John kasich just became the next president of the United states

Besides Ronald Reagen

What other "far right" president have won? The Bushes were not far right. Yeah, GWB gave you a tax cut, but what "right wing" ideology did he endorse.

No, the Iraq War was neoconservative which defies the left/right paradigm.
Reagan would be a democrat today.
Im all for a centrist or moderate Republican who doesn't have an extremists agenda.

I wouldn't be pissed or worried if kasich were president.

I'm not voting GOP until one wins and they win me over. Bush blew it. I was open back then. Especially after 9 11. He blew my trust and support.

Here is who I would not absolutely hate.

Jeb, rubio, kasich, Christy and paul trump.

Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.
Trump's not "extreme right", dumbass. I told you to put that bond down.
But he won't be the nominee so who cares?
Keep this in mind - Newt Gingrich had he had Romneys money heading into SC and FL Primarys he would have been the GOP nominee and won the Presidency. newt Gingrich is a centrist and not a far right conservative at all. He wouldn't have won due to his debate skills also he would have won becuase he is the most qualified candidate in that entire election and Obama would be the kid in his classroom.

Now replace Gingrich with Kasich. Kasich is by fat the most qualified candidate of anybody in the last 100 years. I wasn't joking when I said that. Gingrich doesn't even come close. Kasich worte a litter to the President Nixon and got invited to the white house at age 19. He ran for congress at age 29 and won. He was reelcted the next 18 straight years. He was the house budget chairman of the house in 997 and the cheif architect of the projected 5 trillion surplus when he left congress in 1997. He then ran for Ohio Governor in 2010 after strickland fucked OHIO with a tireiron. He then wiped out a 8 billion deficit and got a 2 trillion surplus in just 1 term and added 1 billion into the rainy day fund. He then ran for r-election in 2014 and won but what was shocking to ANY political mind in the world is that he won with both GOP and LIBERAL support in the 100% liberal districts of cleveland. He obliterated his counterpart who was a strong opponent.

The most important thing out of all of this is that not 1 time in John Kasich's entire political history has John Kasich EVER lost an election. This man knows how to win and trust me he's not nervous at all right now. He playing the long game. Meaning he's the tortus in the rign right now and the polls are meaningless. The moment Trump and Carson get destroyed on policy when their tax policies and immigration policies and foreign policies are fully vetted they will collapse and now that Bush is collapsing and will be put at the kiddie table the only 2 centrist candidates left are Kasich and Rubio HOW IRONIC!!! Ge you think the Ohio and Florida reps will team up and give the GOP Ohio and Florida to seal the deal on the Presidency? Lol..

No the reason why the left is trying to destroy Kasich and Rubio is for this reason. They both as a team will gurantee the GOP the Presidency in 2016, and that means ALL of Obama's and the dems congressional socilist policies and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years will be blown up and forced to restart.

In the General Election with Kasich and Rubio the liberal media will be EVIL with how they try to destroy these two candidates. These candidates have the ability to give the GOP the WH for the next 16 years. Londoner sealybobo Toro
Im all for a centrist or moderate Republican who doesn't have an extremists agenda.

I wouldn't be pissed or worried if kasich were president.

I'm not voting GOP until one wins and they win me over. Bush blew it. I was open back then. Especially after 9 11. He blew my trust and support.

Here is who I would not absolutely hate.

Jeb, rubio, kasich, Christy and paul trump.

Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.

The turnout also reflects the disinterest in the Democrat constituency. Plus we're not talking enough to eek by, we're talking historical wins for the Republicans.

DumBama was well liked by people. He was not Bush, he spoke well, had a nice looking family, he dressed nice. That was it. But what the elections show is that people liked him--not his policies.

The Democrats don't have a well speaking black guy to run this time, they have Hillary; a woman not well liked on a personal level, a woman that has baggage up the ass, a woman that's been involved in very suspicious activities and still being investigated by the FBI. The woman has conversations with dead people for crying out loud.

I'm actually hoping she stays out of legal trouble and out of jail. We on the Republican side need her to run against any one of our candidates.
Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.
Trump's not "extreme right", dumbass. I told you to put that bond down.
But he won't be the nominee so who cares?
I hope you're still around after he gets the nomination.
Im all for a centrist or moderate Republican who doesn't have an extremists agenda.

I wouldn't be pissed or worried if kasich were president.

I'm not voting GOP until one wins and they win me over. Bush blew it. I was open back then. Especially after 9 11. He blew my trust and support.

Here is who I would not absolutely hate.

Jeb, rubio, kasich, Christy and paul trump.

Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.
Trump's not "extreme right", dumbass. I told you to put that bond down.
Neither is my neighbor. So what? Neither him or trump will be the nominee
Im all for a centrist or moderate Republican who doesn't have an extremists agenda.

I wouldn't be pissed or worried if kasich were president.

I'm not voting GOP until one wins and they win me over. Bush blew it. I was open back then. Especially after 9 11. He blew my trust and support.

Here is who I would not absolutely hate.

Jeb, rubio, kasich, Christy and paul trump.

Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.

The turnout also reflects the disinterest in the Democrat constituency. Plus we're not talking enough to eek by, we're talking historical wins for the Republicans.

DumBama was well liked by people. He was not Bush, he spoke well, had a nice looking family, he dressed nice. That was it. But what the elections show is that people liked him--not his policies.

The Democrats don't have a well speaking black guy to run this time, they have Hillary; a woman not well liked on a personal level, a woman that has baggage up the ass, a woman that's been involved in very suspicious activities and still being investigated by the FBI. The woman has conversations with dead people for crying out loud.

I'm actually hoping she stays out of legal trouble and out of jail. We on the Republican side need her to run against any one of our candidates.
Because of gerrymandering or because people love the GOP?

Had there been historic turnout maybe but there wasn't.

Im not arguing with stupid.
Well you may be for a centrist but the rest of the country isn't. A centrist will guarantee Hillary a win just as it guaranteed DumBama wins against Romney and McCain.

"Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time."
Then you need to realize why you are losing so many independents, undecideds, and Democrats who use tho vote GOP.

The last election and mid-terms told me how America is thinking these days. I'm not too worried about it. As for Obama, he was a likable guy and was black to boot. The Democrats don't have that going for them this time around.
You'll never win with an extreme right.

I'm not going to explain why midterms aren't a mandate. Just look at the turnout.

The turnout also reflects the disinterest in the Democrat constituency. Plus we're not talking enough to eek by, we're talking historical wins for the Republicans.

DumBama was well liked by people. He was not Bush, he spoke well, had a nice looking family, he dressed nice. That was it. But what the elections show is that people liked him--not his policies.

The Democrats don't have a well speaking black guy to run this time, they have Hillary; a woman not well liked on a personal level, a woman that has baggage up the ass, a woman that's been involved in very suspicious activities and still being investigated by the FBI. The woman has conversations with dead people for crying out loud.

I'm actually hoping she stays out of legal trouble and out of jail. We on the Republican side need her to run against any one of our candidates.
Because of gerrymandering or because people love the GOP?

One, there was no gerrymandering and two, it's because they wanted the Obama policies stopped.

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