Join the Muhammed cartoon contest in Garland, TX!..................$10K grand prize!

Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?

Islam needs to be insulted on a regular basis. Muslims take their religion far too seriously. When they can behave like civilized adults when their beliefs are ridiculed, they will have joined the civilized world. Until that time, they need training.
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?

Here's why:

Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.

This is not "appeasement". It's civility and maturity and respecting the religious sensitivities of others even though it's perfectly legal to not do so.
Appeasement, in other words.

When did liberals ever respect the religious sensitivities of Christians? It's time for Muslims to get over themselves. Constant ridicule is what they need.
LOL...I find the jesus one funny as well...pissing off stuff...
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
It is not about insulting a religion. It is about proving no one is going to get whacked over a cartoon.
Ich bin Karl




Can I enter big nose greedy Jew cartoons in the comp?
Or maybe a joke.
Did you hear about the Jewish Pizza?
Take one Jew family, an oven .......

Free speech?
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.

nor should racist southern crackers be appeased

You are too stupid to realize that when you used the expression "southern crackers" you labeled yourself a racist, a bigot, an intolerant jerk and a liberal.
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
There is freedom of speech, and there is assholery.

What a shame we have come to the point where people can't see the difference, and innocents die for it.
If we conceed the point drawing or otherwise representing Mohammed is forbidden, we lose. In fact they don't claim that's forbidden so much as representing ANY prophet or God itself is. Ok, so why don't they get surly and pissed off when someone depicts Jesus or God? Simple, they're not upset about Mohammed being depicted so much as they use that as an excuse to act on their primitive human impulses for violence. Just as the black student did recently when he assaulted his teacher for an imagined racist slur.

If we abide by, respect, and cower away from religious lunacy they win, we lose, and we'll all be forced to vconvert to some faith or another eventually. Rather, we have to push back as hard as we can against the tyranny and insanity all religions have in common. It's not an anti-Islamic thing but rather a crucially needed anti-relgiion thing. Can have your religions and worship as you please, but in letting you you have to let everyone else say how batshit crazy you are and how stupid or silly your prophets and deities are.

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