John Kerry: Unfit for Service

Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress. - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
From March 13-16, 2008, members of the antiwar group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to "testify" against the US military at a protest event called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. The name "Winter Soldier" is taken from the infamous 1971 event at which members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) related gruesome stories of crimes they claimed to have participated in or witnessed. The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam. Organizers of the new IVAW tribunal, which is supported by several former VVAW leaders, say the 1971 conference was where "a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War." In reality, it was part of a sophisticated, vicious propaganda effort designed to poison public opinion against the US military. Newly discovered records now reveal what happened when Army investigators asked VVAW activists for evidence of the hundreds of crimes they claimed to have seen.

In our book, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry, Tim Ziegler and I trace the course of the anti-US war crimes propaganda campaign, which began in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first US ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. In 1969, leaders of those conferences helped American radicals form the "Citizens Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Indochina" (CCI), which set up a series of so-called investigations where US military actions in Vietnam were compared to those of Nazi Germany during World War II. The CCI soon joined forces with the VVAW, another leftist group created with financing and assistance from members of the Communist Party, USA, the Socialist Workers Party and the communist front Veterans for Peace.

The VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) took place in Detroit from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 1971. Financed primarily by pro-Hanoi actress Jane Fonda, the event's honorary national coordinator, WSI was the largest war crimes tribunal held in the US during the Vietnam War. Several of the discussion panel moderators were radical leaders who had previously met with top North Vietnamese and Vietcong representatives in Hanoi and Paris. Also present were leftist psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinicians, who pressured the witnesses to help end the war by publicly confessing their "crimes." Former VVAW member Steve Pitkin later recalled how the civilians went from man to man, "bombarding them; laying on the guilt." Pitkin signed an affidavit in 2004 charging that John Kerry and other VVAW leaders had coerced him into making a false statement.

WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid.

Investigating the winter soldiers

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

Some of you may object by saying that the military would whitewash any wrongdoing.

Not so.

The military had a very good reason to be thorough: Public relations. They would not want to give the impression that atrocities were officially sanctioned.

The Communist stooges on the left, however, had national attention, and used it. Of course, they had to resort to lies, but they have no compunction against lying.

The Winter Soldiers lied. Kerry lied.

This is undeniable.

You morons wanted Rice out as the sec. of defense. STFU with this swift boat crap. Have a heart attack, trip into a bucket of aids and just STFU.
The GOPs war hero, Johnny McCain, went off the deep end after he lost the election. He blames himself for bringing worst the GOP and America has to offer, Sarah Palin, to the public light.

And yet, the man who had Palin as a v.p. said Rice was not very bright. He is a bitter old idiot.
The GOPs war hero, Johnny McCain, went off the deep end after he lost the election. He blames himself for bringing worst the GOP and America has to offer, Sarah Palin, to the public light.

The GOP doesn't need a war hero.

Too many of us are service members or former service members to need one.
It's a damned good thing Obama chose Kerry for this.
Can you imagine him selecting some "out of touch" elite rich guy for the position? You know - the type of people Libberhoids detest?

Well, we had the best person qualified for that job. Rice, but you idiots had to make it so she couldn't be nominated.

Sickening idiots.
Kerry strikes me as an officer who any enlisted man would despise back in the 60's.
Hell - in ANY generation for that matter!!
Elitist. College boy. Wealthy/Rich. Officer. Inexperienced. Massachusetts.
Christ.... what's not to hate about a fucker like this.
We had several ROTC college boy officers just like him in our unit.

They were all gung-ho and out to prove something.......but they didn't know jack sh!t.

And could get you killed in a minute.

When they gave an order.....we would look at our NCO for confirmation before we would make a move. :cool:

.....As-long-as he wasn't some leftover-clown, who couldn't make rank during the Korean WAR!!!


Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress. - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
From March 13-16, 2008, members of the antiwar group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to "testify" against the US military at a protest event called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. The name "Winter Soldier" is taken from the infamous 1971 event at which members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) related gruesome stories of crimes they claimed to have participated in or witnessed. The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam. Organizers of the new IVAW tribunal, which is supported by several former VVAW leaders, say the 1971 conference was where "a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War." In reality, it was part of a sophisticated, vicious propaganda effort designed to poison public opinion against the US military. Newly discovered records now reveal what happened when Army investigators asked VVAW activists for evidence of the hundreds of crimes they claimed to have seen.

