John Kerry: Unfit for Service

The whole US Military Command Structure refused to go after a small man like John Kerry in the 1970s. Seriously. It was a conspiracy.

thank gawd we have wingnuts here that will do what the US Military refused to do.


welcome to Wingnut Nation where the Good Ship Wingnut sets sail in the USMB Bathtub
Did I say that, you stupid motherfucker?

I'm not sure, Dave, what are you saying?

That gee, we wuz committing attrocities, but not THOSE attrocities?

How about this. We just say.. we got involved in a war for stupid reasons, we did stupid things, and we're sorry.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
You stupid motherfucker.

It's really very simple.

Kerry lied.

Got it?

Kerry lied.

And useful idiots like you eat it up.
Why aren't you this zealous about Bush's lies?
You don't think at all, stupid motherfucker.

We bombed the snot out of a third world country because they didn't accept our way of life.

We acted like a bully, but the victim showed more dignity...

When we went into Vietnam, none of our major allies went in with us.

I think that about says it all.

careful, posting with Davey can be dangerous to your mental health. He's a pathetic man who attacks decorated military veterans
He has Medal Envy.
Credibility of the veterans and their testimony

Since the first day of the WSI event and for more than thirty years since, individuals and organizations have sought to discredit or at least minimize the painful revelations brought forth at that event. Critics have claimed that participants were frauds; that they were told to not cooperate with later investigators; that their testimonies were inaccurate or just plain fabricated.[18] To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.[10] Winter Soldier Investigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

prove the above wrong

We bombed the snot out of a third world country because they didn't accept our way of life.

We acted like a bully, but the victim showed more dignity...

When we went into Vietnam, none of our major allies went in with us.

I think that about says it all.

careful, posting with Davey can be dangerous to your mental health. He's a pathetic man who attacks decorated military veterans
He has Medal Envy.

Credibility of the veterans and their testimony

Since the first day of the WSI event and for more than thirty years since, individuals and organizations have sought to discredit or at least minimize the painful revelations brought forth at that event. Critics have claimed that participants were frauds; that they were told to not cooperate with later investigators; that their testimonies were inaccurate or just plain fabricated.[18] To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.[10] Winter Soldier Investigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

prove the above wrong


Bullshit. The investigations proved the testimony to be total-often intentional- bullshit.

18. Pitkin, Steve, 20, SP/4, "C" Co., 2/239, 9th Infantry Division (May 1969 to July 1969). Appeared on "Miscellaneous Panel" at WSI.
Summary of WSI allegations: Said that he would "...testify about the beating of civilians and enemy personnel, destruction of villages, indiscriminate use of artillery, the general racism and the attitude of the American GI toward the Vietnamese." This was followed by generalized complaining about the military. No specific war crimes allegations.
Note: Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry.
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Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

He probably lost his medals due to ILLEGALLY meeting with the North Vietnamese Representatives in France. You see he was still a Naval Officer and it is ILLEGAL for a Naval Officer ( or any other military officer) to meet with foreign dignitaries without prior approval, further they were an active enemy, another criminal charge of aiding and abetting could have been made easily.

His medals were reissued By a Reagan Appointee. There would be no need to reissue them if he had not been stripped of them in the first place.

By the way did he claim he committed a war crime when he ran down a teenaged Vietcong that was unarmed and shot him in the back?
Credibility of the veterans and their testimony

Since the first day of the WSI event and for more than thirty years since, individuals and organizations have sought to discredit or at least minimize the painful revelations brought forth at that event. Critics have claimed that participants were frauds; that they were told to not cooperate with later investigators; that their testimonies were inaccurate or just plain fabricated.[18] To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.[10] Winter Soldier Investigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

prove the above wrong


Bullshit. The investigations proved the testimony to be total-often intentional- bullshit.


wingnut web sites and myths aside...To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.
Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot who had the balls to criticize U.S. atrocities in Vietnam.

He probably lost his medals due to ILLEGALLY meeting with the North Vietnamese Representatives in France.


yeah and Nixon had a secret plan to not prosecute Kerry so when he ran for President 30+ years later, you could nail him.


Bullshit. The investigations proved the testimony to be total-often intentional- bullshit.


wingnut web sites and myths aside...To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.

