Jonathan Turley: ‘No Alternative’ to Impeachment Inquiry into Biden

Jonathan Turley:​

‘No Alternative’ to Impeachment Inquiry into Biden​

24 Aug 2023 ~~ By Joel Pollack

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, who has long opposed rushed impeachments, wrote Thursday that Attorney Garland’s botched investigation leaves “no alternative” but an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.
As Breitbart News has argued — in January, March, June, and July — the emergence of new evidence that Joe Biden’s family earned money from foreign companies, and the failure of the Department of Justice to pursue credible investigations, meant that only an impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives, with all the subpoena powers that would entail, could unveil the truth about the president’s alleged influence-peddling.
Turley, writing at, now agrees:
Read more: Why the House Has No Alternative to an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden

As Breitbart News observed in January: “[O]rdinary congressional committees have limited subpoena powers, but impeachment investigations can dig deeper and wider.

Democrat (Turley) is now calling for Impeachment, it’s so obvious.
Hey Kev, how long are you going to let the FBi, DoJ, and NARA Librarians block your Investigation?
Is the game plan to waste months on people that won’t talk - and will cite an open Investigation they left open just for such a Block?
Hunter Biden hasn’t been questioned in a Over 5 year long investigation. Not a single question.
The GOP Senate wouldn’t ask Hunter nor his associates one question either from 2016-2020.
In the next two months more crimes die from the statute of Limitations.
The lack of action by McCarthy when it is absolutely required with the overwhelming evidence, not only for Biden, Mayorkas and Garland to also be impeached, will be his downfall if he does not act.
Begin the inquiry. Make it transparent and public (unlike the J6 joke committee). Then impeach them.
We know that the Democrats in the Senate will never allow conviction of Biden, but they would have a public trial. People need to know the truth.
Breitbart? GFY
yes, that what it does. They need more evidence as what they have so far nothing. One of Hunters business partners has already testified before the committee that Joe Biden wasn't involved in their business deals.

Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, said she would not vote to fund the government this month without an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. So Greene and her associates would not fund the government unless they do this inquire. Holding congress hostage and the US people unless they get what they want. Joe Biden impeachment process has nothing to do with funding the government yet, republicans are quick to make threats if they do not get what they want which include shutting down the government.

Comer has been at this for a few months and has nothing. That why they are looking for other things using the inquire as a tool.
1. They already have more evidence than democrats had for BOTH impeachments of Trump.
2. Archer said that Biden called about 20 of their business dinners to confirm the Biden "brand". So why did Joe lie and say he knew noting of Hunter's business dealings? There are golf outing photos too. Biden emails using an alias? Why?
3. We have evidence that Hunter extorted money from a Chinese businessman using Biden as a threat.
4. MTG got her inquiry. So now we see if they can get even more evidence.
5. House Republicans need to use the funding of government to advantage. I'd cut funding to the FBI and DOJ until they becme more politically neutral. I'd cut all funding until the border is CLOSED.
6. Comer has a lot, including:
Suspicious Money transfers
Money laundering thru 20 shell companies
Bribery from Burisma
Extortion of Burisma and Chinese business man
Abuse of power for forgiving $39b of student loan debt
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment in AFG
Selling influence to US adversaries (China, Russia, etc.)
Hunter's laptop
IRS & FBI whistleblowers
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So what? Trumps GOP proved it is all bark and no bite in today's dueling realities. If you ain't got 67 votes, you're not removing anyone no matter what evidence you present.
Democrats are shitting themselves that the Impeachment Trial will show how bad Biden is.
Its not the 67 votes that matter.
It the 11/24 votes that matters
Biden will withdraw, sooner rather than later, just watch
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1. They already have more evidence than democrats had for BOTH impeachments of Trump.
2. Archer said that Biden called about 20 of their business dinners to confirm the Biden "brand". So why did Joe lie and say he knew noting of Hunter's business dealings? There are golf outing photos too. Biden emails using an alias? Why?
3. We have evidence that Hunter extorted money from a Chinese businessman using Biden as a threat.
4. MTG got her inquiry. So now we see if they can get even more evidence.
5. House Republicans need to use the funding of government to advantage. I'd cut funding to the FBI and DOJ until they becme more politically neutral. I'd cut all funding until the border is CLOSED.
6. Comer has a lot, including:
Suspicious Money transfers
Money laundering thru 20 shell companies
Bribery from Burisma
Extortion of Burisma and Chinese business man
Abuse of power for forgiving $39b of student loan debt
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment in AFG
Selling influence to US adversaries (China, Russia, etc.)
2. - Archer’s testimony on tape

Archer revealed that on about 20 occasions over a 10-year period, Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone to exchange pleasantries with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, part of what Archer described as the “brand” that Hunter Biden brought to foreign business deals.

