John Kerry To Get Secretary Of State Nomination, Reports ABC

I would have preferred Susan Rice. She was a Rhodes scholar and has a Ph.D.
I would have preferred Susan Rice. She was a Rhodes scholar and has a Ph.D.

But John Kerry served in Viet Nam....
And when he's confirmed he can salute and say....

"Reporting for duty"..... :D
Let's put it this way....

I prefer a coward like Kerry that a liar like Rice.

Useless both .....dont' the Loony Liberals have normal, sane people to nominate?:rolleyes:
Rice got played by a master.
Hillary Clinton smelled a shit sandwich from a mile away
and knew what the WH was up to and she bailed out on the Sunday talk shows....

Susan Rice was in the wrong place at just the right time to be set up by Obama.
Let's put it this way....

I prefer a coward like Kerry that a liar like Rice.

Useless both .....dont' the Loony Liberals have normal, sane people to nominate?:rolleyes:

No, we don't have any Sarah Palins...
Hey libtards, don't cry for Susan Rice, she's worth 40 million dollars. You should be hatin on her. John Fuckin Kerry is worth mor than that and he's a white man too, you should really spew some hate his way!
Rice got played by a master.
Hillary Clinton smelled a shit sandwich from a mile away
and knew what the WH was up to and she bailed out on the Sunday talk shows....

Susan Rice was in the wrong place at just the right time to be set up by Obama.

I agree.... and so....dear Hillary learnt from the Rice experience.

She went for a head concussion!!!! in order not to testify

Ain't Hillary the smart one? She even deserves to become President (NOT):mad:
What do Obama, Susan Rice, Eric Holder and Van Jones have in common? Whatever it is, Republicans don't seem to like it...
Will John McCain oppose Kerry like he did Rice? Answer: No, he won't.
It couldn't happen to a bigger asshole... unless, maybe Mitt Romney got the nomination, but either way, it would have been close. Well, maybe Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid?


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