John kasich just became the next president of the United states

I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

Are you enjoying your Republican Party?
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.

Funny how it's always the people on the left so concerned about the future of the GOP. In spite of losing the last two presidential elections because of centrist candidates, their opinion is that we need more of them.

Oh, I'm sure you are just trying to help us out. Nothing would give you more satisfaction than seeing a Republican of any kind win the next presidential election. Thank you so much on behalf of all Republicans for your advice.
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.

Funny how it's always the people on the left so concerned about the future of the GOP. In spite of losing the last two presidential elections because of centrist candidates, their opinion is that we need more of them.

Oh, I'm sure you are just trying to help us out. Nothing would give you more satisfaction than seeing a Republican of any kind win the next presidential election. Thank you so much on behalf of all Republicans for your advice.

Keep this in mind - Newt Gingrich had he had Romneys money heading into SC and FL Primarys he would have been the GOP nominee and won the Presidency. newt Gingrich is a centrist and not a far right conservative at all. He wouldn't have won due to his debate skills also he would have won becuase he is the most qualified candidate in that entire election and Obama would be the kid in his classroom.

Now replace Gingrich with Kasich. Kasich is by fat the most qualified candidate of anybody in the last 100 years. I wasn't joking when I said that. Gingrich doesn't even come close. Kasich worte a litter to the President Nixon and got invited to the white house at age 19. He ran for congress at age 29 and won. He was reelcted the next 18 straight years. He was the house budget chairman of the house in 997 and the cheif architect of the projected 5 trillion surplus when he left congress in 1997. He then ran for Ohio Governor in 2010 after strickland fucked OHIO with a tireiron. He then wiped out a 8 billion deficit and got a 2 trillion surplus in just 1 term and added 1 billion into the rainy day fund. He then ran for r-election in 2014 and won but what was shocking to ANY political mind in the world is that he won with both GOP and LIBERAL support in the 100% liberal districts of cleveland. He obliterated his counterpart who was a strong opponent.

The most important thing out of all of this is that not 1 time in John Kasich's entire political history has John Kasich EVER lost an election. This man knows how to win and trust me he's not nervous at all right now. He playing the long game. Meaning he's the tortus in the rign right now and the polls are meaningless. The moment Trump and Carson get destroyed on policy when their tax policies and immigration policies and foreign policies are fully vetted they will collapse and now that Bush is collapsing and will be put at the kiddie table the only 2 centrist candidates left are Kasich and Rubio HOW IRONIC!!! Ge you think the Ohio and Florida reps will team up and give the GOP Ohio and Florida to seal the deal on the Presidency? Lol..

No the reason why the left is trying to destroy Kasich and Rubio is for this reason. They both as a team will gurantee the GOP the Presidency in 2016, and that means ALL of Obama's and the dems congressional socilist policies and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years will be blown up and forced to restart.

In the General Election with Kasich and Rubio the liberal media will be EVIL with how they try to destroy these two candidates. These candidates have the ability to give the GOP the WH for the next 16 years. Londoner sealybobo Toro
I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

Are you enjoying your Republican Party?

Yes, they actually have the best candidate in the last 100 years running! Lots to be hopeful for.
I hope Kasich is the GOP nominee.

Then again, I hope to win the powerball without buying a ticket!

"The Eisenhower of our time"--It actually fits--plus Ike had problems with the hard right in his party too!!

Yes, that perspective does make this election year more interesting. With the WH historically in the GOP hands, I wnder who they are going to stick in there?
I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

Don't think so. Sounds too rational on too many issues to appeal to R. primary voters. I think that mini speech on the ludicrous nature of Trump's desire to deport 11 million illegals just killed his chances.
I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

Don't think so. Sounds too rational on too many issues to appeal to R. primary voters. I think that mini speech on the ludicrous nature of Trump's desire to deport 11 million illegals just killed his chances.

Or, it could have opened many primary voters eyes to the nature of Trumps campaign--lots of bombast and flash, no workable plan.
I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

Don't think so. Sounds too rational on too many issues to appeal to R. primary voters. I think that mini speech on the ludicrous nature of Trump's desire to deport 11 million illegals just killed his chances.

Or, it could have opened many primary voters eyes to the nature of Trumps campaign--lots of bombast and flash, no workable plan.

If they haven't showed any rationality so far, trust me, they're not about to have an epiphany of logic.
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.

Funny how it's always the people on the left so concerned about the future of the GOP. In spite of losing the last two presidential elections because of centrist candidates, their opinion is that we need more of them.

Oh, I'm sure you are just trying to help us out. Nothing would give you more satisfaction than seeing a Republican of any kind win the next presidential election. Thank you so much on behalf of all Republicans for your advice.

Keep this in mind - Newt Gingrich had he had Romneys money heading into SC and FL Primarys he would have been the GOP nominee and won the Presidency. newt Gingrich is a centrist and not a far right conservative at all. He wouldn't have won due to his debate skills also he would have won becuase he is the most qualified candidate in that entire election and Obama would be the kid in his classroom.

