Jonathan Turley: ‘No Alternative’ to Impeachment Inquiry into Biden

Lots of evidence, soon to have more.
1. They have money transfers and money laundering and bank records
2. They may have bribery from Burisma, they do have extortion already, seen the video?
3. They have open borders, even democrat mayors could attest to
4. They have illegally paying off student loans, $39b

1. Bullshit - money laundering us a crime last I checked and there were no criminal referrals by Republicans.

Joe receiving payments undeclared in his taxes would also be illegal, again, no criminal referrals.

2. Bullshit - no serious evidence of any bribes, no criminal referrals. Video has been around for years and Republicans even produced a report on Ukraine matters, found nothing incriminating on Joe.

3. Bullshit - there are no open borders. Someone sneaking by does not mean we have open borders and if that's the standard I guess every president ever needed to be impeached...which is fucking dumb.

4. Again, can impeach every president ever on disputed administration policy.

5. DO IT ANYWAY IDIOTS! Have your baseless impeachment, pay for it at the ballot box.
Is money from China illegal?

Did the money go to President Biden?

You apparently have the bank records.
I don’t know if it’s illegal…we haven’t found out a legal purpose for a guidance counselor from Delaware to be paid by the Chinese… hence why the criminal investigation continues

Have the xiden family explained what legal purpose they were being paid for?
The Deep State is protecting Biden. That's why the evidence hasn't been uncovered yet.
Why is there no evidence…we haven’t found it yet cause the “Deep State” is is “protecting” him.

She turned me into a newt!

Well…it got better….

She’s a witch, burn her!

What business was the 20 Biden shell LLCs conducting to have tens of millions of foreign money flowing thru them?

The memos are written in a partisan manner — ignoring or playing down contrary information — but an interesting pattern has emerged. The memos themselves have careful language that is often hedged. Then Comer and other GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy(Calif.), go on Twitter or speak to conservative media using hyperbolic language that goes well beyond what the memos say. Over time, the reporting on the memos in conservative media becomes untethered from the documentation in the reports.

….For instance, the second staff memo never says that Hunter Biden used “shell” companies a term often associated with shady or illegal activity, even though a shell company is a legitimate entity. Comer once described such an entity as “a fake company … they don’t make anything. They don’t produce anything. They don’t provide a good or service.” He is not wrong about many shell companies, but the memo lists real companies, with active websites and real business functions. (The third staff memo refers to just one “shell” company, which we will describe later.)

As for the $20 million in payments, Comer and other Republicans invoke this figure often. A close reading of the memos, however, finds that only about $7 million can be directly attributed to Biden family members, mostly Hunter, while the rest went to “associates,” according to the memos.Yet Comer and other lawmakers misleadingly suggest all of the money went to the Biden family or, as some label it, “the Biden crime family.” No evidence has emerged that any of these funds can be traced to Joe Biden himself.

Virtually all of the companies (many of which now are defunct) had legitimate business interests. Others had clearly identified business investments. Digging through the records, we find only three whose business purpose remains vague; one (Rosemont Seneca Global Risk Services, LLC) may not even be related to Hunter Biden, according to an email found in Hunter Biden’s laptop. The memos do not list any payments that flowed through these three companies.
The memos are written in a partisan manner — ignoring or playing down contrary information — but an interesting pattern has emerged. The memos themselves have careful language that is often hedged. Then Comer and other GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy(Calif.), go on Twitter or speak to conservative media using hyperbolic language that goes well beyond what the memos say. Over time, the reporting on the memos in conservative media becomes untethered from the documentation in the reports.

….For instance, the second staff memo never says that Hunter Biden used “shell” companies a term often associated with shady or illegal activity, even though a shell company is a legitimate entity. Comer once described such an entity as “a fake company … they don’t make anything. They don’t produce anything. They don’t provide a good or service.” He is not wrong about many shell companies, but the memo lists real companies, with active websites and real business functions. (The third staff memo refers to just one “shell” company, which we will describe later.)

As for the $20 million in payments, Comer and other Republicans invoke this figure often. A close reading of the memos, however, finds that only about $7 million can be directly attributed to Biden family members, mostly Hunter, while the rest went to “associates,” according to the memos.Yet Comer and other lawmakers misleadingly suggest all of the money went to the Biden family or, as some label it, “the Biden crime family.” No evidence has emerged that any of these funds can be traced to Joe Biden himself.

Virtually all of the companies (many of which now are defunct) had legitimate business interests. Others had clearly identified business investments. Digging through the records, we find only three whose business purpose remains vague; one (Rosemont Seneca Global Risk Services, LLC) may not even be related to Hunter Biden, according to an email found in Hunter Biden’s laptop. The memos do not list any payments that flowed through these three companies.
You're missing the main point.
Joe Biden used his position to take bribes and extort cash.
Why would the Bidens need to use those 20 shell companies if the money was legitimate?
Why would the Bidens need to distribute the money among family members who had nothing to do with their "business"?

The Articles of Impeachment that have to do with Biden's actions include:
Forgiving $39b in student loan debt. (Abuse of power)
Open Borders, failure to enforce US Immigration Law
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment in AFG

Jonathan Turley:​

‘No Alternative’ to Impeachment Inquiry into Biden​

24 Aug 2023 ~~ By Joel Pollack

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, who has long opposed rushed impeachments, wrote Thursday that Attorney Garland’s botched investigation leaves “no alternative” but an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.
As Breitbart News has argued — in January, March, June, and July — the emergence of new evidence that Joe Biden’s family earned money from foreign companies, and the failure of the Department of Justice to pursue credible investigations, meant that only an impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives, with all the subpoena powers that would entail, could unveil the truth about the president’s alleged influence-peddling.
Turley, writing at, now agrees:
Read more: Why the House Has No Alternative to an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

As Breitbart News observed in January: “[O]rdinary congressional committees have limited subpoena powers, but impeachment investigations can dig deeper and wider.

Democrat (Turley) is now calling for Impeachment, it’s so obvious.
Hey Kev, how long are you going to let the FBi, DoJ, and NARA Librarians block your Investigation?
Is the game plan to waste months on people that won’t talk - and will cite an open Investigation they left open just for such a Block?
Hunter Biden hasn’t been questioned in a Over 5 year long investigation. Not a single question.
The GOP Senate wouldn’t ask Hunter nor his associates one question either from 2016-2020.
In the next two months more crimes die from the statute of Limitations.
The lack of action by McCarthy when it is absolutely required with the overwhelming evidence, not only for Biden, Mayorkas and Garland to also be impeached, will be his downfall if he does not act.
Begin the inquiry. Make it transparent and public (unlike the J6 joke committee). Then impeach them.
We know that the Democrats in the Senate will never allow conviction of Biden, but they would have a public trial. People need to know the truth.

Turley sure didn't oppose "rush impeachments" when it came to Bill Clinton.


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