John Durham's Assistant Resigns

None of Durham's targets will go to jail. Barr will, sooner than later.
NOT a chance. By the way, one target has already pled guilty and is heading for jail time. Try to keep up.

The guy who plead guilty and is going to jail was uncovered by the Inspector General's investigation. The one that said that investigation of the Trump Campaign was a valid investigation, properly carried out and that all of those who made the decisions to investigate would have been negligent in their duty to the country not to investigate the Trump Campaign, as has been born out be the number of charges, prosecutions and guilty findings.

Barr was apopletic about this report, and Trump fired the IG who produced it but so far Durham has produced rumours, and one high profile resignation from the Justice Department, but it has yet to produce a single charge, and it's not from lack of trying.
^^^ lantern please read
Not interested in your fairy tales and lies Jakey. People are right. You got dumber on your vacation. Too bad the evidence proves you’re full of shit.
None of Durham's targets will go to jail. Barr will, sooner than later.
NOT a chance. By the way, one target has already pled guilty and is heading for jail time. Try to keep up.

The guy who plead guilty and is going to jail was uncovered by the Inspector General's investigation. The one that said that investigation of the Trump Campaign was a valid investigation, properly carried out and that all of those who made the decisions to investigate would have been negligent in their duty to the country not to investigate the Trump Campaign, as has been born out be the number of charges, prosecutions and guilty findings.

Barr was apopletic about this report, and Trump fired tYouhe IG who produced it but so far Durham has produced rumours, and one high profile resignation from the Justice Department, but it has yet to produce a single charge, and it's not from lack of trying.
^^^ lantern please read
Not interested in your fairy tales and lies Jakey. People are right. You got dumber on your vacation. Too bad the evidence proves you’re full of shit.
You are trolling, so you go where you belong. The OP was a hit piece, easily revealed for the Trumperism it is. Run along.

He was found by the "Inspector General's investigation. The one that said that investigation of the Trump Campaign was a valid investigation, properly carried out and that all of those who made the decisions to investigate would have been negligent in their duty to the country not to investigate the Trump Campaign, as has been born out be the number of charges, prosecutions and guilty findings."

You are defending a criminal.
None of Durham's targets will go to jail. Barr will, sooner than later.
NOT a chance. By the way, one target has already pled guilty and is heading for jail time. Try to keep up.

The guy who plead guilty and is going to jail was uncovered by the Inspector General's investigation. The one that said that investigation of the Trump Campaign was a valid investigation, properly carried out and that all of those who made the decisions to investigate would have been negligent in their duty to the country not to investigate the Trump Campaign, as has been born out be the number of charges, prosecutions and guilty findings.

Barr was apopletic about this report, and Trump fired tYouhe IG who produced it but so far Durham has produced rumours, and one high profile resignation from the Justice Department, but it has yet to produce a single charge, and it's not from lack of trying.
^^^ lantern please read
Not interested in your fairy tales and lies Jakey. People are right. You got dumber on your vacation. Too bad the evidence proves you’re full of shit.
You are trolling, so you go where you belong. The OP was a hit piece, easily revealed for the Trumperism it is. Run along.
You are a lying joke who can’t handle the truth. I’m not going anywhere boy. You can run back under your rock now proven liar. Evidence still says you’re full of shit. Investigation not legitimate per testimony and the fact of Clinesmith’s guilty plea. You are defending illegal acts by Dims. No surprise.
They will never stop pushing the completely debunked lie, even as Clinesmith is behind bars and naming his co-conspirators as I type...
Where do you idiots come up with this shit?
we get it from leftists controlled mainstream media fucking idiot
No one in the “leftist controlled mainstream media” said anything of the sort. You guys made this up.

Good lord, if you can’t even be honest with yourselves, it’s hopeless.
Durham is an honorable LDS man who will not led Barr pressure him to a witch hunt.
Durham is honorable for now until he brings more indictments of Biden, Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Comey....ect
He’s not going to indicted any of them at which point y’all will call him a deep state swamp person and ignore years of building him up as the second coming.
one indictment so far that actually deals with crimes committed that were being investigated

Yes. One indictment of someone no one ever heard of before for doing something the IG made us aware of in 2019.

The case against Clinesmith was completely investigated by someone else before it was handed to Durham.
one indictment of a crime that was actually the reason for the investigation who gives a shit if the person was obama Clinton or Jim smith?

Trump and conservative media have been relentlessly harping on a long list of Democrats and FBI officials whom they’re sure have committed a laundry list of crimes including treason and sedition.

I think one count of falsifying documents from someone no one ever heard of is hardly going to satisfy the bloodthirsty Trump supporters.

