Jonathan Turley: Statements By Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbitt ‘Demolish the Two Official Reviews That Cleared Him’

Don't pretend to tell me what I think about the death of St. George Floyd.
It's stupid and biased.

George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Not due to a Minneapolis PD approved method for controlling
suspects under arrest.

A man with a non compromised heart due to epic abuse of drugs would not have died due to someone's knee
on the back of his neck.

Once again you prove how delusional you truly are. Nothing that was done to George Floyd was "approved" by the police. That's why the Chief of Police, and those who train them, testified against Derek Chauvin. ANYONE would have died from the pressure of Chauvins weight on George Floyd's chest.

You opinion isn't worth jack shit. The jury voted quickly and unanimously that it was murder. Your refusal to call it what it is shows what an ignorant, racist, piece of shit you truly are. Your opinions are those of a racist, misogynist pig.
Every time you post asshole.

Your entire paragraph is a denial of the facts, the law, and what happened on January 6th. I'm not trying to make this about race. I'm making it about YOUR HYPOCRISY. How you complain that a member of the military who attacked the Capitol got herself shot and killed because she broke the law, because she was unarmed. The officer who shot this woman who was attacking his position, had no way of knowing, whether or not she was armed, and he was sworn to protect the lives of the members of Congress.

Yet when unarmed black suspects are shot by the police, you've got 10 different excuses as to why it's OK for the police to shoot and kill unarmed black suspects, none of whom are being attacked by the person they kill, but not an insurrectionist violently attacking the Capitol.

I'm not wasting my time reading bullshit by a paid shill like Turley. His opinion is based on how much he's being paid, and by whom.
Your claim that I always excuse the cops when black are shot is just unsubstantiated bullshit!
Feel free to prove me wrong...using actual posts of mine. Not alcohol fueled rants.

"The officer who shot this woman who was attacking his position, had no way of knowing, whether or not she was armed, and he was sworn to protect the lives of the members of Congress."

So you are a fan of shooting first and finding out if this woman was armed later.

I don't believe I need to waste any more time on rabid imbeciles like you anymore.
Once again you prove how delusional you truly are. Nothing that was done to George Floyd was "approved" by the police. That's why the Chief of Police, and those who train them, testified against Derek Chauvin. ANYONE would have died from the pressure of Chauvins weight on George Floyd's chest.
There was zero weight on Floyd's chest. Moron. Check the photo.
EXPLAINER: Was officer's knee on Floyd's neck authorized? | AP News
You opinion isn't worth jack shit. The jury voted quickly and unanimously that it was murder. Your refusal to call it what it is shows what an ignorant, racist, piece of shit you truly are. Your opinions are those of a racist, misogynist pig.
Go fuck yourself! :rolleyes:
Did I? When did I do that?

Trespassing is not a capitol offense and unless you have video of Ashley Babbitt breaking into the Capitol
itself you should stop with the lies. Same with threatening lives of members of Congress.
You're a real whacked out joke.
I won't even dignify your attempts to make this a racial issue, desperate moron.

Like Jussie Smollett? When you start to object to an unarmed woman being shot to death
by a Capiltol policeman I'll start to believe what you claim to believe in and not.

Your ad homs of Jonathan Turley seem desperate and absurd. Feel free to actually take on what
Turley has brought up about extra judicial executions by Officer Byrd.
We both know you can't, however.
Was anshi shot inside or outside the Capitol?
Your claim that I always excuse the cops when black are shot is just unsubstantiated bullshit!
Feel free to prove me wrong...using actual posts of mine. Not alcohol fueled rants.

"The officer who shot this woman who was attacking his position, had no way of knowing, whether or not she was armed, and he was sworn to protect the lives of the members of Congress."

So you are a fan of shooting first and finding out if this woman was armed later.
I don't believe I need to waste any more time on rabid imbeciles like you anymore.
I think we should dig her up and shoot her again.
"think we should dig her up and shoot her again."
In a macabre way, my avatar thinks that is really funny.
But will move quickly along so as not to seem ghoulish.
(Still, a hat-tip).

