Jon Gruden Fired As Raiders Head Coach.

It's easy to understand Gruden's quitting and skulking away after his racist, homophobic, and misogynistic self-indulgences were exposed.

Who would want to have the racists, homophobes, and misogynists who would try to make him their martyr and lash out at others rushing to his defense?

As another loser once said,

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"One must be able to lose with dignity.
So true!"

Has the NFL ever had rappers at Half Time that use racist, misogynist, and homophobic language????

Now I need you to think very very carefully what I said. I realize you are just one dumb fucking bastard and probably won't and can't think you fuck face

See any irony here you pile of gooey, runny shit
not sure what sports you watch, but I have not seen any preaching at the football games this year and I have watched parts of games every week.

I am also not sure how giving up something you enjoy due to politics is "manning up", but if if makes you feel better about yourself, I am happy for you.

In the meantime, I will not allow politics that much power over me
Gruden called Biden a pussy. Now that’s most interesting.
If the past decade of your emails and texts were released to the public, how many of you have never said anything controversial?

The left jerk off to getting people fired. It is pretty sick.

If you are happy that Gruden got fired for an email from a decade ago, you should seriously consider killing yourself.

I don't know that too many people are "happy" about it, but they do understand it.

Gruden's conduct is a reflection on the Raider's organization. If the organization has issues with that, it's their prerogative to address it as they see fit...
You are hiding behind technicalities to justify destroying a man's reputation and career.

It is not a technicality, it is a fact. All the lies about them being private will not change that.

And also, I am not justifying or even approve with whomever released them. I think it was wrong for them to be released publicly, but you cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube once it is out. Once they were out, action had to be taken by the NFL.
Has the NFL ever had rappers at Half Time that use racist, misogynist, and homophobic language????

Now I need you to think very very carefully what I said. I realize you are just one dumb fucking bastard and probably won't and can't think you fuck face

See any irony here you pile of gooey, runny shit
You appear to be very, very peevish, Sunshine.

The public entertainer expressed vile attitudes toward the public, and his depravity rendered him undesirable for a private, capitalistic business that depends upon public good will.

As previously noted, the disgraced entertainer was facing the ugly prospect of racists, misogynists, and homophobes hysterically defending him, and decided that it was better to abscond than to whine, lie, and lash out - the alternative course we also witness.
Everything that Gruden said in the emails was right on.

Fuck the political correct woke Karen pussies who get butt hurt.

Piss on Gruden for being weak and apologizing.

I hope Oakland hires some worthless dumbass affirmative action Negro or queer coach to take his place and never win another game.
650,000 emails and only six are leaked and all six are emails Gruden sent.
I don't pretend to be privy to the private business affairs of the NFL, its teams' management, or its public relation decisions.

I have not seen Gruden contrive any defense that his vile emails were aberrant, anomalous ravings that he has since renounced, no more than I would excuse him for only kicking a few blokes in the bollocks among the thousands he has met.

If other NFL employees have expressed comparable distain for their fellow Americans, I have no doubt that due diligence will result in such facts emerging.

... The emails were among 650,000 reviewed by the NFL during an investigation into misconduct at the Washington Football Team. On Tuesday, NBC’s Mike Florio reported that there is unease around the league that emails implicating other people who “sent or received emails with racist, homophobic, transphobic, and/or misogynistic content” could come to light. Hours later the NFL Players Association said it will ask the league to release the remained of the emails. The league may refuse, of course, but that won’t necessarily stop leaks – we’ve already seen with the Gruden situation that people have scores to settle.
Few will be surprised if the rot goes a lot deeper than Gruden.
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All the people cheering this on are so dishonest. If any of us had our private emails made public, then we would get cancelled also!

The level of hypocrisy with cancel culture is high.
I don't communicate with emails. I communicate on Facebook and here. I don't have a Twitter account anymore.
To be honest.....these people make whatever they want to be illegal. Gruden didn't do anything wrong. This is the problem here. ESPN is just a speaker for the left now. Gruden talks like most Americans.....and they want to erase most Americans.
Everything that Gruden said in the emails was right on.
"The disgraced entertainer was facing the ugly prospect of racists, misogynists, and homophobes hysterically defending him."


The NFL provides entertainment for the public. It depends upon the good will of the public. Tolerating, harboring, and excusing individuals who express vile prejudices privately become business liabilities when they become public.

Business is business.
Gruden's conduct is a reflection on the Raider's organization. If the organization has issues with that, it's their prerogative to address it as they see fit...
If the NFL, rather than a private, capitalistic enterprise, were controlled by the State - as is the case in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan - misogynistic and homophobic ravings would not be reason for the private employer and employee to part ways.

The NFL would be ordered to retain his services, embrace his prejudices, or suffer dire consequences.

America differs.
"The disgraced entertainer was facing the ugly prospect of racists, misogynists, and homophobes hysterically defending him."


The NFL provides entertainment for the public. It depends upon the good will of the public. Tolerating, harboring, and excusing individuals who express vile prejudices privately become business liabilities when they become public.

Business is business.

Gruden is a damn fine football coach. Football fans are entertained by their team winning games.

What he says in private conversations should be of no concern to anybody else.

Of course all these stupid woke Moon Bat Karens are pathetic pukes and hate anybody that isn't a far left negro/queer loving pussy.

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