John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump

Cindy McCain posted this that someone sent her!


"Imagine receiving messages/tweets like this everyday. Cindy, Meghan, & the rest of the McCain family will be fine. But when people wonder why Meghan appears to be on edge on the View imagine if you saw messages like this daily and the President ripped off the bandaid regularly

Today and every day I miss my good friend John McCain. It was a blessing to serve alongside a rare patriot and genuine American hero in the Senate. His memory continues to remind me every day that our nation is sustained by the sacrifices of heroes." - Cocaine Mitch
"I look forward to soon re-introducing my legislation re-naming the Senate Russell Building after American hero, Senator John McCain." - Cryin Chuck
McCain was responsible for the dosser being released before the election in and attempt to get Hillery elected, that is more than what a RINO would do especially when she had some felonies under her belt and he knew it. Yep the swamp water runs deep here. Then given that he voted to keep Obamacare just to get even with Trump at the expense of the US people one can conclude that his burial spot should be in the garbage dump at Hanoi. Politics and a lust for power can make a man very stupid.

Trump was correct in slamming the sonofabitch.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain was a milk toast fag with a connected daddy. A privlaged old whit guy. A victim and nothing more. Screw John McCain. Worlds better without him.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

John McCain was a milk toast fag with a connected daddy. A privlaged old whit guy. A victim and nothing more. Screw John McCain. Worlds better without him.
Oh? Who'd you vote for president in 2008?
"It's not nice to speak ill of the dead!" Nonsense! We talked this way about McCain when he was alive, too!
Trump is somebody McCain couldn't accomplish twice, becoming President of the United States. He was a traitor to this country and lied to his Arizona constituents saying he'd repeal Obamacare. He deserves zero respect. Trump has every right to be pissed at John McCain after floating the fake dossier to media outlets.
Trump is feces
"I just want to offer a sincere, no snark invitation to all the McCain republicans to come over and vote with us for 2020 and I promise we can go back to fighting about normal stuff once we’ve stabilized our republic." - me in the Beto thread
There are some people on this thread who seriously need to study some history before posting anything about McCain's war record. One guy actually said McCain was flying safe bombing missions over North Vietnam. Are you serious? Do you have ANY idea how high our air losses were in that war? The Air Force flew a plane called the F-105 Thunderchief. Half of all F-105's ever built were shot down over NVN. Safe bombing missions? Like I said, try to educate yourself a bit before posting.

Another individual said McCain killed many of his shipmates. I am guessing he is referring to the Forrestal fire. What kind of wild stories have you been told, and obviously believed? The fire was caused by an electrical circuit malfunction on an F-4 Phantom, causing a missile to be fired aboard ship, a missile that should not have yet been armed, a task which is performed by the deck crew, not the pilot. McCain flew the A-4 aircraft, not an F-4. It wasn't his plane that fired the missile, it wasn't even the type of plane he flew. I bet you are someone who is big on complaining about fake news, yet you believe this wild story about McCain causing the fire.

Yes, McCain broke under torture and talked to his captors. You act like you don't even know that EVERYONE broke and talked. Everybody has a breaking point when subjected to torture. Even the toughest of them all, James Stockdale, broke under torture. Francis Denton, another Navy pilot held captive in the Hanoi Hilton, could hardly live with himself when he broke. He felt like all the other pilots felt, that they were failures. There were guys who were forced to make propaganda films, forced to sign confessions admitting war crimes, etc. You guys act like McCain was the only one. Keep in mind, while he was being tortured by having his arms tied behind his back and the ropes pulled tight until his elbows touched, then put on a wooden chair that was sitting on a table, and having the table kicked out from under him so he crashed to the floor with no way to break his fall, he had 2 broken arms and a dislocated shoulder. You may have noticed he was unable to raise his arms above his head because of those injuries. Yet he managed to hold out for several days before breaking. The people who criticize him for breaking under torture seem to have no idea what reality actually is. If you're going to post this stuff about him, have some knowledge of what you're talking about.

Do you people never study history, ever try to find out the truth? I guess it's much easier to just believe any wild story that fits what you want to be true.

Factual information that was provided

I would just added that being a prisoner for 5 1/2 year and tortured probably every day. He even refused repatriation when the NV found out that his father was a high military official and offered to set him free but he refused unless every man taken in before him was also released.

So what can Lt Bone Spur (trump) do to him except show everyone how much of a spoiled baby he is.

He is losing his sanity up under the relentless Mueller, he should shut up and be happy that McCain is no longer around

Maybe read a good book about life as a captive in Vietnam.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.
What McCain did to Trump before he left this Earth will most likely end him up in Hades. There's no love lost between the two.
The honesty that McCain showed about Trump assured his place in heaven.

When McCain was running against that worthless little Negro boy the Moon Bats hated him.

Now that Trump is calling him out for being a RINO the Moon Bats love him.

Piss on him. He was a poor pilot, possible a coward during the Forrestal fire and a RINO that fucked the American people by siding with the filthy ass Democrats too many times.
Your words define you.
You are a horrific, disgusting individual without ethics or morals. A shit stain on the world.

So all you stupid Moon Bats that demeaned McCain when he was running against the worthless Muslim asshole Negro in 2008 are also disgusting and without ethics and morals? Because there were a shitload of them that did it.
McCain showed is ethics and morals, while running for President against Obama, when one of his supporters at a town hall claimed Obama was a Muslim, not born in this country and could not be trusted and was a bad man.
McCain corrected her. He said that Obama was not a Muslim, he was born in this country and he was not a bad man. He just had different views than McCain.
You and that woman are the same. That woman and all Trump supporters are the same.
Trump is no McCain.
McCain lied. That shows his character.
Your lack of character has been exhibited on this blog time after time. You know you are a sleaze bucket and have no grounds to discuss character.
It's time to move on from McCain. Let it go. Why does Trump keep doing this? I don't get it. It makes zero sense.
I get it. Trump realizes when he is compared to McCain he looks like a dirty piece of gum on the bottom of a shoe.
"I can’t understand why the President would, once again, disparage a man as exemplary as my friend John McCain: heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic, and driven by duty to family, country, and God." - Senator Romney

That’s why you’re not president. You’re not a war time consigliere.
"Trump is the most sound minded person to ever occupy the Oval Office. Who else could stand up against the relentless attacks on his family and friends? This man is steel minded and perfectly equipped for such a time as this."

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