(may god offer peace to her family)


"Don't pretend to tell me what I think about the death of St. George Floyd. It's stupid and biased. George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Not due to a Minneapolis PD approved method for controlling suspects under arrest.
A man with a non compromised heart due to epic abuse of drugs would not have died due to someone's knee on the back of his neck."

Oh, that could be. I ain't any kind of a medical professional....tho I once did the Heimlich maneuver on a colleague....but I don't know for sure about the scenario the good poster Arthur constructs.
But a question does come to mind.
To wit, would George Floyd have died in the street if Officer Chauvin's knee wasn't on his body?

Personally, from what I saw, and from what I heard Floyd gasp......well, someone would have to persuade me that that particular knee bore no blame whatsoever.

But that's just me.

"You opinion isn't worth jack shit. The jury voted quickly and unanimously that it was murder. Your refusal to call it what it is shows what an ignorant, racist, piece of shit you truly are. Your opinions are those of a racist, misogynist pig."

Now, like my avatar's statement above about not being a medical professional, I guess the same approach can apply to the above. Meaning, I ain't no expert on ignorant misogynistic racists; however, I could possibly be intrigued by a discussion on the reality of poster Dragonlady's trenchant observation.

But that's just me.
Not a comparison at all for the following reasons:

  • A state court house is not the seat of government, nor do government leaders regularly attend or meet there.
  • The court house was attacked at night, not while court was in session;
  • There was no stated intention to take actions against, or to harm any people in the court house.
  • Fires set inside Portland federal courthouse fence; 18 arrested on federal charges - KTVZ
  • I watched on TV as the insurrectionists destroyed a LOT of property on January 6th - windows and doors smashed, property stolen out of offices and the Floor of the House and Senate.
  • The Associated Press investigated all of the hundreds of arrests in Portland and elsewhere, and this is what THEY found:

Contrary to your Lying statement statement,
The building in question is the United States Mark O. Hatfield Federal Court House. It was indeed a federal property. not state nor city property.
Further more, you failed to read the following:
Yes, the stated intention was to burn the building down with federal employees in it.
Whether its day or night, Federally Authorized personnel were trapped in the building while anarchists BLM/Antifa attacked it with the intent to burn it down with explosives and fuel.
When you compare the destruction wrought by BLM/Antifa in 400 cities that they rioted, torched businesses after looting them, Damage to the capitol building was minor as compared to what the anarchists did to the city of DC, St John's Church and the monuments there.

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Oh, that could be. I ain't any kind of a medical professional....tho I once did the Heimlich maneuver on a colleague....but I don't know for sure about the scenario the good poster Arthur constructs.
But a question does come to mind.
To wit, would George Floyd have died in the street if Officer Chauvin's knee wasn't on his body?

Personally, from what I saw, and from what I heard Floyd gasp......well, someone would have to persuade me that that particular knee bore no blame whatsoever.

But that's just me.
To a body with a co-opted heart and cardio vascular system due to prolonged drug use there is every possibility that having a cop kneeling on Floyd certainly made his heart work harder and therefore, was a contributing factor.

But what are cops to do when a criminal, with fentany coursing through his body compromising his health, will not comply and sit in the back of a police vehicle as requested and instructed, which Floyd simply would not do?

In this woke world ignoring George Floyd's state of health just before his death is like ignoring the guy
who drank a fifth of whiskey before crashing into another auto. Just another case of the media
turning someone like George Floyd, in this case Floyd himself, into a martyr.
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Well, good poster Arthur, I ain't persuaded that the knee with -----the body weight from it's owner, for almost 10 minutes.... didn't make George Floyd dead.

The guy was prone on the ground, belly to the ground, he was handcuffed, at least two other officers were on his legs and torso.......and then comes that 10-minute knee.

I vote for the knee.
Versus whatever fentanyl was there.
And, rather comforting to me......the jury voted the same as my avatar.

The knee.
The knee.
Well, good poster Arthur, I ain't persuaded that the knee with -----the body weight from it's owner, for almost 10 minutes.... didn't make George Floyd dead.

The guy was prone on the ground, belly to the ground, he was handcuffed, at least two other officers were on his legs and torso.......and then comes that 10-minute knee.

I vote for the knee.
Versus whatever fentanyl was there.
And, rather comforting to me......the jury voted the same as my avatar.

