John McCain is a war hero!

(channeling Lee Ermey) AHHHHHHHHHH THAT's a war hero

Roy Benavidez, a sergeant in the US Army Special Forces flew in on a helicopter to save men in his squad who were outnumbered....

...the helicopter couldn't land because of the intense small arms fire, so he jumped from a hovering helicopter 30 to 50 feet.

...he then had to run 75 meters to reach is squad, he was shot in the leg, face, and head on the way.

...when he got there he started saving members of his squad, while doing so got shot in the gut and took a grenade to the back

...still on his feet after all this he found the helicopter he jumped from had crashed so he went and rescued the wounded pilot, called in air strikes and another rescue helicopter

...he was shot in the thigh a couple more times

...on his way to the back up rescue helicopter he was beaten and stabbed by an enemy who he then killed in hand to hand combat.

...when he arrived back at the base he was pronounced dead and placed in a body bag. As they were zipping up the body bag he had only the strength to spit to let them know he was alive.

...he was awarded the Medal of Honor
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.
Was just reading an article that if congress doesn't address the 2.5 Billion dollar shortfall for the current budget. They will have to start closing hospitals. They have 30 days.

VA is currently implementing Hiring Freezes and furloughs to close funding gap.
I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.
Was just reading an article that if congress doesn't address the 2.5 Billion dollar shortfall for the current budget. They will have to start closing hospitals. They have 30 days.

VA is currently implementing Hiring Freezes and furloughs to close funding gap.

Don't worry about it, McCain is on top of this problem. /sarcasm
Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.
Was just reading an article that if congress doesn't address the 2.5 Billion dollar shortfall for the current budget. They will have to start closing hospitals. They have 30 days.

VA is currently implementing Hiring Freezes and furloughs to close funding gap.

Don't worry about it, McCain is on top of this problem. /sarcasm

I'll bet.
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.

Even after he went on board asking for cuts to the program?
I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.
Was just reading an article that if congress doesn't address the 2.5 Billion dollar shortfall for the current budget. They will have to start closing hospitals. They have 30 days.

VA is currently implementing Hiring Freezes and furloughs to close funding gap.

Similar news for state budgets regarding the ACA... But I will post that in a diff thread...
I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.

Even after he went on board asking for cuts to the program?

McCain is One of a Hundred and can't cut anything without a lot of support from the other 99.
McCain is One of a Hundred and can't cut anything without a lot of support from the other 99.

But being the "war hero" he is, shouldn't he be defending veterans, not asking to cut their benefits? I am perplexed at why you aren't upset about it?
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Either that post was dripping with genius level sarcasm... or you're one of the lucky few vets the government actually pays any attention to.

Just stated the facts. I carry the card in my wallet just in case I need it and it is my understanding that ALL veterans got the same card.

The thing is that many veterans blame McCain for their troubles with the VA. You are one guy.

I blame the VA staff for the troubles some of my fellow vets have had, not John McCain.

Again, you are one guy.
If it weren't for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather, both Admirals, John McCain would've been courtmartiled and served time in prison.

John McCain and John McCain II, were legendary, McCain the third is nothing but a turd.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.
So...while they did die on duty to a murderer....are we now going to fly the flag at half-mast for all soldiers/sailors/marines who die? We have lots from here in SoCal who die and no one is calling for the flag to be lowered for them.
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.

How many days did Bush fly the flag at half mast for each soldier he got killed in his unnecessary disaster in Iraq?

The same number of days that FDR flew it at half mast during World War II. The same number that JFK, LBJ and RMN did it during Vietnam. Do I need to go on, or do you get the difference between the military engaging in an armed conflict and being unarmed at your work station in the US.
As I said...we have lots here who die...we even had one a few years back who was killed by another marine who was contracted out by the murdered marine's wife. He was unarmed too.
McCain is One of a Hundred and can't cut anything without a lot of support from the other 99.

But being the "war hero" he is, shouldn't he be defending veterans, not asking to cut their benefits? I am perplexed at why you aren't upset about it?

I have been to the VA Hospital several times and have also been to several civilian hospitals and the one thing that impressed me was the number of employees. At a civilian hospital you may see three of four nurses or doctors and one or two visitors as you walk through the hallways. At the VA hospital the hallways are very busy with dozens of people going somewhere. VA employees wear a badge and what impressed me was at least 1 out of every 3 people in the halls were employees. I suggest they were way overstaffed and could survive a small cutback.
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.

How many days did Bush fly the flag at half mast for each soldier he got killed in his unnecessary disaster in Iraq?

Big difference in cold blooded murder and killed in War.
So...we now have the precedent that when a military member is killed in cold blood, we lower all national flags to half-mast? Not that I would object...just want clarity on what the new precedent is.
Ehh... yeah. But he showed vets all across America how he felt about THEIR service by advocating cuts to TRICARE benefits. I don't consider anyone who sets out to hurt his own fellow via legislative action as a hero of any sort.

I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.
So...while they did die on duty to a murderer....are we now going to fly the flag at half-mast for all soldiers/sailors/marines who die? We have lots from here in SoCal who die and no one is calling for the flag to be lowered for them.

As soon as a Muslim terrorist murders 4 or 5 servicemen in So Cal we can discuss lowering the flag.
I understand that vets feel that the government should take care of them but i honestly think they would be better off if they pursued non government help. It has been shown that anything the government does it does shitty no matter how well intentioned it is.

I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.
So...while they did die on duty to a murderer....are we now going to fly the flag at half-mast for all soldiers/sailors/marines who die? We have lots from here in SoCal who die and no one is calling for the flag to be lowered for them.

As soon as a Muslim terrorist murders 4 or 5 servicemen in So Cal we can discuss lowering the flag. it's NOT about those killed. It's about who is doing the killing. Ok...that's an interesting take on the rule.
I got a 'Veterans Choice Card' from the VA a few months ago that qualifies me for 'medical care outside the Dept of Veterans Affairs'. I merely need to call to ensure that treatment has been authorized. I haven't needed anything but I may try it the next time I get sick.

Well then get that free checkup from the neck up and use the savings to buy a clue.

Fuck off jerk. Are you still in denial because Obama succumbed to public pressure and finally honored the Marines and sailor that his fellow Muslim killed in Chattanooga? A real Commander in Chief wouldn't have waited a week.
So...while they did die on duty to a murderer....are we now going to fly the flag at half-mast for all soldiers/sailors/marines who die? We have lots from here in SoCal who die and no one is calling for the flag to be lowered for them.

As soon as a Muslim terrorist murders 4 or 5 servicemen in So Cal we can discuss lowering the flag. it's NOT about those killed. It's about who is doing the killing. Ok...that's an interesting take on the rule.

You finally got it. I realize you have to defend the wimp in the White House for being a make believe Commander in Chief, but this terrorist attack was national news and deserved his attention.

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