Now replace Gingrich with Kasich. Kasich is by fat the most qualified candidate of anybody in the last 100 years. I wasn't joking when I said that. Gingrich doesn't even come close. Kasich worte a litter to the President Nixon and got invited to the white house at age 19. He ran for congress at age 29 and won. He was reelcted the next 18 straight years. He was the house budget chairman of the house in 997 and the cheif architect of the projected 5 trillion surplus when he left congress in 1997. He then ran for Ohio Governor in 2010 after strickland fucked OHIO with a tireiron. He then wiped out a 8 billion deficit and got a 2 trillion surplus in just 1 term and added 1 billion into the rainy day fund. He then ran for r-election in 2014 and won but what was shocking to ANY political mind in the world is that he won with both GOP and LIBERAL support in the 100% liberal districts of cleveland. He obliterated his counterpart who was a strong opponent.

The most important thing out of all of this is that not 1 time in John Kasich's entire political history has John Kasich EVER lost an election. This man knows how to win and trust me he's not nervous at all right now. He playing the long game. Meaning he's the tortus in the rign right now and the polls are meaningless. The moment Trump and Carson get destroyed on policy when their tax policies and immigration policies and foreign policies are fully vetted they will collapse and now that Bush is collapsing and will be put at the kiddie table the only 2 centrist candidates left are Kasich and Rubio HOW IRONIC!!! Ge you think the Ohio and Florida reps will team up and give the GOP Ohio and Florida to seal the deal on the Presidency? Lol..

No the reason why the left is trying to destroy Kasich and Rubio is for this reason. They both as a team will gurantee the GOP the Presidency in 2016, and that means ALL of Obama's and the dems congressional socilist policies and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years will be blown up and forced to restart.

In the General Election with Kasich and Rubio the liberal media will be EVIL with how they try to destroy these two candidates. These candidates have the ability to give the GOP the WH for the next 16 years. Londoner sealybobo Toro

Yes, we've had so much good luck with moderates running for President, haven't we?

Kasich has done some good things for Ohio, but he's far from a conservative. Running a state is not running a country, and Kasich is the epitome of a professional politician which we on the right are about sick of. That's why Carson and Trump are so popular right now.

Besides a select few on the right, who else supports Kasich? Democrats, that's who. And when Democrats give the pat on the back to somebody, there's a reason for it.
Kasich illustrates what's wrong with this government.

Balancing budgets and creating jobs are what's wrong with our government? Who knew? :dunno:
No, bending over for illegal immigrants is what's wrong with our government, stupid.

This is the problem with extremists. You guys are so damn one dimensional. I'm not a fan of Kasich's softening on immigration. But there's a big picture to look at. Kasich is extremely well qualified. He's the best candidate, and his record proves it. If I disagree with him at one particular point, I'm not going to make it out to be a major catastrophe.

You want to talk about screwing over the American worker? Handing the election to the Democrats so you can have a hissy fit screws over the American worker alot more than electing a President who creates jobs and balances budgest.
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.

Funny how it's always the people on the left so concerned about the future of the GOP. In spite of losing the last two presidential elections because of centrist candidates, their opinion is that we need more of them.

Oh, I'm sure you are just trying to help us out. Nothing would give you more satisfaction than seeing a Republican of any kind win the next presidential election. Thank you so much on behalf of all Republicans for your advice.

Keep this in mind - Newt Gingrich had he had Romneys money heading into SC and FL Primarys he would have been the GOP nominee and won the Presidency. newt Gingrich is a centrist and not a far right conservative at all. He wouldn't have won due to his debate skills also he would have won becuase he is the most qualified candidate in that entire election and Obama would be the kid in his classroom.

Now replace Gingrich with Kasich. Kasich is by fat the most qualified candidate of anybody in the last 100 years. I wasn't joking when I said that. Gingrich doesn't even come close. Kasich worte a litter to the President Nixon and got invited to the white house at age 19. He ran for congress at age 29 and won. He was reelcted the next 18 straight years. He was the house budget chairman of the house in 997 and the cheif architect of the projected 5 trillion surplus when he left congress in 1997. He then ran for Ohio Governor in 2010 after strickland fucked OHIO with a tireiron. He then wiped out a 8 billion deficit and got a 2 trillion surplus in just 1 term and added 1 billion into the rainy day fund. He then ran for r-election in 2014 and won but what was shocking to ANY political mind in the world is that he won with both GOP and LIBERAL support in the 100% liberal districts of cleveland. He obliterated his counterpart who was a strong opponent.

