John kasich just became the next president of the United states

Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
Quit whining and just accept there hasn't been a more qualified candidate in over 100 years.
Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
Kasich illustrates what's wrong with this government.
JR, the wingnuts won't go anywhere near Kasich. He makes too much sense.

The Party Powers That Be want Bush #3.

Everyone else wants Rubio or Paul.

The Democrats and Centrists are looking elsewhere.
The fact that he makes too much sense is exactly why hell be the gop nominee. Rubio will be his vp and that means ohio and Florida are red and that's the presidency.

hey lib/rino- Jonny boy sucks and is a very angry whiney inmature man. The only candidate that didn't talk about his weakness- only attacked the other gop candidates.
I told you all 8 months ago he'd win and he just did. That brilliant debate performance just sealed the deal. Bill O'Reilly was a fool by dismissing him tonight saying he won't win.

Lol.. this election is going to be hilarious.

I'll bet you anything, he won't be.
Kasich is a Pittsburgher and as such he is my favorite candidate, regardless. However, his political problem right now is that he is running a "general election" campaign in the primary.

Other candidates live by opinion polls (e.g., Rubio/Bush suddenly tacking right on immigration for the primary season). Indeed, nearly all politicians run from their less popular positions when its convenient - including, of course, the Clintons.

Not Kasich. He was the only guy on the fucking stage who told us what he was going to do. The rest of them spewed phony campaign gibberish promising things they cannot deliver. Kasich is not afraid to tell people hard truths.

Kasich was responsible for Clinton's balanced budgets in the late 90s. He's actually done the stuff that Conservatives most want - cut spending. He doesn't just talk tough like the others. Study the stuff he did on the budget committee in the late 90s. Seriously. He did more to cut Washington's spending than any person on that stage. Give him a second like.
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Kasich is a Pittsburgher and as such he is my favorite candidate, regardless. However, his political problem right now is that he is running a "general election" campaign in the primary. Specifically, he has shifted to the Left at the worst possible time.

While the Dems in the TV audience may be pleasantly surprised at his "compassion," the core of the Republican party is not looking for a President with compassion, but rather one who is at least willing to pay lip service to the U.S. Constitution, and the duly-enacted laws of Congress concerning IMMIGRATION.

Strike two, on Governor John.

Parenthetically, he tells us that Trump's stated intention of "deporting" the XX Million illegals is contrary to "American values." I would very much like to know what values he is referring to.

When someone breaks the law (i.e., jumps the border) it is not cruel to place that person (and his Loved Ones) in the same position they would have been if had he not broken our laws. By definition, that means, placing him back on the other side of the "fence."

Under the Kasich view of "American values" if a bank-robber supports his family with the proceeds of his thefts, we should let him keep the money if taking it away would create a hardship for his family.

Fucking bizarre, if you ask me. Sending someone back where they came from is not "punishment." Punishment would be sending him to prison - as the law provides - and then after he finishes his sentence, deporting him. Nobody is suggesting that.
How about go after illegal employers who are paying them? No ones talking about them. They are the reason they come.

You catch a drug dealer you make them roll on their dealer. You don't you go to prison. If you roll you just get deported. If you don't you go to prison. All they have to do is go to work the next day and the cops show up 5 minutes later. You would see employers wouldn't risk hiring illegals if we did this.

I have a friend he's here illegally. He plays the violin. My former boss owns a music school and wouldn't hire him $10 hr under the table. He wouldn't risk his business.
Kasich is a Pittsburgher and as such he is my favorite candidate, regardless. However, his political problem right now is that he is running a "general election" campaign in the primary.

Other candidates live by opinion polls (e.g., Rubio/Bush suddenly tacking right on immigration for the primary season). Indeed, nearly all politicians run from their less popular positions when its convenient - including, of course, the Clintons.

