John Kerry: Unfit for Service

America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

George Bush was honorably discharged from the ANG. You knew that. Perhaps you're too dense and didn't?
Speaking of service - you served where?
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.
Oh, I agree Kerry is a patriot.

Just not for the United States.

He's the type of "Sailor" (ahem) that would be completely unacceptable aboard ship. Avoided. Taunted. Fucked with. Mid-Watch - daily. Hazed. A total shitbird.
Just like he was as Senator and now SecState, huh?

Let's look at the left's "war hero":

Military career of John Kerry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On February 9, 1968, the Gridley set sail for a Western Pacific deployment. The next day, Kerry requested duty in Vietnam, listing as his first preference a position as the commander of a Fast Patrol Craft (PCF), also known as a "Swift boat." These 50-foot boats have aluminum hulls and have little or no armor, but are heavily armed and rely on speed. "I didn't really want to get involved in the war," Kerry said in a book of Vietnam reminiscences published in 1986. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."​
When the swift boat mission turned into the brown water navy, Kerry did everything he could to get out of there as quickly as possible.
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

George Bush was honorably discharged from the ANG. You knew that. Perhaps you're too dense and didn't?
Speaking of service - you served where?

Is there a difference in military service? For example does being discharged from the ANG equal the service of a sailor serving in combat and wounded? Seems the ANG was used at times as a way to avoid combat.
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

I was drafted in 1966. I didn't want to go, but unlike the confirmed cowardly draft dodger B. Clinton, I did go! Bush served honorably, but his unit was not sent overseas.

It's true many joined a service branch that had less chance of going to Nam, but none of them were the cowards that Clinton was!
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

George Bush was honorably discharged from the ANG. You knew that. Perhaps you're too dense and didn't?
Speaking of service - you served where?

Is there a difference in military service? For example does being discharged from the ANG equal the service of a sailor serving in combat and wounded? Seems the ANG was used at times as a way to avoid combat.

There is no difference.
Look how many ANGs were killed in Vietnam, A-Stan, Iraq, etc.
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

I was drafted in 1966. I didn't want to go, but unlike the confirmed cowardly draft dodger B. Clinton, I did go! Bush served honorably, but his unit was not sent overseas.

It's true many joined a service branch that had less chance of going to Nam, but none of them were the cowards that Clinton was!
Bush was AWOL, dumbass.

John F. Kerry is a patriot who served his country in Vietnam, in the Senate, and now as Secretary of State.

Bush was a drunk who got daddy to save his yellow skin.
John Kerry the dope.

Clueless John Kerry -

Is John Kerry stupid? This is not a rhetorical question.

Our current secretary of state and former Democratic nominee for president might’ve gotten good grades in high school, might have had decent board scores, might speak French and might have impressive recall on issues about which he voted in his 28 years as a senator.

But just as Shakespeare said you can “smile and smile and still be a villain,” you can be the sort of guy who passes every test and still be a dope

John Kerry the merely clueless

Clueless US mediator - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

The US cannot make peace between Arabs and other Arabs, yet it believes it can make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Washington has repeatedly failed to grasp the situation in Egypt and Syria, but thinks it has a good understanding of the situation in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

This is why Kerry is so perfect for the Secretary of State job. He personifies the stupidity endemic in the whole regime.

NY Post? Ok.. :cuckoo:

We know you only believe msdnc, daily krap, or a soros owned media...:lol:

The Five Flaws of Kerry’s Mideast Peace Process

August 5, 2013 By Noah Beck


Here is a list of reasons why Secretary Kerry’s Mideast peace process is unfairly flawed in ways that endanger Israel.

1) No Palestinian reciprocity at the outset. Israel agreed to release 104 convicted terrorists just to get the Palestinians to talk peace. Would the U.S. agree to release 104 Guantanamo prisoners for talks with anyone?


The Five Flaws of Kerry?s Mideast Peace Process | FrontPage Magazine
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

I was drafted in 1966. I didn't want to go, but unlike the confirmed cowardly draft dodger B. Clinton, I did go! Bush served honorably, but his unit was not sent overseas.

It's true many joined a service branch that had less chance of going to Nam, but none of them were the cowards that Clinton was!
Bush was AWOL, dumbass.

John F. Kerry is a patriot who served his country in Vietnam, in the Senate, and now as Secretary of State.

Bush was a drunk who got daddy to save his yellow skin.

Bush was never AWOL. Wasn't that the basis of Dan Rather's fake memo? The one he got fired for, and lost his career over.

It is a very good thing that John Kerry is Secretary of State. He is perfect for the job. No one would serve the clueless and dopey president better.
I don't know why you would want to bash a good man like John Kerry ........ he is a good man destined for leadership, in fact I would nominate him to be the President.
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

George Bush was honorably discharged from the ANG. You knew that. Perhaps you're too dense and didn't?
Speaking of service - you served where?

Is there a difference in military service? For example does being discharged from the ANG equal the service of a sailor serving in combat and wounded? Seems the ANG was used at times as a way to avoid combat.

Many young men joined the National Guard (when drafted) to avoid combat service. Service is service. I don't agre with joining the National Guard (as a way of skipping the regular Army) but it was a legal option for young men. So was College, but after graduation, you were eligible for the draft - so off to the National Guard.

Those guys went through Army BCT (Basic Combat Training) then went home.

Kerry is STILL a coward.
Kill Terrorists in Yemen, Free Them in Israel

August 7, 2013 By P. David Hornik


Mark August 13 on your calendar. It’s claimed that a big celebration is being planned in Ramallah.

Of course, Americans—especially those living in the Middle East—have a lot more to occupy them these days.

On Tuesday, after a drone strike in Yemen had killed four Al Qaeda members, the U.S. (and Britain) told all their nonessential personnel in Yemen to leave the country immediately for fear of a major terror attack.


Meanwhile, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat announced that on August 13 Israel will be freeing 26 Palestinian prisoners—the first batch of a total of 104 supposed to be released in stages as part of the Israeli-Palestinian talks concocted by Secretary of State John Kerry.


Kill Terrorists in Yemen, Free Them in Israel | FrontPage Magazine
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.

I was drafted in 1966. I didn't want to go, but unlike the confirmed cowardly draft dodger B. Clinton, I did go! Bush served honorably, but his unit was not sent overseas.

It's true many joined a service branch that had less chance of going to Nam, but none of them were the cowards that Clinton was!
Bush was AWOL, dumbass.

John F. Kerry is a patriot who served his country in Vietnam, in the Senate, and now as Secretary of State.

Bush was a drunk who got daddy to save his yellow skin.
Good parrot. You dutifully repeat what you've been told to repeat.
America should have elected the patriotic Senator Kerry as President instead of the cowardly military-avoiding Bush.
Oh, I agree Kerry is a patriot.

Just not for the United States.

He's the type of "Sailor" (ahem) that would be completely unacceptable aboard ship. Avoided. Taunted. Fucked with. Mid-Watch - daily. Hazed. A total shitbird.

Boy we must have some navy, get a couple of medals or be wounded and you're unacceptable aboard ship. I wonder if it's that way in the army, I mean Audie Murphy, who really got a bundle of medals, must have been taunted, fucked with and hazed beyond belief.
Then again maybe it wasn't the service but the wars?

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