John Kerry: Unfit for Service


John Kerry SHOT HIMSELF and as "CO" of his lame-ass patrol boat, put himself in for a PH - several times.

I was OIC (as an enlisted E-8) in Japan at a remote location. I could have done the same -

But that would be DISHONORABLE.

His crew hated the SOB as well.

Left 'Nam early - came home, grew his hair out like Michael Stivvick - tossed his medals, and sided with Hanoi Jane / North Vietnam.

What a hero.

Thanks for your cowardice / DIS-SERVICE
This issue turns on the fact of whether the Vietnam War was a good policy or a Washington mistake.

Remember, the war's initial and principal escalation came from a Democratic President, LBJ.

So a question arises. Is it possible for a Democratic President to use the power of big government in an incompetent way, such that our soldiers were subject to the kind of poor leadership and misguided policies that opens a door for problems and abuses and unintended consequences?

Maybe Big Government doesn't have the information and managerial competence to turn a Vietnamese civil war into a happy suburb of modern American democracy. Mabey any attempt by big government to control the globe from Washington, will have a seemingly infinite number of unintended consequences. Thank God that John Kerry had the nerve to protest the utter failure of a big government policy.

Do you remember when the student left rebelled against LBJ? Indeed, they made it impossible for LBJ to even consider a second term. Can you imagine a group of Republican voters rebelling against a Republican president before he became a lame duck? Absolutely not!

Republicans always roll over obediently for their party's presidents. When Bush created the proposal for shaping the entire Arab world in Washington's image, not one fucking Republican questioned whether our Washington bureaucrats had the competence to do so. Republicans never question their party leaders when they are running the White House. They have complete faith and obedience to big government when their party is in charge

Yet, Republicans tell us the government doesn't have the competence to run a fucking laundromat. So how can they act surprised when a predictable failure of Washington leadership results in a flawed command structure.

FYI: The soldiers protesting John Kerry are also soldiers of the conservative movement. They are clearly attacking John Kerry not as fellow soldiers, but as sleazy partisans.

Yawn, nothing to see here. Same old shit.
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John Kerry is a great American and a war hero.

Thank you for your service, Mr. Secretary!

Yes, you would think so, considering he performed a greater service to our nation's enemy than he did to his own.

Yep....sort of like calling that traitor piece of human excrement Jane Fonda a "great American".

Kerry is as worthless as they come.
John Kerry is a great American and a war hero.

Thank you for your service, Mr. Secretary!

"Location: Ayn Rand's ass"

ROLMAO, that's a good place for you progressive/liberals...

2 4 1...:9:
Yeah, that would be Lyin' Ryan, in my avatar, dumbfuck.

He stated that Ayn Rand was his biggest influence.

Until he later denied that, even though he is on tape saying it.

He also required all his Congressional staff to read 'Atlas Shrugged'.

America was wise to not put such a radical one heartbeat away from the Presidency.
John Kerry is a great American and a war hero.

Thank you for your service, Mr. Secretary!

Yes, you would think so, considering he performed a greater service to our nation's enemy than he did to his own.

Yep....sort of like calling that traitor piece of human excrement Jane Fonda a "great American".

Kerry is as worthless as they come.
Silver Star
Bronze Star
3 Purple Hearts.

Yup. A war hero.
No matter what you think of John Kerry, no one could doubt that he is a perfect secretary of state for the obama regime. He's been called clueless by Israel and palestine. He got told to leave Bolivia. As Egypt erupted in flames and the American embassy staff was fleeing for their lives, Kerry was on his Yacht in Nantucket! obama could not have made a better choice. The only appointment that comes close to making Kerry secretary of state is sending the gay guy to the Dominican Republic as ambassador.

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