John Kasich Kills The Old People Vote Single Handedly

Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.
Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.
Kasich pissed off the young vote today as well with his comment to an 18 year old, that he didn't have any concert tickets. The winner needs the old and the young vote in 2016.
Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.
Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.
Kasich plan may involve a strategy to balance the budget or produce a surplus. If that is the case, the older population may very well welcome a small cut for the good of the nation.(Of course, I hope Kasich look at waste within the program before he tries to make cuts to benefits. In some cases, such cuts may not be necessary due to years of administrative abuse!)

Kasich may not have lost the retired, but secured them with his honesty.
Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.

I think I was pretty accurate in my last post. I think Repubs have been gunning for Social Security for some time now and John Kasich as their newly installed president (insert laugh here) would lead that fight.
Typical left wing propaganda, you are aware that the plan discussed in the OP is that of Kasich and not the party?

The OP is engaging in typical leftist broad brush lies, this thread is a massive FAIL!

Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.

I think I was pretty accurate in my last post. I think Repubs have been gunning for Social Security for some time now and John Kasich as their newly installed president (insert laugh here) would lead that fight.

Kasich has just a tad larger chance at becoming president as Graham, I'd say about 1%.
Tell me if I'm wrong. The OP says "Kasich kills the old people vote single handedly" so what part of that did you miss? There are no leftist broad brush lies, just right wing specious shit trying to get the subject changed.

And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

What a talented wrecking crew the (1)Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? (2)Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? (3)Republicans don't deserve to lead, (4)they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.

I think I was pretty accurate in my last post. I think Repubs have been gunning for Social Security for some time now and John Kasich as their newly installed president (insert laugh here) would lead that fight.

Kasich has just a tad larger chance at becoming president as Graham, I'd say about 1%.

That is truly sad, imo.

Kasich fiscal conservatism is something this country desperately needs.
What a talented wrecking crew the Republican part brings to voters. John Kasich basically told old people tough luck when discussing Social Security today. Doesn't anyone school these people? Don't they realize when you slap people that they're going to notice? Republicans don't deserve to lead, they deserve to be kicked into obscurity.

Washington (CNN)—"Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Friday that a New Hampshire audience member would "get over" cuts to Social Security payments as a result of his reform plan -- and the left is already pouncing on the comment.


He asked audience members to raise their hands if they were far from receiving Social Security, asked them if they knew yet what their initial benefit would be and then asked them if they would be bothered if it were a little lower for the good of the country."

One person said it would be a problem.

"Well, you'd get over it, and you're going to have to get over it," Kasich joked.

John Kasich tells audience member they'd 'get over' his Social Security plan -
Kasich's plan has NO EFFECT on old people. He is talking about reform that would affect people under 50.

And he is absolutely correct that entitlements are in desperate need of reform.

I would prefer we raise the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare to 70, and index the participation rate to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I've heard that argument before but just how do we do that with so many people who have back breaking jobs who can't work to 70, or have old age related pending disabilities? like arthritis or vision problems?
I'm sure the same argument was made in 1935 when our ancestors' average life expectancy was 60. "How can we do that with so many people with back breaking jobs who can't work at 65?"

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We are HEALTHIER than they were.

We can work a few years longer than they did.

I would love to know what kind of work you do.

You're going to tell the guy that climbs ladders two or more stories with a shoulder of roof shingles he has to do that until 70 years old? How about a laborer for a bricklayer? You know, mixing cement, carrying clamps of bricks to the job site, carrying 8" blocks that he has to do that until 70? Hell, I'll even use my own profession. When I'm driving my loaded tractor-trailer that weighs 70,000 lbs on the highway in the winter, and I have to make a split-second stop, do you want to be the guy in the car in front of me when I'm 70 years old?

Yes, people live longer, but that doesn't mean we are in any better physical shape than those in 1935. We haven't found the cure for an aging body yet. And yes, we do have a lot of people (particularly in those fields mentioned) that can't make it to 65 years old. My father--a retired bricklayer had to retire at the age of 62, and he barely made it that far. After several back operations, he just couldn't work any longer, and that goes for a lot of his former coworkers.

The people that use this extended retirement idea are those that never got their hands dirty in their lives. They have white collar jobs that just about anybody can do until a desired age.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

Kasich is only telling the truth when you look at the disaster that is Social Security. It was a bad idea from the beginning because somebody is going to have to lose. Either that, or we increase the SS taxes and keep it like it is. But for most of us, SS is the second highest tax out of your paycheck when you consider that your employer has to match your contribution. FICA? Just another fancy term for Social Security.

The first thing that needs to be done is put a stop to politicians borrowing from the fund. They take the money and put in an IOU for future presidents to deal with down the road.
And how many times did you mention the republicans and not just Kasich in the OP? Let's count shall we?

So many plural pronouns to describe a single individual, hummmmmmm!

BTW you misspelled "party" in the first sentence.

Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.

I think I was pretty accurate in my last post. I think Repubs have been gunning for Social Security for some time now and John Kasich as their newly installed president (insert laugh here) would lead that fight.

Kasich has just a tad larger chance at becoming president as Graham, I'd say about 1%.

That is truly sad, imo.

Kasich fiscal conservatism is something this country desperately needs.

He's become more liberal since he left congress, he strapped his State with massive medicade bills in the out years for a little boost to his political career now. That doesn't sound too conservative to me.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

You must live in a fantasy world. The "old vote" is solidly Republican because as people get older they tend to become more conservative. That's not going to change because of what one "candidate" who's polling at 4% says at a meaningless campaign stop.
Well, there goes any chance in hell of the republicans winning the white house in 2016. Old people are going to be pissed at nearly any one running on the republican side in Ohio.

Can't win the general without Ohio.

