John Bunyan - Humble Servant of God

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
John Bunyan is the author of one of the greatest Christian classics ever to be written. The book is entitled, Pilgrims Progress. He was a humble servant of God who had a very deep and abiding relationship with God but that was not always so. He had come to know a man - an atheist who sought to destroy Bunyan's faith - causing him to doubt God.

Because Bunyan made the mistake of listening to the man - instead of walking away (which is what we should always do when encountering liars such the individual Bunyan encountered) he continued to listen to him until he became so depressed he thought to take his life!

What happened next is an absolute miracle and by the grace of God - he didn't take his life but was shown visions of heaven and hell. He later wrote a book about the experience. I have the book, have read it and it is an excellent testimony.

This is the video version and is complete with some artwork to get an idea of what Bunyan's visions were about. See this film and realize - Heaven is a real place! Hell is a real place!

Jesus died on the cross, rose on the 3rd day and appeared to many - later ascended to heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus paid the price for your redemption. If you are not saved tonight - please watch this video and acknowledge what the Word of God tells us as true - that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - read the Scriptures in Romans 10:9,10 - repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Call upon the LORD and make sure your name is written in the Lamb's book of Life today. I pray that everyone who watches this film will be blessed by the LORD as they open their hearts to the truth about eternity and God's love for us.


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