John Kerry: Unfit for Service

BS character assassiation, THE GOP staple...certainly can't get by on facts and policy, and no slander is too much for real hater dupes...



[No I don't have any grey poupon, she only lets me have ketchup.]

John Kerry’s Israel Fixation

July 17, 2013 By Ronn Torossian


Esquire noted regarding Kerry’s Israel visits, “There is nothing he could be doing that would be a bigger waste of his time, including windsurfing.” They are so right. Although once the avid-wind-surfer is done, he can further hone his yachting skills on the $7 million yacht he was on during the Egyptian coup. (Talk about a public relations disaster! Stay away from yachts when the world is on fire.)

Governments and the media have an unfair obsession with the Jewish state – and while it is simply gorgeous this time of year, there are much more important places for Kerry to focus. What better time than now, with Syria, Egypt and much of the Middle East in chaos, can there be to realize that maybe, just maybe the problem in the region isn’t with America’s closest ally, Israel but is elsewhere?

John Kerry?s Israel Fixation | FrontPage Magazine
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

Kerry IS a fucking TRAITOR to us VN Vets, he was and still is a commie shill who should have been given a dishonorable for his lies.

his purple hearts were nothing more than band aid wounds.., hells belles, i had worse "wounds" than his serving on an aircraft carrier working on F4 Phantoms........, a 5 stitch cut on my head. :up:
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

Kerry IS a fucking TRAITOR to us VN Vets, he was and still is a commie shill who should have been given a dishonorable for his lies.

his purple hearts were nothing more than band aid wounds.., hells belles, i had worse "wounds" than his serving on an aircraft carrier working on F4 Phantoms........, a 5 stitch cut on my head. :up:

There are rules regarding the purple heart awards, might want to read up on them. There were thousands of purple hearts awarded during our wars and many required only a cleaning and a bandage, no hospital, no amputation, and even a self-inflicted wound might qualify, and being against the war, engagement or whatever does not disqualify.
If John Kerry is a traitor, he's a traitor to the old America. To New America, which is facilitating the destruction of the greatest nation on earth, he's a patriot.
Silver Star
Bronze Star
3 Purple Hearts.

All fraudulent. Kind of like your military service.

fraudulent? the navy awards board took the unprecedented step of reviewing all of Kerry's awards for heroism given for his service in Vietnam and found nothing fraudulent about any of them.

He's a hero, pure and simple, for what he did in Vietnam. The fact that you don't happen to like what he did after he got back does not change the heroism of his actions there.
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

Kerry IS a fucking TRAITOR to us VN Vets, he was and still is a commie shill who should have been given a dishonorable for his lies.

his purple hearts were nothing more than band aid wounds.., hells belles, i had worse "wounds" than his serving on an aircraft carrier working on F4 Phantoms........, a 5 stitch cut on my head. :up:

There are rules regarding the purple heart awards, might want to read up on them. There were thousands of purple hearts awarded during our wars and many required only a cleaning and a bandage, no hospital, no amputation, and even a self-inflicted wound might qualify, and being against the war, engagement or whatever does not disqualify.

You hit the nail on the head. Check out Purple Heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under the criteria, I was entitled to one during my tour in 'Nam as the chopper I was flying in was shot down by "friendly fire", a 105mm round through the turbines while landing at a base in the Delta. The wounds that I and other members of the flight suffered entitled us to the award. [As I was the Awards NCO, mine got filed in the round file next to my desk.]

Kerry IS a fucking TRAITOR to us VN Vets, he was and still is a commie shill who should have been given a dishonorable for his lies.

his purple hearts were nothing more than band aid wounds.., hells belles, i had worse "wounds" than his serving on an aircraft carrier working on F4 Phantoms........, a 5 stitch cut on my head. :up:

There are rules regarding the purple heart awards, might want to read up on them. There were thousands of purple hearts awarded during our wars and many required only a cleaning and a bandage, no hospital, no amputation, and even a self-inflicted wound might qualify, and being against the war, engagement or whatever does not disqualify.

You hit the nail on the head. Check out Purple Heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under the criteria, I was entitled to one during my tour in 'Nam as the chopper I was flying in was shot down by "friendly fire", a 105mm round through the turbines while landing at a base in the Delta. The wounds that I and other members of the flight suffered entitled us to the award. [As I was the Awards NCO, mine got filed in the round file next to my desk.]


