John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump

McCain was responsible for the dosser being released before the election in and attempt to get Hillery elected, that is more than what a RINO would do especially when she had some felonies under her belt and he knew it. Yep the swamp water runs deep here. Then given that he voted to keep Obamacare just to get even with Trump at the expense of the US people one can conclude that his burial spot should be in the garbage dump at Hanoi. Politics and a lust for power can make a man very stupid.

Trump was correct in slamming the sonofabitch.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

Trump is a very sick person.


If McCain is what you promote, then why in death did he screw over the people in the Obamacare vote? We have held a grudge against him since the 2008 election. There are men who will die for others. Then there are men who will take all with him if he can when he dies. He was the latter. Those medals are tarnished.
I am guessing he has a few more medals than you. SHUT UP
My wallet is lighter. And I do not care about his medals. I get a choice of two parties. One pushing socialism/ communism and the other licking their boots. Frauds make it worse.The evidence is there. All he had to do was not put the thumbs down on the Obamacare vote. He was supposed to be a Republics who promised to remove it.

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCain.
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Sen. Lindsey Graham calls John McCain "an American hero" in response to Pres. Trump's attacks on the late senator. "I think the president's comments about Sen. McCain hurt him more than they hurt the legacy of Sen. McCain."

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCane.
The woman that McCane corrected was looked on as a very dumb, uneducated, naive human being. She was lacking understanding of the world. She spawned pity.
We had no idea how many people are like that in the USA until Trump ran for office and was elected.
That woman is a prototypical Trump supporter.

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCane.

You are confused.

McCain was a piece of shit. Voting against doing away with Obamacare just to spite Trump was one of the most despicable things ever done in American politics.

The dishonest sonofabitch lied to the good people of Arizona to think he was a Conservative but sided with the Democrat filth too many times.

He was the poster child for RINOs.

From all accounts he was a terrible human being also.

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCain.

McCain was a terrible, vindictive human being. IF "Barack" isn't a Muslim why do you support his cultural appropriation?

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCain.

Hell no Trump is no McCain. Trump is a fighter. McCain was an egotist pretending to be a man of honor and dignity.

His "thumbs down" to Obamacare showed that his butt-hurt, superceded the promises he made to millions of Americans
to repeal Obamacare.

He was an old man, removed from the limelight, who had his hate exposed. And it was exposed so bad, tht the Dems were able to use
him as a yo-yo. Of course they gave him the Steele Dossier. He probably pranced into the FBI office proud that he was going to be able
to take down the President of the United States. A position he strived to achieve but because he had no backbone, he got his ass
whipped by a fucking Coon that had no business in Washington.

McCain's lack of civility, when he was removed from the limelight, doomed his memory forever. He was just a beaten, angry, old man, who
fought at every turn to become a "somebody" again, and failed every time. May the Fucker rot in hell.
Flash -- that was a lazy, worthless post. Don't give us that "reports are" crap. You mean you don't know, you heard some vague report from some anonymous source somewhere, so you believe it? If you don't know, (1) don't post it, or (2) bestir yourself enough to find what what the truth is. Try something new and different in your life....verify.
let's choose sides: Senator McCain OR President Trump?!

those are the only 2 options available!
It's time to move on from McCain. Let it go. Why does Trump keep doing this? I don't get it. It makes zero sense.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.
What McCain did to Trump before he left this Earth will most likely end him up in Hades. There's no love lost between the two.
When a president (who faked a disability in order to avoid serving) attacks a departed war hero, it’s for attention. We should honor the late Senator McCain, and also follow his example by focusing not on the behavior of the president but on the future of our country.
Combat vet texts me: “Trump’s McCain comments hurt my soul. How have we arrived at a place where this is even possible, and how can no Republican leadership take a stand on this? Have we no decency?”

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCain.
McCain lied. That shows his character.

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