They could get florida, Virgina, Co, Nh but not ohio = lose.

I bet we see a lot of back tracking first and if not, yes, I agree 100% they flushed their chances right down the toilet.

Voters are not going to dismiss an entire party simply by what one candidate suggested. That's a dream on your part.
Unfortunately we have a very broad history to draw upon when looking for Social Security evildoers in this country and sadly for you they all belong to the same party by coincidence. You also added one of those "Republicans" yourself without any assistance from me, but don't worry I won't hold it against you.

So you admit painting with a broad brush? Also, nowhere did I add "Republicans" to your BS, more dishonesty.

I think I was pretty accurate in my last post. I think Repubs have been gunning for Social Security for some time now and John Kasich as their newly installed president (insert laugh here) would lead that fight.

Kasich has just a tad larger chance at becoming president as Graham, I'd say about 1%.

That is truly sad, imo.

Kasich fiscal conservatism is something this country desperately needs.

He's become more liberal since he left congress, he strapped his State with massive medicade bills in the out years for a little boost to his political career now. That doesn't sound too conservative to me.

No, he isn't a real conservative, but he has done wonders with our state in regards to jobs, budget and now a surplus.

I don't think this comment will hurt him, however, he did make a comment about Medicaid and how his belief in God inspired him to help more people with our tax dollars. I think he's a little confused as to what Jesus meant when he said help the poor--he didn't mean with other peoples money. Forced charity is not charity at all.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

Kasich is only telling the truth when you look at the disaster that is Social Security. It was a bad idea from the beginning because somebody is going to have to lose. Either that, or we increase the SS taxes and keep it like it is. But for most of us, SS is the second highest tax out of your paycheck when you consider that your employer has to match your contribution. FICA? Just another fancy term for Social Security.

The first thing that needs to be done is put a stop to politicians borrowing from the fund. They take the money and put in an IOU for future presidents to deal with down the road.

Social Security is cheap when you consider that something like 62% of the people who draw it are completely dependent upon it. The system also only needs fine tuning much like what Reagan did and until someone comes up with a proven workable model to replace it, it's all we have taking care of millions of seniors. Yes to the last part, it should have a Gore lock box which after all these years isn't so funny anymore.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

Kasich is only telling the truth when you look at the disaster that is Social Security. It was a bad idea from the beginning because somebody is going to have to lose. Either that, or we increase the SS taxes and keep it like it is. But for most of us, SS is the second highest tax out of your paycheck when you consider that your employer has to match your contribution. FICA? Just another fancy term for Social Security.

The first thing that needs to be done is put a stop to politicians borrowing from the fund. They take the money and put in an IOU for future presidents to deal with down the road.

Social Security is cheap when you consider that something like 62% of the people who draw it are completely dependent upon it. The system also only needs fine tuning much like what Reagan did and until someone comes up with a proven workable model to replace it, it's all we have taking care of millions of seniors. Yes to the last part, it should have a Gore lock box which after all these years isn't so funny anymore.

I might also suggest that for working married couples, the spouse of the deceased should not get SS transferred to his or her name. If you work for a living, you already have your own SS account. With the exception of those who supported their wives (or husbands these days) once a person dies, the payments should stop just as if the person was single.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

You must live in a fantasy world. The "old vote" is solidly Republican because as people get older they tend to become more conservative. That's not going to change because of what one "candidate" who's polling at 4% says at a meaningless campaign stop.

You're right of course, but old people get fearful easily so its not something you want your candidates throwing out on a stage. It is a fact that just ten years ago George Bush thought he was going to change Social Security and had his ass handed to him and good for everyone who draws it that didn't happen in the middle of the financial meltdown.
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

You must live in a fantasy world. The "old vote" is solidly Republican because as people get older they tend to become more conservative. That's not going to change because of what one "candidate" who's polling at 4% says at a meaningless campaign stop.

You're right of course, but old people get fearful easily so its not something you want your candidates throwing out on a stage. It is a fact that just ten years ago George Bush thought he was going to change Social Security and had his ass handed to him and good for everyone who draws it that didn't happen in the middle of the financial meltdown.

What? We're talking like 1% to 3%? That's not going to bankrupt anybody. And think, because of the giant rebound by the stock market, would those retirees not be in better shape today if they invested some of that SS money?
The brain trust of nuhuh and mathew have spoken!! It's over!

Why bother to even hold an election.......?

I don't mean to appear snide but the Republican party was clearly told all this in 2012. They said you had to develop a percentage of a minority vote to guarantee a win and they went right out and pissed everyone off. Kasich opened his mouth today and what for? you need old people to be a reliable Republican voter. Honest to John this is the kind of conversation you have after you've been elected.

Kasich is only telling the truth when you look at the disaster that is Social Security. It was a bad idea from the beginning because somebody is going to have to lose. Either that, or we increase the SS taxes and keep it like it is. But for most of us, SS is the second highest tax out of your paycheck when you consider that your employer has to match your contribution. FICA? Just another fancy term for Social Security.

The first thing that needs to be done is put a stop to politicians borrowing from the fund. They take the money and put in an IOU for future presidents to deal with down the road.

Social Security is cheap when you consider that something like 62% of the people who draw it are completely dependent upon it. The system also only needs fine tuning much like what Reagan did and until someone comes up with a proven workable model to replace it, it's all we have taking care of millions of seniors. Yes to the last part, it should have a Gore lock box which after all these years isn't so funny anymore.

The percentage that rely upon SS benefits for 90% of their income is 35%. 64% rely upon it for at least half or their income.

I agree that we need to change the program to save it. We can remove the cap on income and the program is solid for another 30 years or more. Add in a phased in gradual increase of retirement age and it can easily be stabilized for a lot longer.

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