The most important thing out of all of this is that not 1 time in John Kasich's entire political history has John Kasich EVER lost an election. This man knows how to win and trust me he's not nervous at all right now. He playing the long game. Meaning he's the tortus in the rign right now and the polls are meaningless. The moment Trump and Carson get destroyed on policy when their tax policies and immigration policies and foreign policies are fully vetted they will collapse and now that Bush is collapsing and will be put at the kiddie table the only 2 centrist candidates left are Kasich and Rubio HOW IRONIC!!! Ge you think the Ohio and Florida reps will team up and give the GOP Ohio and Florida to seal the deal on the Presidency? Lol..

No the reason why the left is trying to destroy Kasich and Rubio is for this reason. They both as a team will gurantee the GOP the Presidency in 2016, and that means ALL of Obama's and the dems congressional socilist policies and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years will be blown up and forced to restart.

In the General Election with Kasich and Rubio the liberal media will be EVIL with how they try to destroy these two candidates. These candidates have the ability to give the GOP the WH for the next 16 years. Londoner sealybobo Toro

If Newt Gingrich, had he had Romneys money, he would have blown it all on hookers in Atlantic City with Chris Christy.

Other than that, your unicorn theory is holding up.

Kasich illustrates what's wrong with this government.

Balancing budgets and creating jobs are what's wrong with our government? Who knew? :dunno:
No, bending over for illegal immigrants is what's wrong with our government, stupid.

This is the problem with extremists. You guys are so damn one dimensional. I'm not a fan of Kasich's softening on immigration. But there's a big picture to look at. Kasich is extremely well qualified. He's the best candidate, and his record proves it. If I disagree with him at one particular point, I'm not going to make it out to be a major catastrophe.

You want to talk about screwing over the American worker? Handing the election to the Democrats so you can have a hissy fit screws over the American worker alot more than electing a President who creates jobs and balances budgest.
Are you really that stupid? Seriously, you think it's extreme and one dimensional to see illegal immigration as the biggest threat to our country? You mentioned "screwing over the American worker" and creating jobs but obviously ignore the fact that 13 million illegals working under the table for low wages, taking jobs from Americans IS "screwing over American workers". And if you can't see that not securing the border is a great way to let terrorists into the country, you need to take off your blinders. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? Sheesh.
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.

Funny how it's always the people on the left so concerned about the future of the GOP. In spite of losing the last two presidential elections because of centrist candidates, their opinion is that we need more of them.

Oh, I'm sure you are just trying to help us out. Nothing would give you more satisfaction than seeing a Republican of any kind win the next presidential election. Thank you so much on behalf of all Republicans for your advice.

Keep this in mind - Newt Gingrich had he had Romneys money heading into SC and FL Primarys he would have been the GOP nominee and won the Presidency. newt Gingrich is a centrist and not a far right conservative at all. He wouldn't have won due to his debate skills also he would have won becuase he is the most qualified candidate in that entire election and Obama would be the kid in his classroom.

Now replace Gingrich with Kasich. Kasich is by fat the most qualified candidate of anybody in the last 100 years. I wasn't joking when I said that. Gingrich doesn't even come close. Kasich worte a litter to the President Nixon and got invited to the white house at age 19. He ran for congress at age 29 and won. He was reelcted the next 18 straight years. He was the house budget chairman of the house in 997 and the cheif architect of the projected 5 trillion surplus when he left congress in 1997. He then ran for Ohio Governor in 2010 after strickland fucked OHIO with a tireiron. He then wiped out a 8 billion deficit and got a 2 trillion surplus in just 1 term and added 1 billion into the rainy day fund. He then ran for r-election in 2014 and won but what was shocking to ANY political mind in the world is that he won with both GOP and LIBERAL support in the 100% liberal districts of cleveland. He obliterated his counterpart who was a strong opponent.

The most important thing out of all of this is that not 1 time in John Kasich's entire political history has John Kasich EVER lost an election. This man knows how to win and trust me he's not nervous at all right now. He playing the long game. Meaning he's the tortus in the rign right now and the polls are meaningless. The moment Trump and Carson get destroyed on policy when their tax policies and immigration policies and foreign policies are fully vetted they will collapse and now that Bush is collapsing and will be put at the kiddie table the only 2 centrist candidates left are Kasich and Rubio HOW IRONIC!!! Ge you think the Ohio and Florida reps will team up and give the GOP Ohio and Florida to seal the deal on the Presidency? Lol..

No the reason why the left is trying to destroy Kasich and Rubio is for this reason. They both as a team will gurantee the GOP the Presidency in 2016, and that means ALL of Obama's and the dems congressional socilist policies and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years will be blown up and forced to restart.

In the General Election with Kasich and Rubio the liberal media will be EVIL with how they try to destroy these two candidates. These candidates have the ability to give the GOP the WH for the next 16 years. Londoner sealybobo Toro

If Newt Gingrich, had he had Romneys money, he would have blown it all on hookers in Atlantic City with Chris Christy.

Other than that, your unicorn theory is holding up.

I would have blown it all on hookers too because I live in reality.

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