What part of " Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry." are you unable to understand? Or do you just love to lie like your hero?
Bullshit. The investigations proved the testimony to be total-often intentional- bullshit.


wingnut web sites and myths aside...To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.

What part of " Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry." are you unable to understand? Or do you just love to lie like your hero?

please, one guy...sort of like one guy said shit about Kerry in the Nam

fuck off turd boy

Only assholes question the military combat service of men who volunterred
wingnut web sites and myths aside...To date, no records of fraudulent participants or fraudulent testimony have been produced.

What part of " Pitkin publicly recanted his participation in WSI in 2004, saying in a signed affidavit that he had been pressured to present false testimony about war crimes in Vietnam by other VVAW members, including John Kerry." are you unable to understand? Or do you just love to lie like your hero?

please, one guy...sort of like one guy said shit about Kerry in the Nam

fuck off turd boy

Only assholes question the military combat service of men who volunterred

If so that makes kerry one very serious asshole because he not only questioned but defamed the service of the average US serviceman in Vietnam with deliberate and malicious lies about ficticious "atrocities".

kerry's lies called my honor onto question and makes his own open to question. And his record sucks.
sweet, the swiftboat liars are still out there. :thup:
No, Jillian, you don't get to come in here and claim these are all lies.

Prove it.

My wife's uncle was a Captain in the Navy and was the officer above Kerry!s commanding officer. He knows what went on I Vietnam with Kerry and said that the swift boaters were full of shit. This is a man so institutionalised from the military that he would not know how to lie, and if you knew him, you would believe him. This man voted for Bysh in 2000, but Kerry in 2004.
Ummm...that's not proof.


Did you think it was?
Anyone can Google "u.s. atrocities in vietnam"...

The Internet is full of opinions and insights that can be searched via Google. What is your point? It can be argued that any nation engaged in war commits atrocities. Some would argue that killing US Citizens without due process is a "US atrocity".

Back to Kerry, his actions and comments sold out US soldiers. His comments were targeted at The Troops. You cannot be an effective Military Leader if you are constantly throwing your subordinates under the bus. He did this with Vietnam and Iraq.

Kerry held US military to their own rules, rules that some of the military were not following. As others stood by, Kerry spoke out, and if some had spoken out earlier there may not have been a My Lai or other shameful deeds. Sure Kerry was what ever names you want to call him, stoolie whatever, but he tried to hold the military to their own regulations and the regulations had a purpose, if some have to be thrown under the bus for committing atrocities, so be it. Sometimes committing atrocities on the enemy can come back and bite some of your own, that have not committed atrocities.
Military men in the past have discovered that no matter their rank, private to general they are required to follow military rules, ask MacArthur, Slovick and now Patraeus.
I prefer to call Kerry a liar and a traitor.

But only because he is.
If you want people to do what you say, you don't kick them in the face.

The CiC isn't going to ask the military that he commands "pretty please?"
Nor should he say, "Hey, it's time for you to deploy, you rapists, murderers, and torturers! Remember, no pillaging in a manner reminiscent of Jenjis Khan!"

If you'd ever worn the uniform, you'd understand.
I'm not sure, Dave, what are you saying?

That gee, we wuz committing attrocities, but not THOSE attrocities?

How about this. We just say.. we got involved in a war for stupid reasons, we did stupid things, and we're sorry.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
You stupid motherfucker.

It's really very simple.

Kerry lied.

Got it?

Kerry lied.

And useful idiots like you eat it up.
Why aren't you this zealous about Bush's lies?
"Saying things that cause leftist butthurt" =/= "lies".
We bombed the snot out of a third world country because they didn't accept our way of life.

We acted like a bully, but the victim showed more dignity...

When we went into Vietnam, none of our major allies went in with us.

I think that about says it all.

careful, posting with Davey can be dangerous to your mental health. He's a pathetic man who attacks decorated military veterans
He has Medal Envy.

I came out with a nice ribbon rack, one I'm proud of.

Never threw them over a fence, either.

Meanwhile, how many medals did you earn?

Oh, sorry -- didn't mean to highlight the fact that you wouldn't or couldn't serve in uniform. My bad.

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