John Kelly is boasting that he "stopped" Trump from doing things...

Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.
Makes more sense than building a wall.

I wonder why all these politicians telling you walls don’t work , all have walls around their house, if they don’t work why do they have them.
You seam to be a loyal liberal could you explain why they have walls, aren’t they immoral, racist, and a waste of time and money.

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Or guards with AK-47s because the city won't let him put up a wall on the sidewalk.
Trump's got the Secret Service, so what is he so afraid of??????

--------------------------------------- I don't think that TRUMP is afraid for himself . I've said before , will say it again. Trump has kids and Grandkids and has affection for AMERICANS and he wants to MAGA for the people that I just mentioned.
--------------------------------- doesn't matter what those back water nations that you mention surrounded by oceans do do . But many eastern 'euro' countries use the military and barriers to keep invading muslim out Bode .
Are you Blackrook? His sock? I'm asking him...he stated "every other nation" he needs to prove are not his white will not get laid.

Tho, I DID notice you have an admiration for Warsaw Pact nations.
------------------------------------------- they seems to be smarter than dissolving Western 'euro' nations' Bode . DO admire the Warsaw Pact and how they walled their people in.
------------------------------ their people and leaders do not want the 'muslim' invasion and their military and border barriers hinder or stop the 'muslims' from invading and I admire that . Israel and Saudi Arabia all have WALLS and Military on their Border and their Border Security works fine Bode .
Yes....I can see you admire the Warsaw pact....I can see you admire Saudi Arabia too.
as they exclude problems with their defensive and offensive actions . I also point out Israel as an excellent WALL Builder with lots of military on their border Bode .
Private Bone Spurs knows about as much about foreign affairs, NATO, the military, etc. as he knows about molecular biology. If Trump wasen't so pathetic he'd be laughable. Trump is the biggest pile of shit to ever hit Washington.
It is not just what he doesn’t know but that he refuses to listen to those that do.

Instead, he relies on his gut instincts and whatever Fox pundits are ranting
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do

I agree completely...except, it was not just Kelly. Mattis, Kelly, virtually the entire Pentagon does NOT want American troops pulled out of any of these places. They are almost all neocons.

Hey we agree on something.

Happy New Year.
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.
Makes more sense than building a wall.

I wonder why all these politicians telling you walls don’t work , all have walls around their house, if they don’t work why do they have them.
You seam to be a loyal liberal could you explain why they have walls, aren’t they immoral, racist, and a waste of time and money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or guards with AK-47s because the city won't let him put up a wall on the sidewalk.
Trump's got the Secret Service, so what is he so afraid of??????

--------------------------------------- I don't think that TRUMP is afraid for himself . I've said before , will say it again. Trump has kids and Grandkids and has affection for AMERICANS and he wants to MAGA for the people that I just mentioned.
Private Bone Spurs knows about as much about foreign affairs, NATO, the military, etc. as he knows about molecular biology. If Trump wasen't so pathetic he'd be laughable. Trump is the biggest pile of shit to ever hit Washington.
It is not just what he doesn’t know but that he refuses to listen to those that do.

Instead, he relies on his gut instincts and whatever Fox pundits are ranting
----------------------------- halfway correct as I think that TRUMP listens to those closest to him plus his gut and he remembers that he represents Eben Michigan and Americans rather than 'paris france ' . And mostly TRUMP follows his gut . But here we have a supposedly honorable 'general' messing with the TRUMPs Agenda and then bragging about It so why is his destructive advice better than TRUMP's gut RWinger ??
John Kelly is boasting that he "stopped" Trump from doing things...

Not enough.
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Ostensibly we were supposed to be exceptional, now we strive for commonly mediocre.
You seem to think Korea would launch a conventional war with troops on the ground somewhere. That's just nuts. They have a few nuclear weapons, and they might launch them at anytime.
We don't need troops in South Korea to deter a nuclear attack.

Who's worried about a nuclear attack from North Korea?

We sold North Korea nuclear reactors a mere two years before we placed them on an “axis of evil” list. It was an utterly bipartisan affair, initiated under the Clinton administration and wrapped up under the Bush administration. Turns out we sold them these reactors from a company that Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding ($95M) to assist North Korea in wrapping up the deal, so we all helped pay for them.

The Guardian (UK), "The two faces of Rumsfeld", front page, 9 May 2003.
[ The two faces of Rumsfeld ]

US grants N Korea nuclear funds
BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | US grants N Korea nuclear funds

How Cheney and His Allies Created the North Korea Nuclear Missile Crisis
“It was not the US, but North Korea that proposed an agreement in 1998 that would end its development of new missiles as part of a broader peace agreement with Washington.”
How Cheney and His Allies Created the North Korea Nuclear Missile Crisis

Now of course, we must ramp up more war across the globe for the industrial ruling class.

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea
Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea |
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Ostensibly we were supposed to be exceptional, now we strive for commonly mediocre.
Exceptional defined as? I bet my definition differs from yours

Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.
Makes more sense than building a wall.

