John Durham Expands His Investigative Team as He Ramps Up Spygate Probe

This is campaign gold. Best thing to do is wait until Biden thinks he's got the election in the bag, then spring the Barr/Durham criminal investigation results on the nation and start locking up demtrash.

The MSM doesn't want to ask Joe about his sexual assault.
Her mom called into Larry King in 1993 to report it.
Typical MSM, if its a democrat, bury the story, if its a Republican he's got to resign.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
I watched it happen you stupid cow.

Then you are really stupid. If you watched it and didn't know he was talking about ultraviolet light you are a blithering idiot.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
I watched it happen you stupid cow.

Then you are really stupid. If you watched it and didn't know he was talking about ultraviolet light you are a blithering idiot.
Too dumb to procreate or drive a car when you confuse aerosols with ultraviolet
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
I watched it happen you stupid cow.

Then you are really stupid. If you watched it and didn't know he was talking about ultraviolet light you are a blithering idiot.
Too dumb to procreate or drive a car when you confuse aerosols with ultraviolet

I didn't confuse anything. Trump wants the doctors to try irradiating people with ultra violet light, or "getting it inside them". Along with ingesting disinfectants.
Libs devoted to Covid farce making this all go away but it didn’t. It’s one of the reasons the overreactive farce has been peddled so vigorously
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
I watched it happen you stupid cow.

Then you are really stupid. If you watched it and didn't know he was talking about ultraviolet light you are a blithering idiot.
Too dumb to procreate or drive a car when you confuse aerosols with ultraviolet

I didn't confuse anything. Trump wants the doctors to try irradiating people with ultra violet light, or "getting it inside them". Along with ingesting disinfectants.
He never said to ingest any aerosol disbursed disinfectant. He did talk in a generic sense about disinfecting the body thru ultraviolet.
Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who fraudulently changed a document to deceive the FISA court, is predicted / suspected to be the 1st Conspirator indicted / charged.

Durham and his team are now reported to be focusing on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) co-written by former FBI Counter-Intel expert Strzok and former CIA Director Brennan.

The DOJ IG report released in December confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election. John Brennan committed perjury when he claimed in a May 2017 testimony under oath that Hillary’s phony dossier didn’t factor into the Intelligence Community’s Assessment report on Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election.

Former NSA Director James Clapper is also being looked at for his part in creating the ICA and final Intel Community Report (ICR) - also intentionally based on the Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda the FBI assessed was in the 'Dossier' - used to brief members of Congress to manipulate Congress into opening an official investigation of Donald Trump and appoint former FBI Director and mentor to FBI Director Comey as the Special Counsel for the investigation.

It's not the 1st time Clapper and Brennan have been caught committing perjury and illegally spying, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is certainly no stranger to FBI FISA Court Abuses.


Do you think any jury would convict this man? You have to prove intent dipshit. You have to prove this guy did, did it on purpose, and did it for an illegal and corrupt intent. He was doing his fucking job, and the American people won't convict people for doing their jobs, just because the President is an asshole looking for revenge.

Barr tried for a year to get a Grand Jury to charge Andrew McCabe and no Grand Jury would indict him. Just because Trumpy Bear wants someone to pay for what he thinks was done to him, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
How does one accidentally alter a document?

Here's a clue for you. If what did was an indictable offence, why wasn't he charged when the IG's Report of this first came out? Why hasn't he been charged before now?

You fools have been screaming "hoax" for the past three years, and you're right. There is a hoax investigation and this is it. YOU CANNOT ARREST AND JAIL PEOPLE FOR DOING THEIR JOBS AS ASSIGNED.

You fools keep going after the Democrats, and demanding that criminal Republicans go free. Trumpland is an upside down world.

How'd that workout at the Nuremberg trials?

Investigating suspected spies is not a crime against humanity. Using the power of the federal government to go after his enemies didn't work out well for Richard Nixon and it is one of the greatest forces driving centrist Republicans and independents against Donald Trump.

Trump's handling of the corona virus has terrified the elderly, who it's apparent he is ready to sacrifice to save "his" economy. Every day on TV, this vain man ignores the 2500 American souls who were lost in the past 24 hours to attack his critics and demand supplication from his subordinates, but first let's parade another scientist out here for a hostage video recantation of something he/she said to the news media while out of sight of the President. Dr. Redfield, Dr. Faucci, Dr. Blix. No I did not fire that man for refuting my endorsement of a drug the CDC has now warned the public is causing more deaths among patients, than it's saving.

Now he's told people to get disinfectant inside themselves. These briefings need to be pre-recorded and stuff that can get people killed edited out before broadcast.
I kind of like them live, shows what a ignorant arrogant BS'er he is.

The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants. Priceless.

The networks are showing them in all their horror for just the reason you stated.

I'm wondering if the business insurance industry will step in at this point. That pastor in Florida who swore he would continue to hold services to protect his consitutional rights, shut down the services when his insurance company threatened to pull his policy. If I went to a business and got sick, I'd sue. Filing a law suit is relatively cheap. Defending one is expensive.
The look on Dr. Birx face when he suggested injecting disinfectants.

You have been duped, again. What a lunatic you are.

I watched it happen you stupid cow. He asked her about it. You think no one is watching these things on a daily basis? Some days, when the lies get too self-aggrandizing I turn it off, but when he's just generally being a stupid moron, I watch, as do millions of other Americans. Those sky high ratings Trump was bragging about.

What they're seeing is a senile old fool with no clue about what he's doing, or how to fix this, grasping at every quick fix and miracle cure, but incapable of doing the planning, organization, and just the day to day slogging through wet sand that it will take to get the country through to the other side.

PPE's, test, money to the people, money to the hospitals, money to the states, ready, steady reliable stuff we're seeing in most of the rest of the first world. Competence, honesty, and empathy for the grief and hardships the people are facing. Something we call "good governance".
I watched it happen you stupid cow.

Then you are really stupid. If you watched it and didn't know he was talking about ultraviolet light you are a blithering idiot.
Too dumb to procreate or drive a car when you confuse aerosols with ultraviolet

I didn't confuse anything. Trump wants the doctors to try irradiating people with ultra violet light, or "getting it inside them". Along with ingesting disinfectants.
He never said to ingest any aerosol disbursed disinfectant. He did talk in a generic sense about disinfecting the body thru ultraviolet.
You are dealing with a single digit IQ moron who can only regurgitate what CNN tells her to think.
Democrat created Corona hoax did not bury this situation as they had hoped.
An unplanned distraction maybe, but no Democrats would have been smart enough to create it, and it's not hoax.
Democrat created Corona hoax did not bury this situation as they had hoped.
An unplanned distraction maybe, but no Democrats would have been smart enough to create it, and it's not hoax.
How it it anything other than an overreactive hoax when 0.1% of all Americans die from it.
The needs of the “none” outweighing the needs of all????

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