John Lough : "Moscow centralized model of power will disappear as a result of the war."


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
All colonial empires are destined to disintegrate and fall. All dictators are doomed to fail. Nor Muscovy nor putin are exceptions. Glory to Ukraine.

The aftermath of this war is especially troubling.

Are the big boys (JP Morgan, Blackrock, Wells Fargo, and etc) going to absolutely control Ukraine if they win their freedom? Installing crypto currencies and other such electronic economic controls?

What are the Russian Oligarchs going to do? These plutocrats have always enriched themselves at the cost of the people under their thumb. Trying to take advantage of anyone vulnerable is their SOP. It's a shark tank....nice to occasionally test your prowess but nobody wants to live there. Infighting might just reduce the place to rubble. Then it's back to Russian Mafia and nuclear missiles for sale to the highest bidder again.
None of these scenarios are desired? But quite probable given the current heading.
The aftermath of this war is especially troubling.

Are the big boys (JP Morgan, Blackrock, Wells Fargo, and etc) going to absolutely control Ukraine if they win their freedom? Installing crypto currencies and other such electronic economic controls?

What are the Russian Oligarchs going to do? These plutocrats have always enriched themselves at the cost of the people under their thumb. Trying to take advantage of anyone vulnerable is their SOP. It's a shark tank....nice to occasionally test your prowess but nobody wants to live there. Infighting might just reduce the place to rubble. Then it's back to Russian Mafia and nuclear missiles for sale to the highest bidder again.
None of these scenarios are desired? But quite probable given the current heading.
I dont think so, the resources which have been locked by backward Moscow ulus will start to work for all of us. samarium : less wars, more cooperation , democracy and progress . once the empire is over, I´ll invest in Sakha Diamonds, whats about you ?


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