John McCain is a war hero!

Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellows via legislative action as a hero of any sort.
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Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.
we put this issue to rest easily. All he has to do is show us his medals.

Would he still be a war hero if he had not been captured, or would he be more like Kerry who is just a soldier who fought in Viet Nam?
That is what Trump was saying.
McCain was a soldier that was captured. A hero is one that does outstanding deeds, usually to the benefit of another.
There were Jews that survived concentration camps. I have never heard them all referred to as heroes. They are survivors. Those that didn't survive are called victims.
You can be a coward and still be caught. Being a prisoner does not constitute heroism.
McCain called Trump's supporters crazies. When offered the chance to apologize to Americans he called crazies, he declined and said crazies is a term of endearment. War Hero's don't call Americans crazies.

McCain is just another rich, well funded, globalist, lying politician.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up

The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.
McCain and the POW Cover-Up The American Conservative

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Almost as striking is the manner in which the mainstream press has shied from reporting the POW story and McCain’s role in it, even as the Republican Party has made McCain’s military service the focus of his presidential campaign. Reporters who had covered the Vietnam War turned their heads and walked in other directions. McCain doesn’t talk about the missing men, and the press never asks him about them.

The sum of the secrets McCain has sought to hide is not small. There exists a telling mass of official documents, radio intercepts, witness depositions, satellite photos of rescue symbols that pilots were trained to use, electronic messages from the ground containing the individual code numbers given to airmen, a rescue mission by a special forces unit that was aborted twice by Washington—and even sworn testimony by two Defense secretaries that “men were left behind.” This imposing body of evidence suggests that a large number—the documents indicate probably hundreds—of the U.S. prisoners held by Vietnam were not returned when the peace treaty was signed in January 1973 and Hanoi released 591 men, among them Navy combat pilot John S. McCain.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.
McCain is a war hero, but he's a worthless moron of a politician. If I have to choose between the two, give me Trump every time.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

I just hope for you that you understand they(you) may not get the same standard of care. A card means nothing if you're waiting months--or years--to get critical care.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.

How many days did Bush fly the flag at half mast for each soldier he got killed in his unnecessary disaster in Iraq?
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

I just hope for you that you understand they(you) may not get the same standard of care. A card means nothing if you're waiting months--or years--to get critical care.

I go to a VA clinic twice a year for a checkup because I am a Type II diabetic and I like to get a second opinion from another Doctor. I did go to the VA hospital to get some hearing aids, since my hearing was affected when I was in the military. My experience with the VA has been very good, but since I have health insurance, I go to or family Doctor for any other health problems. If I needed critical care, I would go to the local Hospital ER.
I have read about the problems some of my fellow vets have had and it really is pathetic. I suggest that the 'Veterans Choice Card' will solve some of their critical care problems by going to a civilian facility and the VA paying for it.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.

How many days did Bush fly the flag at half mast for each soldier he got killed in his unnecessary disaster in Iraq?

Big difference in cold blooded murder and killed in War.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.

How many days did Bush fly the flag at half mast for each soldier he got killed in his unnecessary disaster in Iraq?

The same number of days that FDR flew it at half mast during World War II. The same number that JFK, LBJ and RMN did it during Vietnam. Do I need to go on, or do you get the difference between the military engaging in an armed conflict and being unarmed at your work station in the US.

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