Moron.......anyone who signed off on the FISA warrants is up for jail time...........they submitted false FISA warrants as the indictment of that lawyer shows........and they kept submitting the same fake information each moron...

Nope. To get a conviction, you have to demonstrate they signed off knowing there was false information in the warrant. That’s not going to happen.
The Dossier was used three times knowing it was a political hitpiece with no truth. More will be going to prison

And when they don't go to prison, what will you say then? Durham was deep state, swamp person, Democratic agent or some such nonsense?

This isn't going anywhere. The only question is what the excuse will be when it doesn't.
You're actually more concerned with Russia doing what every country does to each other than corruption of a shadow government within the U.S. GOVERNMENT? Your winning will go on to be ignored when biden is spied on the same way Trump was done
I think it’s so odd that you are trying to normalize what Russia did in our election. It’s not normal, never has been, but since it directly benefited Trump, you will pretend it is.

Thete is no shadow government within the US government. There was a legitimate counter intelligence investigation into Trump’s buddies who were lying about communicating with Russians. Biden won’t be investigated because he’s not a total idiot like Trump.
What vote did Hillary lose because of your imaginary Russian interference for trump?
If you had a more stronger candidate maybe Russia may have interfered lol
You know the only influence that was made was obama influenced me to vote for President Trump.
Who knows? But we know the Russians interfered and Trump knew that it was beneficial for his campaign.

If Trump’s campaign is going to start acting shady, they should know that it’s going to be looked into. They brought almost all of it on themselves.
Why don't we look into the shady acts of the obama administration before your make believe things Trump did?
The Steele dossier was actually Russian influenced information and who used that to alther our elections?
No one used the Steele dossier to alter our elections. Clinton’s campaign didn’t run with it and the FBI used only some parts of it for an investigation that wasn’t made public until after the election.

The shady acts of the Obama administration are almost entirely figments of your imagination and those that aren’t have been investigated.
Durham is an honorable LDS man who will not led Barr pressure him to a witch hunt.
Durham is honorable for now until he brings more indictments of Biden, Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Comey....ect
He’s not going to indicted any of them at which point y’all will call him a deep state swamp person and ignore years of building him up as the second coming.
one indictment so far that actually deals with crimes committed that were being investigated

Yes. One indictment of someone no one ever heard of before for doing something the IG made us aware of in 2019.

The case against Clinesmith was completely investigated by someone else before it was handed to Durham.
one indictment of a crime that was actually the reason for the investigation who gives a shit if the person was obama Clinton or Jim smith?

Trump and conservative media have been relentlessly harping on a long list of Democrats and FBI officials whom they’re sure have committed a laundry list of crimes including treason and sedition.

I think one count of falsifying documents from someone no one ever heard of is hardly going to satisfy the bloodthirsty Trump supporters.

Moron.......anyone who signed off on the FISA warrants is up for jail time...........they submitted false FISA warrants as the indictment of that lawyer shows........and they kept submitting the same fake information each moron...

Nope. To get a conviction, you have to demonstrate they signed off knowing there was false information in the warrant. That’s not going to happen.
The Dossier was used three times knowing it was a political hitpiece with no truth. More will be going to prison

And when they don't go to prison, what will you say then? Durham was deep state, swamp person, Democratic agent or some such nonsense?

This isn't going anywhere. The only question is what the excuse will be when it doesn't.
You're actually more concerned with Russia doing what every country does to each other than corruption of a shadow government within the U.S. GOVERNMENT? Your winning will go on to be ignored when biden is spied on the same way Trump was done
I think it’s so odd that you are trying to normalize what Russia did in our election. It’s not normal, never has been, but since it directly benefited Trump, you will pretend it is.

Thete is no shadow government within the US government. There was a legitimate counter intelligence investigation into Trump’s buddies who were lying about communicating with Russians. Biden won’t be investigated because he’s not a total idiot like Trump.

When the truth is now out, that obama and his minions used fake Russian supplied stories to get illegal FISA warrants and you still try pushing the fake Russian hoax.....are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
Durham is an honorable LDS man who will not led Barr pressure him to a witch hunt.
Durham is honorable for now until he brings more indictments of Biden, Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Comey....ect
He’s not going to indicted any of them at which point y’all will call him a deep state swamp person and ignore years of building him up as the second coming.
one indictment so far that actually deals with crimes committed that were being investigated

Yes. One indictment of someone no one ever heard of before for doing something the IG made us aware of in 2019.

The case against Clinesmith was completely investigated by someone else before it was handed to Durham.
one indictment of a crime that was actually the reason for the investigation who gives a shit if the person was obama Clinton or Jim smith?

