Jordan and Comer should let the Hunter Biden testimony be public

Yes, the Dems will obstruct and filibuster and try to use procedural nonsense to muddy the hearing, but let’s get Hunter under oath to explain how he made millions from Ukraine, paid no taxes, and explain the WHATSAPP MESSAGE, THE LAPTOP, 10 to the big guy, sex trafficking, crack use.

Let the Dems obstruct, it makes them look like they are hiding from something.

The Pubs can also ask about why the goalposts moved 6 types.
They are afraid they would be embarrassed, trying to nail down productive answers to "gotcha" questions put to a Yale Law, JD.
Making millions and paying no taxes would be what Trump calls, "smart". Yeah, I have no respect for their sort regardless of politics. As for congressional testimony, haven't paid any attention to it at all ever since Watergate.
Trump would use the legal loopholes not to pay as little in taxes as possible like all rich people do. Hunter just flat-out did not pay his taxes, period!
Hunter, which whore was your favorite?

Hunter, you never paid 1 bill for your father?

Hunter, from who did you buy your crack?

Hunter, did you make a personal business deal in China after traveling on AIR FORCE 2?
Yes, the Dems will obstruct and filibuster and try to use procedural nonsense to muddy the hearing, but let’s get Hunter under oath to explain how he made millions from Ukraine, paid no taxes, and explain the WHATSAPP MESSAGE, THE LAPTOP, 10 to the big guy, sex trafficking, crack use.
"You're lying very badly because that's what commie douches do" would be the correct answer to all your commie-inspired fake questions.
thats what public questioning would be closed door is needed and since the dems had no problem using suddenly they are against it cause it is their side in trouble.

I stated my opinion, what the Democrats think is irrelevant to that.
Even when Comer will ask Hunter for more dick pics?

Another reminder that without your nuanced, insightful commentary - this board would be a no man's land bereft of any intellectual purpose.

Besides, Hunter's already oversupplied the internet with enough dick pics to last a life time.

Dude literally had to take a picture of every single law he broke at every single moment.

They provide you your opinion via the corporate media they control - and then you echo it like the obedient clapping seal that you are. ;)

An open government is not the Democrats (or Republicans) position.
An open government is not the Democrats (or Republicans) position.


Cuz I recall Trump conducting cabinet meetings out in the open and live on television.

And the Democrat media throwing hissy fits about how unbecoming it was.

But I understand, they memory holed that and moved on so you no longer recall.

Because, like I said...

Cuz I recall Trump conducting cabinet meetings out in the open and live on television.

And the Democrat media throwing hissy fits about how unbecoming it was.

But I understand, they memory holed that and moved on so you no longer recall.

Because, like I said...

I think you got channels no one else did.

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