John Kerry's Plan


Apr 22, 2007
I am no John Kerry plan, but my pops (who is a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL group insurance agent and a flaming liberal) told me about his plan when he was running against Bush.

I actually think it's a great plan! His plan was a combo of single payor and private insurance.

Basically every CITIZEN (residential alien and illegals aren't included, at least on face, Dems have a way of including them), gets a catastrophic coverage from the coverage from the government. The Fed gives everyone 18 and younger a $10K deductible and everyone from 18-65 a $20K deductible and then 65 and older get medicare.

Then each person has the OPTION of purchasing private insurance to pay down on the deductible. For example, say get get cancer and your total bills are $100K. Your insurance co would be on the line for the first $20K and the gov pays the rest!

Why is this great, because the vast vast majority of people will not incur more than the deductible in any given year, but the insurance co's HAVE to consider it when calculating premiums. Something out of the ordinary has to occur, like a serious illness or freak accident. The insurance companies will adjust their premiums down and everyone will be covered for catastrophic incidents.

Healthcare coverage is a sticky subject, but I think this is the best option of many bad options!
Interesting idea, but how much would it cost the government to provide catastrophic coverage for everyone and how would it be paid for? (It sounds a lot like "free" emergency room care, which is now provided to anyone without insurance.)

I am loath to allow the government camel to get its nose under another tent, but a national sales tax may be the best way to finance national health care.
I am glad to see serious conversation on the need for national health care.
I am glad to see serious conversation on the need for national health care.

Semi-single payor that is! As Obaminationcare is proving to be the disaster the GOP foresaw it would be, yet going back to status quo had too many issues to consider, it's time for a new plan.

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