Trump and conservative media have been relentlessly harping on a long list of Democrats and FBI officials whom they’re sure have committed a laundry list of crimes including treason and sedition.

I think one count of falsifying documents from someone no one ever heard of is hardly going to satisfy the bloodthirsty Trump supporters.

Moron.......anyone who signed off on the FISA warrants is up for jail time...........they submitted false FISA warrants as the indictment of that lawyer shows........and they kept submitting the same fake information each moron...

Nope. To get a conviction, you have to demonstrate they signed off knowing there was false information in the warrant. That’s not going to happen.
The Dossier was used three times knowing it was a political hitpiece with no truth. More will be going to prison

And when they don't go to prison, what will you say then? Durham was deep state, swamp person, Democratic agent or some such nonsense?

This isn't going anywhere. The only question is what the excuse will be when it doesn't.
You're actually more concerned with Russia doing what every country does to each other than corruption of a shadow government within the U.S. GOVERNMENT? Your winning will go on to be ignored when biden is spied on the same way Trump was done
I think it’s so odd that you are trying to normalize what Russia did in our election. It’s not normal, never has been, but since it directly benefited Trump, you will pretend it is.

Thete is no shadow government within the US government. There was a legitimate counter intelligence investigation into Trump’s buddies who were lying about communicating with Russians. Biden won’t be investigated because he’s not a total idiot like Trump.

When the truth is now out, that obama and his minions used fake Russian supplied stories to get illegal FISA warrants and you still try pushing the fake Russian hoax.....are you really this stupid, or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post?
They will never stop pushing the completely debunked lie, even as Clinesmith is behind bars and naming his co-conspirators as I type...

It's really all they have. And that is their own fault, for opposing Trump so hard on everything instead of doing what's best for the country. Trying to manufacture any kind of misdeed to make him look bad, regardless of whether there was any truth to the allegation. Time and again, with anonymous sources and unverified claims they have made all manner of baseless accusations, and in so doing have ruined their own reputations and the public's good opinion. Their shift to the far Left has made them unelectable in the minds of many, including former democrats. But I do not feel sorry for them, for all of this was their own doing; they have no one to blame but themselves.
Hilarious you criticize Dems for manufacturing misdeeds without any truth given that Trump was a huge birther.
The Steele dossier was used in a criminal investigation not a political election.
None of Durham's targets will go to jail. Barr will, sooner than later.
NOT a chance. By the way, one target has already pled guilty and is heading for jail time. Try to keep up.

The guy who plead guilty and is going to jail was uncovered by the Inspector General's investigation. The one that said that investigation of the Trump Campaign was a valid investigation, properly carried out and that all of those who made the decisions to investigate would have been negligent in their duty to the country not to investigate the Trump Campaign, as has been born out be the number of charges, prosecutions and guilty findings.

Barr was apopletic about this report, and Trump fired tYouhe IG who produced it but so far Durham has produced rumours, and one high profile resignation from the Justice Department, but it has yet to produce a single charge, and it's not from lack of trying.
^^^ lantern please read
Not interested in your fairy tales and lies Jakey. People are right. You got dumber on your vacation. Too bad the evidence proves you’re full of shit.
You are trolling, so you go where you belong. The OP was a hit piece, easily revealed for the Trumperism it is. Run along.
You are a lying joke who can’t handle the truth. I’m not going anywhere boy. You can run back under your rock now proven liar. Evidence still says you’re full of shit. Investigation not legitimate per testimony and the fact of Clinesmith’s guilty plea. You are defending illegal acts by Dims. No surprise.

It doesn't change the fact that Clinesmith was found by the Inspector General and that Barr and Durham had nothing to do with it. Barr's DOJ filed charges but that 's a bit like Trump sending that low level IT contractor to prison for sending a bullshit classified document to a news reporter when he was angry about White House document leaks.

The hysteria on the part of Trump and his staffers over the Carter Page FISA warrant is utterly beyond me. The FBI had a FISA warrant on this guy BEFORE he worked for the Trump campaign and dropped it when he signed on with Trump.

To me, one of the burning questions of 2016 is why did so many Trump campaign staffers have ties to Russia intelligence, especially the guys who volunteered to work for free? Like Manafort and Page. Manafort was in deep finanicial doggy doo, defrauding banks, and taking loans from Russians with really nasty reputations, and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free.

I really do find it amusing that Guliani's Ukranian source has been unmasked by the CIA as a Russian spy, just like Constantin Killimnik, Manifort's Ukrainian assistant, has been unmasked as a Russian spy. Oh, and the new whistleblower at the DHS was told to provide intel to support Trump's political agenda. Downplay Russian election interference and play up Iran and China.

Notice the new threads here today on Iran and China and election interference.

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