As Maudlin said in a Willie and Joe cartoon, "I already got a purple heart, how about some aspirin."
this idea that real macho men don't accept awards they have earned is ridiculous. Would you have also tossed a recommendation that you receive the bronze star for heroism in the round file as well?
John Kerry’s Middle East Peace Disorder

July 23, 2013 By P. David Hornik


On Friday night in Amman, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Israel and the Palestinian Authority were ready to resume peace talks. A perceptive Reuters article noted that “he did so standing alone as dusk fell over the Jordanian capital.”

The article mentions a “former senior U.S. official” who “said Kerry appearing alone might…be viewed as a signal that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are as deeply committed to the resumption of talks as the U.S. secretary of state himself.”


● Or as Khaled Abu Toameh put it on Monday: “Abbas will never agree to sign a peace deal with Israel: it would turn him into the biggest traitor in the Palestinian and Islamic world.”

Kerry’s supposed breakthrough on Friday came on the same day that the European Union formally published a boycott of all Israeli Jews living in East Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights.

The urge to clear these areas of Israelis and replace them with a twenty-second Arab state takes a deep hold of Western politicians (and bureaucrats) and appears to spring from an irrational source.

Somebody should spread the word that the U.S. secretary of state is running wild.

John Kerry?s Middle East Peace Disorder | FrontPage Magazine

John Kerry: Flying Everywhere, Getting Nowhere

August 2, 2013 By Michael Widlanski

Forget the headlines: John Kerry has been jetting everywhere and getting nowhere.

Kerry thinks putting the PLO in a room with Israelis will solve the “Palestinian-Israeli Conflict,” which he thinks is the most important issue facing the world.

“The core issue of instability in this region and in many other parts of the world is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” said Kerry.

Rarely have time, words and jet fuel been so wasted.

First Reason: The PLO does not want peace with Israel, only a piece of Israel, and then another piece of Israel. Palestinians had several chances for a Palestinian state—in 1947, in 1949, in 1967 in 1981, in 2000, in 2006—but always overreached, trying to dismember Israel rather than build Palestine.


John Kerry: Flying Everywhere, Getting Nowhere | FrontPage Magazine
  • Decorated War Hero
  • Outstanding Senator
  • Democratic Nominee for President
  • History-making Secretary Of State (coming soon)

Thank you for your service to America, John Forbes Kerry!

[*] Elitist
[*] Tossed his medals
[*] Sided with Hanoi Jane and North Vietnam
[*] Shot innocent civilians
[*] Falsified award submissions

Thank you for your dis-service and cowardice, John F-in Kerry!
John Kerry the dope.

Clueless John Kerry -

Is John Kerry stupid? This is not a rhetorical question.

Our current secretary of state and former Democratic nominee for president might’ve gotten good grades in high school, might have had decent board scores, might speak French and might have impressive recall on issues about which he voted in his 28 years as a senator.

But just as Shakespeare said you can “smile and smile and still be a villain,” you can be the sort of guy who passes every test and still be a dope

John Kerry the merely clueless

Clueless US mediator - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

The US cannot make peace between Arabs and other Arabs, yet it believes it can make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Washington has repeatedly failed to grasp the situation in Egypt and Syria, but thinks it has a good understanding of the situation in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

This is why Kerry is so perfect for the Secretary of State job. He personifies the stupidity endemic in the whole regime.
John Kerry the dope.

Clueless John Kerry -

Is John Kerry stupid? This is not a rhetorical question.

Our current secretary of state and former Democratic nominee for president might’ve gotten good grades in high school, might have had decent board scores, might speak French and might have impressive recall on issues about which he voted in his 28 years as a senator.

But just as Shakespeare said you can “smile and smile and still be a villain,” you can be the sort of guy who passes every test and still be a dope

John Kerry the merely clueless

Clueless US mediator - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

The US cannot make peace between Arabs and other Arabs, yet it believes it can make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Washington has repeatedly failed to grasp the situation in Egypt and Syria, but thinks it has a good understanding of the situation in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

This is why Kerry is so perfect for the Secretary of State job. He personifies the stupidity endemic in the whole regime.

NY Post? Ok.. :cuckoo:
I love it when Liberals fight for wealthy, tax-evading, elitist, ga-zillionairs, married to wealthy, ga-zillionaire businesswomen.

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