In our book, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry, Tim Ziegler and I trace the course of the anti-US war crimes propaganda campaign, which began in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first US ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. In 1969, leaders of those conferences helped American radicals form the "Citizens Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Indochina" (CCI), which set up a series of so-called investigations where US military actions in Vietnam were compared to those of Nazi Germany during World War II. The CCI soon joined forces with the VVAW, another leftist group created with financing and assistance from members of the Communist Party, USA, the Socialist Workers Party and the communist front Veterans for Peace.

The VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) took place in Detroit from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 1971. Financed primarily by pro-Hanoi actress Jane Fonda, the event's honorary national coordinator, WSI was the largest war crimes tribunal held in the US during the Vietnam War. Several of the discussion panel moderators were radical leaders who had previously met with top North Vietnamese and Vietcong representatives in Hanoi and Paris. Also present were leftist psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinicians, who pressured the witnesses to help end the war by publicly confessing their "crimes." Former VVAW member Steve Pitkin later recalled how the civilians went from man to man, "bombarding them; laying on the guilt." Pitkin signed an affidavit in 2004 charging that John Kerry and other VVAW leaders had coerced him into making a false statement.

WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid.

Investigating the winter soldiers

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

Some of you may object by saying that the military would whitewash any wrongdoing.

Not so.

The military had a very good reason to be thorough: Public relations. They would not want to give the impression that atrocities were officially sanctioned.

The Communist stooges on the left, however, had national attention, and used it. Of course, they had to resort to lies, but they have no compunction against lying.

The Winter Soldiers lied. Kerry lied.

This is undeniable.

You morons wanted Rice out as the sec. of defense. STFU with this swift boat crap. Have a heart attack, trip into a bucket of aids and just STFU.

You idiot. We are not talking about the Secretary of Defense. We are talking about the Secretary of State or don't you know the difference. I can't believe how ignorant you are.
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Kerry as SecDef would be a slap in the face to all the military, but most especially to Vietnam veterans, whom Kerry knowingly lied about in testimony to Congress. - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims
From March 13-16, 2008, members of the antiwar group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather in Washington, DC to "testify" against the US military at a protest event called Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan. The name "Winter Soldier" is taken from the infamous 1971 event at which members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) related gruesome stories of crimes they claimed to have participated in or witnessed. The VVAW insisted that rape, torture and murder were standard practices for the US military in Vietnam. Organizers of the new IVAW tribunal, which is supported by several former VVAW leaders, say the 1971 conference was where "a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War." In reality, it was part of a sophisticated, vicious propaganda effort designed to poison public opinion against the US military. Newly discovered records now reveal what happened when Army investigators asked VVAW activists for evidence of the hundreds of crimes they claimed to have seen.

In our book, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry, Tim Ziegler and I trace the course of the anti-US war crimes propaganda campaign, which began in Europe with KGB-sponsored events that were organized before the first US ground troops ever arrived in Vietnam. In 1969, leaders of those conferences helped American radicals form the "Citizens Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes in Indochina" (CCI), which set up a series of so-called investigations where US military actions in Vietnam were compared to those of Nazi Germany during World War II. The CCI soon joined forces with the VVAW, another leftist group created with financing and assistance from members of the Communist Party, USA, the Socialist Workers Party and the communist front Veterans for Peace.

The VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) took place in Detroit from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, 1971. Financed primarily by pro-Hanoi actress Jane Fonda, the event's honorary national coordinator, WSI was the largest war crimes tribunal held in the US during the Vietnam War. Several of the discussion panel moderators were radical leaders who had previously met with top North Vietnamese and Vietcong representatives in Hanoi and Paris. Also present were leftist psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and clinicians, who pressured the witnesses to help end the war by publicly confessing their "crimes." Former VVAW member Steve Pitkin later recalled how the civilians went from man to man, "bombarding them; laying on the guilt." Pitkin signed an affidavit in 2004 charging that John Kerry and other VVAW leaders had coerced him into making a false statement.

WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid.

