John Durham's Assistant Resigns

...colleague said....mmmm

I think she left because the Investigation is over. They got the guy behind it all, who - all by himself-- decided to alter an email in order to get a FISA warrant.

Chief Inspector Clousea triumphs again!
Raw Story
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Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.
/——/ Somebody quit. Oh we got him this time #54,678
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

Yup. The DOJ is setting up to do what they did in 2016, violate their own rules.

Watch for barr and company to come out days before the election and announce some sort of new investigation or a "summary" the one that's going on now.

Much like he did with the Mueller report.

Nothing but lies.

I hope people don't fall for it again.
Citing interference and pressure from Bill Barr. Dannehy is the third US prosecutor to resign over the actions of Bill Barr. Career prosecutors in the Flynn Case, and the Roger Stone case have all resigned, all citing political interference by Bill Barr as the reason for their resignations.

This further undermines the credibility of the Durham Investigation which has nothing to show for it's 2 year existence but a bunch of rumours. The Inspector General has already investigated the origins of Russia Investigation, as has the Senate. None has found anything inappropriate about the actions of the FBI or the CIA, and much to criticize in the action of the Trump Campaign and the President's senior advisors both during the campaign, and during the transition.

Did she wipe out her cell phone like the Mueller assholes?
Getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is
"political interference'.

Call it what you want, the deep state is in panic mode.

It's the Trump Regime which is panicking. They tried to indict Andrew McCabe - and couldn't find a Grand Jury to charge him. Both the Republican Senate and the Justice Department Inspector General have investigated the origins of the Russia Investigation, and both of them found to the investigations to be properly constituted, and validly carried out.

Other than the minor technical errors in the FISA warrant application for Carter Page, there was nothing improper about any of the investigations, and all of them resulted in either guilty pleas or guilty verdicts. Trump wants the Russia investigation overturned and discredited so he can lift the sanctions imposed by the Obama Administration against Russia.

Now as it becomes apparent that Trump is going to lose this election, there is no hope that Trump will be allowed to fracture NATO or lift the sanctions against Russia, so the big push is on before Trump is tossed out of office.
You do know the entire Russia bullshit you’ve been spouting for 4 years has been totally debunked right Karen? Trump isn’t losing this election moron. Latest NBC poll says Florida is now a dead heat. Translation: Trump is taking Florida madness the elections. Nothing improper? Aside from falsifying documents that were used to start this whole charade. Oh wait, you really are dumb enough to believe that.
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

Yup. The DOJ is setting up to do what they did in 2016, violate their own rules.

Watch for barr and company to come out days before the election and announce some sort of new investigation or a "summary" the one that's going on now.

Much like he did with the Mueller report.

Nothing but lies.

I hope people don't fall for it again.
Yes Mueller and his team did nothing but lie and break DOJ rules and several laws along the way. No, we won’t fall for your lies. Trump will stomp Biden and you’ll cry some more.
... “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

So anonymous sources again. Let her say it or it is fake news.

Maybe she resigned because the investigation is wrapping up.
She resigned so she won't get caught on the political flash bang on Barr.

Please do not deny that Barr is acting as if he were Trump's personal shyster.
You’re guessing. You don’t know. Admit it.
You deny he is acting like Trump's mouthpiece? Really??
I do. What does he say that sounds illogical to you?
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.
From the original source, The Hartford Courant:

Federal prosecutor Nora Dannehy, a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned - at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done, colleagues said.

What colleagues?

Who are these colleagues?

What are their names?

They are anonymous .... which in the world of Fake News means they DO NOT exist.

And then there is this in the very next paragraph:

Dannehy, a highly regarded prosecutor who has worked with or for Durham for decades, informed colleagues in the U.S. Attorney’s office in New Haven of her resignation from the Department of Justice by email Thursday evening. The short email was a brief farewell message and said nothing about political pressure, her work for Durham or what the Durham team has produced, according to people who received it.

This story is 100% Fake News.

The Fake News MSM (aka the Enemy of the American People) is once again trying cover for the B. Hussein and the biggest corruption story in the history of this Great Nation.

Only an IDIOT would believe anything Raw Story publishes.

LMAO @ how Gullible the Left is for the Fake News MSM.