I wonder why all these politicians telling you walls don’t work , all have walls around their house, if they don’t work why do they have them.
You seam to be a loyal liberal could you explain why they have walls, aren’t they immoral, racist, and a waste of time and money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or guards with AK-47s because the city won't let him put up a wall on the sidewalk.
Trump's got the Secret Service, so what is he so afraid of??????

--------------------------------------- I don't think that TRUMP is afraid for himself . I've said before , will say it again. Trump has kids and Grandkids and has affection for AMERICANS and he wants to MAGA for the people that I just mentioned.

Guess what , geni-ass? Ivanka, Jared, Eric Jr. and Donnie have Secret Service agents, too, ya' dumbshit.

And they abuse the shit out of it.

Watchdog: Secret Service for Eric, Donald Trump Jr. trips cost $230,000 in 1 month
Damn, Trumpanzees are stupid.
Got Google?
I say hire another 2000 federal agents to guard the border. Full benefits with that. Plus pensions. Let the whiners now complain.
they already hired an additional 20,000 border agents over the past 10 or so years... we have over 40,000 now.... we used to have 20,000....

the high in illegals crossing the border was 1.6 million a year.... :eek:

With all the new help in border patrol, among several other reasons, we now have about 300,000 illegals crossing the border a year.... it is way way way down!
Because our laws.
Which one.

This federal law limits what US troops deployed at the border can do
PHOENIX — The more than 5,200 active-duty troops being sent by President Donald Trump to the U.S.-Mexico border will be limited in what they can do under a federal law that restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan that is still about 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing.
They can stop invaders. Otherwise what good are they.
...they are NOT law enforcement, and can not do the duties of law enforcement.

Posse Comitatus Act |

Congress outlawed the practice of posse comitatus by enacting the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) (as 20 Stat. 152) as a rider to the Army Appropriation Act for 1880. The act stated: "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

Congressional debates indicate that the PCA was intended to stop army troops from answering the call of a marshal to perform direct law enforcement duties and aid in execution of the law. Further legislative history indicates that the more immediate objective was to put an end to the use of federal troops to police elections in ex-Confederate states where civil power had been reestablished.

Significantly, President Hayes vetoed the act because it "makes a vital change in the election laws of the country, which is in no way connected to the use of the Army." Congress overrode the veto. Accordingly, the willful use of the army or air force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws is a felony, unless the use is expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress.

Or to stop invaders, sorry

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well, everyone from the courts to the heads of the Army and Air Force and Marines and Navy,

disagree with you and your interpretation...

a wrong interpretation that it would not break the Law and the Posse Comitatus Act....

They, and all legal and constitutional scholars disagree with you... the military can not be used for immigration issues.... illegal crossings is a law enforcement duty, of which our military is barred from doing, or they face imprisonment, for 2 years each, if they break that law.

I'm sorry to burst the bubble you and others are living in.... :(
Trump wanted to withdraw troops from South Korea and NATO and John Kelly supposedly stopped him.

Well, good thing this guy's leaving because I agree with Trump.

Our involvement in South Korea and NATO should have ended years ago when Communism fell in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Why are we protecting Europe from a Russian invasion that will never come?

Keep in mind that Russia has a GNP roughly the size of Denmark and can not afford a war in Europe.

Also keep in mind that South Korea is a modern industrial nation that is more than a match for a weakened Communist North Korea that can't even keep the lights on at night.

Trump should appoint people who support his agenda and do what he wants to do.

John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do
Yea, something that has worked since 1946 for the benefit of the US? Of course Republicans want to stop it.

Things change.
Or they're destroyed by a narcissistic megalomaniac with delusions of, of, OK, just "delusions".
John Kelly is boasting that he "stopped" Trump from doing things...

Not enough.
He could have talked about the good things he did.

Only, all he could remember was bad things he stopped Trump from doing.

Well, I could tell you for sure, he didn't stop Trump soon enough.
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

I am not sure, but I believe it is unconstitutional!
Bring 'em home put 'em on the borders.

Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?

How things have changed. Defending the border is the classic function of the military.
Defending the border from refugees seeking asylum is not defending the border from an invading Nation's army, it is NOT an act of war, to seek asylum...

This is a law enforcement duty, and a function of immigration Courts,

NOT a Military duty.
Guarding the border is a military duty, whether there's an immediate threat or not. Would you prefer them guarding our border or South Korea's?
Once agon you dredge up this juvenile argument. When are you going to grow up and realize that border enforcement is not a function of the modern US military?
Every other nation in the history of humanity has guarded its borders with its military. Why not ours?

Because our laws.
Which one.

This federal law limits what US troops deployed at the border can do
PHOENIX — The more than 5,200 active-duty troops being sent by President Donald Trump to the U.S.-Mexico border will be limited in what they can do under a federal law that restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan that is still about 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing.
They can stop invaders. Otherwise what good are they.

You might want to incorrectly use the word invaders but our courts don't.

People asking for asylum or illegally crossing the border don't meet the definition of invaders.

Crossing the border isn't a felony. It's a misdemeanor no different from a parking ticket. That's not the definition of an invasion.

Finally learn about the Posse Comitatus Act. It's the law that applies here and the one that the judge is following.

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