John McAfee's Warning About The Dark Side Of That 'Presidential Alert' Sent To Your Phone...

This dude knows what he's talking about. Big Brother is watching and listening. That's no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.'

Last week, the first Presidential Alert was sent to phones all across the country. Theories and screenshots took over the internet shortly thereafter.

But one of these theories, in particular, comes from a source that is especially credible with regard to cybersecurity: John McAfee.

Let’s take a quick look at what other folks were saying before we get into McAfee’s assertion.

First, political foes were “triggered.”

Before the alert ever came through, three people in New York were suing to stop it.

The activists filed the suit last week in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, arguing that the system violates their free speech rights and constitutes an unconstitutional seizure of their electronic devices…

…Wireless phone users have the ability to opt out of most alerts sent under the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. While some users can choose not to receive regional messages and so-called Amber Alerts regarding missing or endangered children, under federal rules, receipt of the top-level “presidential alerts“ is mandatory.

But the motive behind their suit was obviously political, as opposed to constitutional.

And they weren’t the only ones who were “triggered” by the alert. All across social media, people bemoaned the fact that the wording was “Presidential Alert.”

Then there’s John McAfee’s theory about the Presidential Alert Test.

John McAfee had a different opinion about the Presidential Alert and it’s positively dystopian...

Read More:
Check Out John McAfee’s Warning - LewRockwell
Hell is going to be fu$&ed for Donny haircut

It's not only about Donald Trump. The system has been in the works long before him. All future Presidents are expected to use the system.
This dude knows what he's talking about. Big Brother is watching and listening. That's no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.'

Last week, the first Presidential Alert was sent to phones all across the country. Theories and screenshots took over the internet shortly thereafter.

But one of these theories, in particular, comes from a source that is especially credible with regard to cybersecurity: John McAfee.

Let’s take a quick look at what other folks were saying before we get into McAfee’s assertion.

First, political foes were “triggered.”

Before the alert ever came through, three people in New York were suing to stop it.

The activists filed the suit last week in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, arguing that the system violates their free speech rights and constitutes an unconstitutional seizure of their electronic devices…

…Wireless phone users have the ability to opt out of most alerts sent under the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. While some users can choose not to receive regional messages and so-called Amber Alerts regarding missing or endangered children, under federal rules, receipt of the top-level “presidential alerts“ is mandatory.

But the motive behind their suit was obviously political, as opposed to constitutional.

And they weren’t the only ones who were “triggered” by the alert. All across social media, people bemoaned the fact that the wording was “Presidential Alert.”

Then there’s John McAfee’s theory about the Presidential Alert Test.

John McAfee had a different opinion about the Presidential Alert and it’s positively dystopian...

Read More:
Check Out John McAfee’s Warning - LewRockwell

Isn't McAfee a crazy loon?

I believe that's paranoid loon...
This dude knows what he's talking about. Big Brother is watching and listening. That's no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.'

Last week, the first Presidential Alert was sent to phones all across the country. Theories and screenshots took over the internet shortly thereafter.

But one of these theories, in particular, comes from a source that is especially credible with regard to cybersecurity: John McAfee.

Let’s take a quick look at what other folks were saying before we get into McAfee’s assertion.

First, political foes were “triggered.”

Before the alert ever came through, three people in New York were suing to stop it.

The activists filed the suit last week in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, arguing that the system violates their free speech rights and constitutes an unconstitutional seizure of their electronic devices…

…Wireless phone users have the ability to opt out of most alerts sent under the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. While some users can choose not to receive regional messages and so-called Amber Alerts regarding missing or endangered children, under federal rules, receipt of the top-level “presidential alerts“ is mandatory.

But the motive behind their suit was obviously political, as opposed to constitutional.

And they weren’t the only ones who were “triggered” by the alert. All across social media, people bemoaned the fact that the wording was “Presidential Alert.”

Then there’s John McAfee’s theory about the Presidential Alert Test.

John McAfee had a different opinion about the Presidential Alert and it’s positively dystopian...

Read More:
Check Out John McAfee’s Warning - LewRockwell

Isn't McAfee a crazy loon?

I believe that's paranoid loon...

Nah, you should listen to McAfee. He really does know about this stuff. Read the article.

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