The democratic media has no choice but to keep The Bubble Cult in the dark and do everything to elect Biden, otherwise people start to go to prison for engineering the coup attempt.
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There are so many criminal Democrats who participated in Obama's failed coup attempt to investigate that he is probably resigning because he is exhausted from being over-works and is afraid the only way to finish is work themselves to death...
Seriously, though - 'political pressure to finish'?

EVERYONE IN THE WORLD knows this, in part, is a 'RACE'! If Durham does not finish his report before - if it should happen - Biden wins and takes over Biden and the Democrats will make their entire treasonous coup - the investigation, all the crimes, all the evidence...even Clinesmith's guilty plea - all of it GO AWAY!

THAT MEANS the crimes the FISA Court just exposed the FBI of perpetrating over the last several DECADES, The crimes Rosenstein he already admitted to, Mueller and his entire team pulling a 'Hillary' with their phones to avoid discovery of their crimes and their follow-on indictments....Once in power those involved, to include Biden in the WH, will make it all go away, claim it never happened (like snowflakes lie to do so every day), and will do their best to re-write more history.
Seriously, though - 'political pressure to finish'?

EVERYONE IN THE WORLD knows this, in part, is a 'RACE'! If Durham does not finish his report before - if it should happen - Biden wins and takes over Biden and the Democrats will make their entire treasonous coup - the investigation, all the crimes, all the evidence...even Clinesmith's guilty plea - all of it GO AWAY!

THAT MEANS the crimes the FISA Court just exposed the FBI of perpetrating over the last several DECADES, The crimes Rosenstein he already admitted to, Mueller and his entire team pulling a 'Hillary' with their phones to avoid discovery of their crimes and their follow-on indictments....Once in power those involved, to include Biden in the WH, will make it all go away, claim it never happened (like snowflakes lie to do so every day), and will do their best to re-write more history.

Winners write the history books.
The democratic media has no choice but to keep The Bubble Cult in the dark and do everything to elect Biden, otherwise people start to go to prison for engineering the coup attempt.
At this point ....

They are War Criminals and they need to go to prison.
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

There has also been another resignation.


Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

There has also been another resignation.

View attachment 387537

Thanks for posting that. I often miss the Huff Post unless someone brings it to my attention and the story wasn't mention elsewhere in Drudge or Memorandum when I was catching up on current news reading today.
Getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is
"political interference'.

Call it what you want, the deep state is in panic mode.

It's the Trump Regime which is panicking. They tried to indict Andrew McCabe - and couldn't find a Grand Jury to charge him. Both the Republican Senate and the Justice Department Inspector General have investigated the origins of the Russia Investigation, and both of them found to the investigations to be properly constituted, and validly carried out.

Other than the minor technical errors in the FISA warrant application for Carter Page, there was nothing improper about any of the investigations, and all of them resulted in either guilty pleas or guilty verdicts. Trump wants the Russia investigation overturned and discredited so he can lift the sanctions imposed by the Obama Administration against Russia.

Now as it becomes apparent that Trump is going to lose this election, there is no hope that Trump will be allowed to fracture NATO or lift the sanctions against Russia, so the big push is on before Trump is tossed out of office.
You do know the entire Russia bullshit you’ve been spouting for 4 years has been totally debunked right Karen? Trump isn’t losing this election moron. Latest NBC poll says Florida is now a dead heat. Translation: Trump is taking Florida madness the elections. Nothing improper? Aside from falsifying documents that were used to start this whole charade. Oh wait, you really are dumb enough to believe that.

So all of those arrests, charges and guilty pleas were just a figment of your imagination and they didn't really happen? Is that the codswallop you're currently peddling? You must be an idiot.

No, it hasn't. It has been confirmed - in spades. By the Senate Report on Russian Interference; By the Mueller Report; By current intel which says that the Russians are back; and by today's announcement by the American intelligence that the guy who has been working with Guiliani, is a Russian spy.

I know it pisses you fools off when we mention Russian meddling. But these allegations against Trump are NOT going away anytime soon. Especially with Rudy Guiliani, just like Paul Manafort before him, hanging out with Russian spys, and passing information with them.

Durham has until 5 Sept to take action. After that his hands are tied until after the election.
This is an organized effort to undermine an investigation. Bill Barr has used up his nine lives. Congress is already calling for an inspector general to look into it.
They just keep trying this. The worst example, of course, is the CDC.

We're seeing, in real time, if our system can withstand this kind of anti-democratic pressure from the top. I just hope it can.

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