This is proof of what. Joe was on the phone saying hello , how's it hanging. Also it clear that archer is calling it the "brand". This is not proof that JB was a partner or got any kickbacks. Nothing illegal about joking around. and talking on the telephone. This is nothing more than hobnobbing.

Hunter extortion of the Chinese guy is hearsay. It is also coming from Hunter. There is no doubt that Hunter is using the Biden name and even his dad to further his business deals. Nothing illegal and even the Trump children usually mention there dad when doing business.

Evidence of extortion well see the above. This is Hunter doing stuff and to say that this is proof is really desperate time here.

5. what does it have to do with Joe Biden

6. Get it straight. The form is nothing more than someone snitching and reporting something to the FBI on the correct form. It is not proof of anything. They the FBI have to go find collaborating evidence.

The rest is just conjecture. If all this was proof then they would have started the impeachment but it not enough or conclusive.
2. What is this supposed to prove? That Hunter Biden took a job that broke no laws. Also, Shokin was fired for not investigating corruption and acting in Russia’s favor.

2. - Archer’s testimony on tape

Archer revealed that on about 20 occasions over a 10-year period, Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone to exchange pleasantries with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, part of what Archer described as the “brand” that Hunter Biden brought to foreign business deals.
This is proof of what. Joe was on the phone saying hello , how's it hanging. Also it clear that archer is calling it the "brand". This is not proof that JB was a partner or got any kickbacks. Nothing illegal about joking around. and talking on the telephone. This is nothing more than hobnobbing.

Hunter extortion of the Chinese guy is hearsay. It is also coming from Hunter. There is no doubt that Hunter is using the Biden name and even his dad to further his business deals. Nothing illegal and even the Trump children usually mention there dad when doing business.
Evidence of extortion well see the above. This is Hunter doing stuff and to say that this is proof is really desperate time here.

5. what does it have to do with Joe Biden

6. Get it straight. The form is nothing more than someone snitching and reporting something to the FBI on the correct form. It is not proof of anything. They the FBI have to go find collaborating evidence.

The rest is just conjecture. If all this was proof then they would have started the impeachment but it not enough or conclusive.
1. How is the weather? Yeah, uh-huh. More like "show me the money". Actually following the illicit money thru the 20 or so shell companies, aka "money laundering" is what the Biden Crime Family will be indicted for.

2. I replied to your concern that MTG wouldn't fund the government without an impeachment inquiry. My reply basically said that House Republicans need to use funding as a way to combat partisan behaviors in government, and to close the border ASAP.

3. The 1023 form is from a reliable source. The Impeachment Inquiry can flesh out the details. The FBI has been covering up for Biden, Weiss is a criminal for covering up for Biden and needs to be disbarred.

4. The other "impeachable offenses" are not "conjecture"
Open borders is impeachable
Abuse of power for forgiving $39b of student loan debt is impeachable
Getting a $5m bribe for getting Shokin fired is impeachable

5. The MSM is starting to turn on Biden already. They see the writing on the wall. During the Impeachment Trial the Biden offenses will be exposed, and voters will turn on Old Joe in 2024. My prediction is that Biden will resign at some point, and the DNC will declare an open convention and pick another candidate. Then again, old Joe is stubborn, so who knows how this will turn out?
1. They already have more evidence than democrats had for BOTH impeachments of Trump.
2. Archer said that Biden called about 20 of their business dinners to confirm the Biden "brand". So why did Joe lie and say he knew noting of Hunter's business dealings? There are golf outing photos too. Biden emails using an alias? Why?
3. We have evidence that Hunter extorted money from a Chinese businessman using Biden as a threat.
4. MTG got her inquiry. So now we see if they can get even more evidence.
5. House Republicans need to use the funding of government to advantage. I'd cut funding to the FBI and DOJ until they becme more politically neutral. I'd cut all funding until the border is CLOSED.
6. Comer has a lot, including:
Suspicious Money transfers
Money laundering thru 20 shell companies
Bribery from Burisma
Extortion of Burisma and Chinese business man
Abuse of power for forgiving $39b of student loan debt
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment in AFG
Selling influence to US adversaries (China, Russia, etc.)
Hunter's laptop
IRS & FBI whistleblowers
All fluffed up nothingburger.

