John Todd - Ex-Satanist Exposes Religion of Illuminati

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
John Todd was a member of the Council of 13. His Christian testimony is riveting in this video presentation. Todd was murdered by Illuminati many years ago but his testimony lives on today. He began giving talks back in the 70's warning people of a group called "The Illuminati". His testimony reveals an inside look at the Illuminati and he provides abundant evidence that the Illuminati is not Jewish Zionist plot. Wait until you hear the truth of who is behind it! It isn't the Jews!

Part 1 of John Todds testimony.

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This is Part two of John Todd's testimony exposing the religion of Satanism in America, Europe and how the Illuminati operate - their future plans which require the destruction of America beforehand. Although he gave this testimony in the late 70's - his warnings read like todays newspapers. Truly astonishing the depth of knowledge John Todd had about the Illuminati. No wonder they tried so hard to discredit him! He is exposing their secrets! Anyone attacking the testimony of John Todd is hiding something or trying to cover up the truth for others. Quite despicable.

RIP, John Todd.

[ame=]002 John Todd Secrets of the Illuminati Part 2 1 26 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
John Todd family were originally known as the Collins family. They changed their last name when they came to America from Europe early on. They have the distinction of being the first Satanist Family to move to America and gain prominence for their part in accusing Christians of being witches in Salem. Many Christians were killed due to the Collins family influence at those hearings. John Todd said his family boasted of having gotten away with executing Christians while having the church convinced they were witches. Pretty amazing story. I'll try to find that one in case anyone is interested in hearing the real story of Salem.
In the latter video you'll hear John speaking about being born into a family who helped create the Illuminati family - the Collins family - ( american name was changed to Todd )

Two schools of witchcraft in St. Louis and St. Paul train witches in bible study, how to sound like a christian, key buzz words used by christians - the goal is to infiltrate christian churches and destroy the faith of Christians. False teachings, laying on of hands gives them the opportunity for transference of spirits ( demons ) Training centers that teach the witches how to act and talk like a christian. This was going on in the 70's!

Todd also identifies some satanists as tv evangelists on that video. Also famous tv personalities - like Cindy Williams of comedy sitcom - Laverne & Shirley - Williams was the highest level witch in the United States at the time of this talk he gives. (See second video) How did John Todd know these things? He was on the inside - at the very top! That's how!
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I find John Todds knowledge of the occult priceless. On this video Todd reveals how the religion of satanism operates. He also reveals how the power of Jesus Christ was greater than the powers of the occult and Satan and how he was completely delivered of demonic influences. To God be the Glory! Jesus Christ is LORD!

[ame=]John Todd Tape 2A Fortune Telling, Familiar Spirits, CS Lewis, JRR Toiken, etc - YouTube[/ame]

In my opinion, John Todd, was the greatest asset the Church ever received. On the same measure as Anatoli Galiston KGB Major who defected from Russia to the West. Both men are an extremely rare find - because of their high ranks within their own organizations - the knowledge they had is bar none the very best. Both were willing to die for the truth. We need more men like these!
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In this video made in the 70's - John Todd Collins exposes his satanic family ( ex family - he's Gods child now! ) and much more:

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John Todd gave his life to give you the truth. At least listen to what he has to say. You'll learn that his worst skeptics became 100% convinced of his honesty after researching the facts for themselves. Don't condemn the facts without examining them first. Thanks. - Jeri
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