Not Kasich. He was the only guy on the fucking stage who told us what he was going to do. The rest of them spewed phony campaign gibberish promising things they cannot deliver. Kasich is not afraid to tell people hard truths.

Kasich was responsible for Clinton's balanced budgets in the late 90s. He's actually done the stuff that Conservatives most want - cut spending. He doesn't just talk tough like the others. I'd vote for him over Hillary. Homie did more to cut Washington's spending than Reagan. Give him a second like.
So now centrists are the radical ones?
So now centrists are the radical ones?


Prior to Reagan: Centrism = Center. Post-Reagan: Centrism = socialism (radical).

Prior to the Reagan moment in history, the Republican party had a fairly long stretch of centrism (even Reagan had a moderate side. He made deals with Tip).

Eisenhower was one of the best presidents in US History. He used big government to build infrastructure which had an immense multiplier effect. He was proud of Social Security. He didn't try to dismantle the New Deal or the rising wages of the middle class.

Kasich is an Eisenhower Republican - and he marched into Washington and balanced the budget under Clinton's nose. Nobody else on that stage has done something like that. Not even close. Problem is: Kasich won't play ball with the far right. He won't give them fake "straight talk" like Trump. He is honest and he has a track record of getting Liberals to bend over and spend less. But because he won't fabricate himself into a far right bumper sticker, he is treated as a radical liberal socialist.

He was the only real Republican on that stage. He is the only person on that stage who balanced Washington's budget. Nobody else comes close. I cannot believe you guys are going to fuck up another election when you actually have a good candidate that could destroy Hillary.
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Kasich is a quitter. He threw in the towel on illegal immigration before he even entered the ring. We don't need people like that leading our country.
Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
Quit whining and just accept there hasn't been a more qualified candidate in over 100 years.

Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
WTF? You lost me.Where does this come from?
I love how the lefies on this forum are pushing Kasich and saying how afraid they are of him. Funny stuff. Reminds me of how they promoted McCain and told us how great he was. Isn't it funny how they always push the one who has the least chance of winning? :lol:
it is absolutely ridiculous

Kasich is a complete loser. Sorry, but he's a damn joke. He can't rush to the left fast enough, he threw in the towel on immigration (along with Bush and Rubio) and he hasn't added a damn thing as far as new ideas. He's a friggin' rino, the ones that are responsible for Obamacare and all the other leftist bullshit that's been passed through the Republican controlled Congress. He has no balls, no vision, and no plan for reversing the communist takeover of America. Fuck that guy.
As I am a Liberal and would not vote for any republican, I can say that John Kasich is the most qualified candidate on the slate. He served in Congress and passed a budget WITH A SURPLUS and with bi-partisan support. He has been a popular and effective governor of a major electoral state. I'm not crazy about what he did to my pension plan as I am not the bad guy ruining state finances. He has a cool, statesmanlike demeanor. He lacks the bombast offered up by other less qualified candidates (maybe that's why so many on the rabid Right oppose him. They want style over substance, ideology over governance.

So what you are saying is he's the most liberal Republican candidate you would never vote for, got it. /eyeroll
I didn't say Kasich is Liberal. He and his goons ScottWalkered my pension fund. He granted fracking permits as if they were fishing licenses. He showed labor the back of his hand.

What I did say was Kasich is far more qualified and experienced and statesmanlike than any of the current front runners.

Now, reflect upon the other president who lacked experience and tell us how those presidencies worked out. Is this the paradigm you want for the next four years?

Kasich is a traitor who sides with illegals from foreign countries who sneak across our border, break our laws, kill, rob, rape our citizens, and flood our country with Meth and other drugs. His illegal allies have no respect for our laws, our citizens, or our country. Hence he has no business anywhere near the oval office.
Don't sugar coat it. Just say you hate spics and we6tbacks and believe each and every one of them is involved in criminal activities and not at all interested in making a better life for their families in America. At least then we could understand your p[position as a reality and you as a massive bigot without any credibility.

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