John Kerry's committee praises......John Kerry!!!

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

If he does say so himself, Sen. John Kerry has an impressive record.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today approved an over-the-top resolution honoring the Massachusetts Democrat, whose nomination to be Secretary of State the committee also voted out.

The resolution describes Kerry in glowing terms, praising “everything but his strong jawline,” as one amused reader put it (though perhaps a follow-up resolution could take care of that omission).

In an odd wrinkle, the resolution was touted in a press release sent out by the committee, which Kerry himself still technically chairs (New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez will be taking over the gavel once Kerry is confirmed).

A sample of the effusive prose used to describe Kerry: “honor, conviction and a sense of civility”... “great skill...” “patience, fair-mindedness and tenacity...” And let’s not forget: “a voice of courage and conscience...” “uncommon passion and commitment...”

It places him, too, in no less august company than John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and John Sherman.

Kind of funny, the washed up seem to hold rather lofty positions in the Messiahs administration.
wanna see some swift boat action in the field. Asap!
[ame=]Swiftboat Veterans Ad on John Kerry - Sellout (2004) - YouTube[/ame]
Not one word, not even an apology!
John Kerry is a magnificent obama representative. I can't wait for him to tell the world about obama's vision for them. What is obama's vision for Russia, China, Iran? Kerry will tell them what obama's visions are. Then he will get his ass kicked all the way back to washington. I can hardly wait to see it.

Hillary had enough know how to create a good job out of drinking and dancing. Kerry isn't that smart.
Rice so great 'rice? And Gleeny Beck said the elephant is dead?
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If he does say so himself, Sen. John Kerry has an impressive record.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today approved an over-the-top resolution honoring the Massachusetts Democrat, whose nomination to be Secretary of State the committee also voted out.

The resolution describes Kerry in glowing terms, praising “everything but his strong jawline,” as one amused reader put it (though perhaps a follow-up resolution could take care of that omission).

In an odd wrinkle, the resolution was touted in a press release sent out by the committee, which Kerry himself still technically chairs (New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez will be taking over the gavel once Kerry is confirmed).

A sample of the effusive prose used to describe Kerry: “honor, conviction and a sense of civility”... “great skill...” “patience, fair-mindedness and tenacity...” And let’s not forget: “a voice of courage and conscience...” “uncommon passion and commitment...”

It places him, too, in no less august company than John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and John Sherman.

Kerry stabbed this country in the back....You leftist just love to be against America at every turn? You hate decently or anything that doesn't turn out to be a fucking mess.

That's what makes him a perfect secretary of state in obama's regime. You see someone who stabbed the country in the back. The left sees the building of a government that collectively will slit the nation's throat.
yeah, according to the hysterically alarmist right in America, men who serve in combat and distinguish themselves in action, and those who support these men, are traitors and hate America.

It's why liberals want to serve their nation .. because they hate it.

Kerry stabbed this country in the back....You leftist just love to be against America at every turn? You hate decently or anything that doesn't turn out to be a fucking mess.

That's what makes him a perfect secretary of state in obama's regime. You see someone who stabbed the country in the back. The left sees the building of a government that collectively will slit the nation's throat.

Richest U.S. Senator, John Kerry, Rails Against 'Corrupting' Money in Politics in Farewell Address


So say the standing room of back stabbing traitors in support of John Kerry career!
How can any freedom loving senate stand for this? I say a shit load of republicans minus three pussy in a final vote!​

So we only have three true patriotic American's in the senate?​

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You don't go behind your governments back with the cong and not be a traitor. What is treason if it isn't?

Kerry wore the uniform of his country in combat. Something sissyboys like limbaugh, cheney and bush wouldn't do. Speaking against an unjust war is not treason.
You don't go behind your governments back with the cong and not be a traitor. What is treason if it isn't?

Kerry wore the uniform of his country in combat. Something sissyboys like limbaugh, cheney and bush wouldn't do. Speaking against an unjust war is not treason.

Well Dub-ya kinda did...flying into the war theater under heavy guard.. pussy bootie on the ground.

Wearing the uniform and talking to the enemy in a time war?

CIC.. BUSH all the time..he wore the pres. seal and privately talk with Iraqs war lords.
Say what you will about John Kerry and his credentials, but a strong jawline and an expensive toupee are extremely underrated qualities. The guy might have potential.

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