It’s all just bullshit without any actual evidence.

Archer testified that it was 20 calls over a decade and that Biden never discussed business of Hunters.

The form 1023 was unverified raw data that even bill Barr passed on.

And so on….
There is not evidence fuckup.

Just like all the evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.

That the former 1-term fuckup has a healthcare plan.

The emails the emails the emails…

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi….
Lol, you ready to turn on Biden?
All fluffed up nothingburger. It’s all just bullshit without any actual evidence.
Archer testified that it was 20 calls over a decade and that Biden never discussed business of Hunters.
The form 1023 was unverified raw data that even bill Barr passed on. And so on….
1. There is more than enough evidence to show during an Impeachment Trial. But sure, democrats will circle the wagons and vote not to remove. However, voters will see proof of more than enough corruption to not vote for Biden in 2024.

2. Its not surprising that at business dinners business deals were discussed. As Archer said, the dinners were proof of the Biden "brand", that they were actually buying access to Joe Biden. Joe had secret emails using an alias, so who knows what they will show? We can actually "follow the money" from US adversaries, thru 20 or so shell companies, to Biden Crime Family members. Might be a RICO case?

3. The Form-1023, IRS whistleblowers, FBI whistleblowers, Hunter's laptop, Bobulinsky, Burisma, China, Shokin, the $20,000,000 or so dollars for doing what? Comer will get what he can and then Impeach Biden. My prediction is that Biden resigns to avoid the Impeachment Trial.
1. There is more than enough evidence to show during an Impeachment Trial. But sure, democrats will circle the wagons and vote not to remove. However, voters will see proof of more than enough corruption to not vote for Biden in 2024.

2. Its not surprising that at business dinners business deals were discussed. As Archer said, the dinners were proof of the Biden "brand", that they were actually buying access to Joe Biden. Joe had secret emails using an alias, so who knows what they will show? We can actually "follow the money" from US adversaries, thru 20 or so shell companies, to Biden Crime Family members. Might be a RICO case?

3. The Form-1023, IRS whistleblowers, FBI whistleblowers, Hunter's laptop, Bobulinsky, Burisma, China, Shokin, the $20,000,000 or so dollars for doing what? Comer will get what he can and then Impeach Biden. My prediction is that Biden resigns to avoid the Impeachment Trial.
1. There isn't any evidence and if republic pols hold a vote the American people will turn the house back to the Dems.

2. Proof of brand? Are you fucking serious. Follow the money fucking hilarious.

3. The form 1023 proves nothing. The FBI whistleblowers didn't even get whistleblower status and just this week on blower was forced to admit his notes were not contemporaneous and contained several factual errors. The list is hilarious as it just contains daydreams.
1. There isn't any evidence and if republic pols hold a vote the American people will turn the house back to the Dems.
2. Proof of brand? Are you fucking serious. Follow the money fucking hilarious.
3. The form 1023 proves nothing. The FBI whistleblowers didn't even get whistleblower status and just this week on blower was forced to admit his notes were not contemporaneous and contained several factual errors. The list is hilarious as it just contains daydreams.
1. There is evidence. The money.
2. Biden would probably resign rather than go thru an Impeachment Trial and lose in 2024, especuially now that the MSM is asking probing questions. (KJP left the podium early today due to MSM questions)
1. There is evidence. The money.
2. Biden would probably resign rather than go thru an Impeachment Trial and lose in 2024, especuially now that the MSM is asking probing questions. (KJP left the podium early today due to MSM questions)
1. What money? Did any of it go the Joe Biden? No.
2. Why? He has done nothing wrong.

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