Investigating the winter soldiers

In 2005, I visited the National Archives at College Park, Maryland with Vietnam veteran and researcher John Boyle. Sifting through the limited material available, we found summary data for the WSI allegations the Army had investigated. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI "witnesses" whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations. The individual CID case files, which had been available to the public beginning in 1994, were withdrawn from public access around 2003, when the National Archives realized that the documents should have been embargoed until the personal information they contained could be removed, or "redacted," as required by the Privacy Act of 1974.

Early in 2007, Boyle learned that a historian had copied the entire collection of CID war crime investigation summaries at the National Archives, including those involving the VVAW, while they were still publicly available. The historian permitted Boyle to photocopy these documents, which we have now posted at

Army CID Investigations of VVAW War Crimes Allegations

Some of you may object by saying that the military would whitewash any wrongdoing.

Not so.

The military had a very good reason to be thorough: Public relations. They would not want to give the impression that atrocities were officially sanctioned.

The Communist stooges on the left, however, had national attention, and used it. Of course, they had to resort to lies, but they have no compunction against lying.

The Winter Soldiers lied. Kerry lied.

This is undeniable.

You morons wanted Rice out as the sec. of defense. STFU with this swift boat crap. Have a heart attack, trip into a bucket of aids and just STFU.
Masterful rebuttal of my arguments. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

And hey, genius -- Rice was never up for SecDef. :lol:
I think you underestimate just how hated he actually is. I would bet big money and give odds he would never last 18 mo.

Are they completely insane to attempt to put Kerry in?

I think Kerry would be a bad pick for other reasons. He'd probably be a better fit at State.

But frankly, the President is the President. If he appoints Bill Ayers, and the Senate Approves him, the General and Admirals better salute and march. Or they can resign their commissions and go out and rant and rave to their heart's content.

He was not considered for Secretary of Defense. He was only considered for Secretary of State and was nominated for this Cabinet position. It appears you don't know the difference between the two. You should feel pretty stupid that the kids in 7th Grade know the difference and you don't.
It is a shame and insult to the American people that he has ever held a position in government.

Maybe he should be the new envoy to Bengahzi.
Kerry is fit for service even if I may disagree with some of his views. He will push President Obama's priorities and policies. He's most definitely the President's man. President Obama is an organizer first and he's been organizing this second term for quite a few years.

That's why there were so many fell swoops as soon as he won a second term.

Kerry is his man and he's more than fit. Watch him work.
Kerry is fit for service even if I may disagree with some of his views. He will push President Obama's priorities and policies. He's most definitely the President's man. President Obama is an organizer first and he's been organizing this second term for quite a few years.

That's why there were so many fell swoops as soon as he won a second term.

Kerry is his man and he's more than fit. Watch him work.

This Obama will flush the US down the crapper if he gets another 4 years.

Kerry is fit for service even if I may disagree with some of his views. He will push President Obama's priorities and policies. He's most definitely the President's man. President Obama is an organizer first and he's been organizing this second term for quite a few years.

That's why there were so many fell swoops as soon as he won a second term.

Kerry is his man and he's more than fit. Watch him work.

This Obama will flush the US down the crapper if he gets another 4 years.


My first taunt post...


It took this long to get a fish to bite.

Ya fish....


Oh, the rules have changed. I won't do that anymore. :D

Kerry Channels Baghdad Bob, Claims No Saudis Fighting in Syria

June 27, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

This is one of those “It may be sorta technically true, but it’s a complete lie in every other sense of the word.”

Secretary of State John Kerry’s assertion Tuesday that no Saudis are fighting in Syria raised eyebrows, but the State Department said later the point he was making was that the kingdom is not actively involved in the conflict in the same way Iran is on the regime’s side.

“We do not believe it is appropriate for the Assad regime to have invited the Iranians and Hezbollah to cross international lines and to have their fighters on the ground,” Kerry said. “There are no United States fighters. There are no Saudi fighters. There are no Qatari fighters on the ground.”

Kerry is obviously channeling Baghdad Bob here. And you can see why since they do have some things in common. There are plenty of Saudi fighters on the ground. They are being armed by the Saudi and Qatari governments. But they just aren’t officially part of the Saudi military.


Kerry Channels Baghdad Bob, Claims No Saudis Fighting in Syria | FrontPage Magazine

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