John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

How do you figure that, FFI?

The world was at peace during the Trump Administration and he didn't fire off any nukes at all.

This smells like the libs are just trying to foul up America's relations with North Korea and blame Trump. There is no other reason why anyone would say this about a possible US President that would be taking office in less than 2 years.
Has Kelly denied the story? Nope.
Where we are is that the anti trump lib news media have been attacking him since he announced in 2016

And now any wild thing that some drunken or spaced out fentanyl junkie claims he said is not challenged
Kelly can challenge the story. Has he?
Trump wanted to kill millions of innocent North Koreans and blame it on another nuclear power?

What a bunch of bullshit. It would be insanely easy to figure out where a fucking NUKE came from.
Trump is an imbecile, an ignorant jerkoff who didn't even know who won WW1. The story is true because Trump is an IDIOT.
John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

Trump just wanted to do what his Mega-Republicons wanted him to do.

Thank God Dump changed his mind before doing the unbelievable.
Trump then retorts, give me a second chance and I will light up the night sky.
U so gullible.
I've said for years we should have bought (Russian) uranium on the black market , built a small nuke / dirty bomb, sent a team into Iran, plant it at one of their nuke sites, get out, detonate it, then point to the incident and publicly say:

'We told them not to be messing with that stuff. Now look, they have blown themselves up.'

Would that be a bad thing to you?
Did Trump said that before or after he tried to grab steering wheel from the driver?
It's pretty clear now that Ornato made that up to protect the the president. Yes, it's that stupid. Trump decided not to go to the Capitol, when he heard he had no national guard protection. So Ornato the halfwit made that up, to prop up Trump's lies. Probably.prompted by Trump. Not the outrageous story, but the lie at its foundation.
Haha, you think Trump's globally embarrassing sharpie outburst was based in fact. Good God, Trump has turned your brains to shit.
No. I’m mocking you libtards who deny evidence that it was not based on fact.

Libtardation has turned your brain into gruel.
Incredibly, we now know of two separate instances when Donald Trump proposed launching an international attack and acting like it wasn’t him

"we now know"

No. I’m mocking you libtards who deny evidence that it was not based on fact.
I know. And it is hilarious. Cultists are the best fodder when they doubble- and triple-down. Comedy gold. Comedians are literally making their livings on it. See: YouTube.

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