The knee.
The knee.
I'm surprised the jury of George Floyd's peers sided with the martyr and not the cop. :rolleyes:

No, not really.
It reminded me of the O.J. jury going with the Johnny Cochran and Robert Kardashian anti cop narrative
instead of the overwhelming evidence.

The Chauvin case may yet find that Floyd's drug compromised body had at least as much to do
with his death than Derek Chauvin did. Derek Chauvin hires lawyer to represent him on appeal
Was George Floyd dead on his belly in the street that day......from a fentanyl speedball?

Or, did Officer Chauvin's knee....with the weight of it's owner on it.......have anything to do with Floyd's untimely demise.
Would he be dead without the offending knee?

I'm voting the goshdarn knee is the culprit.
And comfortingly, the juror voted the same way.
The knee. Duh!
The knee. Duh.
I'm surprised the jury of George Floyd's peers sided with the martyr and not the cop. :rolleyes:

No, not really.
It reminded me of the O.J. jury going with the Johnny Cochran and Robert Kardashian anti cop narrative
instead of the overwhelming evidence.

The Chauvin case may yet find that Floyd's drug compromised body had at least as much to do
with his death than Derek Chauvin did. Derek Chauvin hires lawyer to represent him on appeal
Good luck with that.

Eat shit donny.
Every time you post asshole.

Your entire paragraph is a denial of the facts, the law, and what happened on January 6th. I'm not trying to make this about race. I'm making it about YOUR HYPOCRISY. How you complain that a member of the military who attacked the Capitol got herself shot and killed because she broke the law, because she was unarmed. The officer who shot this woman who was attacking his position, had no way of knowing, whether or not she was armed, and he was sworn to protect the lives of the members of Congress.

Yet when unarmed black suspects are shot by the police, you've got 10 different excuses as to why it's OK for the police to shoot and kill unarmed black suspects, none of whom are being attacked by the person they kill, but not an insurrectionist violently attacking the Capitol.

I'm not wasting my time reading bullshit by a paid shill like Turley. His opinion is based on how much he's being paid, and by whom.
The member of the military did nothing but Trespass---the "officer" snuck up and hid from his fellow officers as he was assigned to gathering papers and not supposed to be there waiting with a gun, and shot her even though she was no treat to anyone.

If we can shoot for trespassing with no warning just for kicks---then there is no reason why we can't head into town where BLM/antif is looting and burning things down and just every one of them standing around even the small kids who have trespassed with their parents.
The member of the military did nothing but Trespass---the "officer" snuck up and hid from his fellow officers as he was assigned to gathering papers and not supposed to be there waiting with a gun, and shot her even though she was no treat to anyone.

If we can shoot for trespassing with no warning just for kicks---then there is no reason why we can't head into town where BLM/antif is looting and burning things down and just every one of them standing around even the small kids who have trespassed with their parents.
Ashti boobert was warned, she was warned repeatedly.

She was then shot for not following those warnings.
Ashli Babbitt was a whore piece of shit terrorist.

She was a veteran of the US Air Force. She actually did something for the country and was offended when
she saw how the left gamed the election.
And for that she was murdered while foul mouthed pigs like you are free to spout off their garbage insults.
It's ironic.
She was a veteran of the US Air Force. She actually did something for the country and was offended when
she saw how the left gamed the election.
And for that she was murdered while foul mouthed pigs like you are free to spout off their garbage insults.
It's ironic.
Where did this gaming happen?

Do you have proof?
To a body with a co-opted heart and cardio vascular system due to prolonged drug use there is every possibility that having a cop kneeling on Floyd certainly made his heart work harder and therefore, was a contributing factor.

But what are cops to do when a criminal, with fentany coursing through his body compromising his health, will not comply and sit in the back of a police vehicle as requested and instructed, which Floyd simply would not do?

In this woke world ignoring George Floyd's state of health just before his death is like ignoring the guy
who drank a fifth of whiskey before crashing into another auto. Just another case of the media
turning someone like George Floyd, in this case Floyd himself, into a martyr.
Point of the matter is, George Floyd had been told numerous times to stop resisting until he was put on the ground. Ashli Babbit was not afforded any warning at all. She was summarily executed for trespassing by one of Piglosi's gestapo.

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