John Conyers OFF the ballot!


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
It seems like democrats never understood that the petitions aren't supposed to be fake.

John Conyers Loses Appeal To Get On 2014 Ballot

Conyers had appealed to the state after Detroit-area election officials said there were problems with some people who collected signatures. The circulators weren't registered to vote or had listed a wrong registration address. Under Michigan law, that can spoil the petitions.
He'll shop it until he finds a judge who owes him a favor and he'll be back on. Watch.
Don't know here in MI if write-in candidate's names have to be spelled correctly in order to be counted as votes. But if so he's in very deep doo-doo as most of his constituents couldn't spell his name correctly if you spotted them six of the seven letters.
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If someone is this careless with their ballot petitions they are too careless to be in Congress. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
If he's ousted he'd have a lot more time to visit his wife who's in the slammer for some sort of political shenanigans.
He's been in congress since 1964. That's longer than many posters here have been alive. I was 2 when he was elected.
I don't care which party they are from, so many of these people in Congress have the sense that they are entitled to that seat and they don't need to follow the rules.

Remember back when Robert "The Torch" Torricelli had to drop his candidacy and resign his Senate seat because of legal issues and because he was losing badly in the polls and the Democrats sued to put someone on the ballot even though the deadline had passed by nearly a month?

This was 2002.

The Dems named Lautenberg to replace him and got the New Jersey Supreme Court to ok the illegal switch.

The Dems found a Judge to
But what a loss he'd be. Someone else would have to take over annually submitting yet another reparations bill so it too can die a quiet death in the House. Traditions should be cherished IMO.
He figured that late box full of paperwork should've worked like in elections.....
What a hoot!

Karma is bitch.
It seems like democrats never understood that the petitions aren't supposed to be fake.

John Conyers Loses Appeal To Get On 2014 Ballot

Conyers had appealed to the state after Detroit-area election officials said there were problems with some people who collected signatures. The circulators weren't registered to vote or had listed a wrong registration address. Under Michigan law, that can spoil the petitions.

That's good, because the FBI should be going after Rep. John Conyers for serious corruption and abuse of his office.

There's a time to get rid of bad apples. He's used power maliciously and divisively.

At a December 16, 2010 hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on the subject of "the Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks",[40] Conyers "argue[d] strongly against prosecuting WikiLeaks in haste—or at all".[41] He strongly defended the whistleblowing organization, saying:
"As an initial matter, there is no doubt that WikiLeaks is very unpopular right now. Many feel that the WikiLeaks publication was offensive. But being unpopular is not a crime, and publishing offensive information is not either. And the repeated calls from politicians, journalists, and other so-called experts crying out for criminal prosecutions or other extreme measures make me very uncomfortable. Indeed, when everyone in this town is joined together calling for someone’s head, that is it a pretty strong sign we need to slow down and take a closer look.... [L]et us not be hasty, and let us not legislate in a climate of fear or prejudice. For, in such an atmosphere, it is our constitutional freedoms and our cherished civil rights that are the first to be sacrificed in the false service of our national security."[41]
Conyers's statement was "in marked contrast to the repeated calls from other members of Congress and Obama administration officials to prosecute [WikiLeaks head Julian] Assange immediately.

In summary, Conyer's career has been bad news for American causes and the America people's unity.
Doesn't matter if YOU like him or not. He answers to his constituents ...
So whether you like what he does or dislike what he does doesn't really matter.

I just can't get over how a guy can be a congressman since 1965 and still not know how to submit a petition.

It's got to be pure stupidity. A 50-year incumbent could get 1,000 signatures, without much problem.

SO ?????
He is going to court over this like a typical it is not over.

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