, News Clip, Radio Spot that is not edited? You have to edit interviews, film and recordings. But unlike CNN, you have to have ethics and journalistic integrity when doing so. Who in the heck would put hours of raw unedited footage for consumption in the media or newspapers Online? Newspapers have Editors, News Stations have editors. Claiming that something is edited as some kind of argument that it is fake is NOT AN ARGUMENT.
I just came across this story again today. Funny how it disappeared so quickly.

It is clear that much of the MSM is only interested in making money. They aren't interested in properly reporting news and informing Americans of what their criminal government is up to.

The false narrative that is the Russia story, continues even today. Even though this clip from CNN proves they are only doing it for ratings and they even admit there is nothing to the Russia story, because if there was it would be out by now....and this was back in June.

I just wonder how dumb must one be to continue to watch CNN.

They'll lynch only Trump associates, while allowing Obama and Clinton to skate on everything. Sadly, corrupt Globalist Elite assholes who are in bed with Clinton and Democrats, are running this witch hunt. That's just the reality. So, expect some Trump associates to go down. But Trump will survive. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of the Election. If there was any 'collusion', it was done by both campaigns. And the methods used by the Obama Administration in conducting surveillance on the opposition Candidate, are at the very least incredibly unethical.

Personally, I believe Obama and his lackeys may have broken the law with some of their tactics. That's what really needs to be investigated. It's shockingly unprecedented what the Obama Administration did to the opposition Candidate. I think it's a devastating blow to our Democratic ideals. If a sitting President can get away with what Obama did to Trump, can we really continue claiming to be a legitimate free Democratic Republic? What he did, resembled a Third World Banana Republic. More Americans really should think about that. Surveilling the opposition Candidate, has sent us down a very slippery slope. What will future sitting Presidents try?

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