joni Ernst family received 1/2 million dollars in government handouts

How about you point to these people that need it explained there is nothing wrong with utilizing a government program that is forced upon them (through taxes).

To get food stamps you just have to exist and not do much.

There you go FAQ2. The rabbit. You want more? Frank. Edge, Goforit, how many you want?
Did he state it was wrong or are you assuming things?
It's exactly what you get from the left when talking about Benghazi, etc.
Bullshit. There have been countless hearings.

What wrongdoing have they found? NOTHING.
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

That's awful! Maybe Obama should fund his latest spending schemes by ending farm subsidies?
It's awful that wingnuts are willing dupes, electing hypocrites and living examples of everything they profess to hate.
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

That's awful! Maybe Obama should fund his latest spending schemes by ending farm subsidies?
It's awful that wingnuts are willing dupes, electing hypocrites and living examples of everything they profess to hate.

It's awful that wingnuts are willing dupes, electing hypocrites and living examples of everything they profess to hate.

Yeah, those lefties are dupes.
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

Uh, Vandal, you should vet your sources. The man who wrote that article is a liberal columnist posting on liberal websites such as that one.

Sam Knight

Since 2010, Sam Knight's work has appeared in Truthout, Washington Monthly, Salon, Mondoweiss, Alternet, In These Times, The Reykjavik Grapevine and The Nation. In 2012, worked as a producer for The Alyona Show on RT. He has written extensively about political movements that emerged in Iceland after the 2008 financial collapse, and is currently working on a book about the subject.

So, just by that alone I can assume her reception of those subsidies is being deliberately blown out of context. Seriously, did you not think someone would come along and show your thread up for what it really was? Try posting from a non agenda based news source, please.

You are nothing but a rabid wolf, lapping up that red meat.
And to further fry this thread, even saw through the BS. Snopes.

The rumor about Ernst and welfare is overreaching for a number of reasons. In addition to the meaningful difference between a farm subsidy and what might be recognized as welfare, there is also a conflation of numbers. Ernst's father (and, it should be noted, not the senator herself) is listed as a recipient of less than ten percent of the $460,000 figure mentioned in the rumor. The balance is attributed to her late great-grandfather and her uncle, Dallas Culver. Sen. Ernst may or may not be close to her uncle, but it's quite a stretch to suggest his agricultural subsidies benefited her in any meaningful way.

Even then, there's an issue of chronology that cannot be overlooked. Those who cling to the proposition that Ernst was happy to put her hand out when subsidies came her way while looking down upon others' receiving help would have to acknowledge the dollar figures reviewed for the claim come from farm subsidies granted between the years 1995 and 2009. Ernst was born in 1970; and by 1994 she had graduated college, been commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Engineer Corps, gotten married, and moved to Savannah, Georgia. It's safe to say she was no longer a member of her parents' household in 1995 or later and thus was not a direct beneficiary of the referenced federal farm subsidy programs.

Moreover, Ernst's father received only about $39,000 in farm subsidies across 14 years, or $2,785 per year on the average: a sum of money that would be useful to most Americans, but not enough to make or break a business in one year. More than 90% of the monies cited in the claim went not to any of Ernst's direct relatives, but to an uncle. Joni Ernst Received 460 000 in Welfare Money

Read closely, and beest thou silent.

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