Jordan and Comer should let the Hunter Biden testimony be public

Yes, the Dems will obstruct and filibuster and try to use procedural nonsense to muddy the hearing, but let’s get Hunter under oath to explain how he made millions from Ukraine, paid no taxes, and explain the WHATSAPP MESSAGE, THE LAPTOP, 10 to the big guy, sex trafficking, crack use.

Let the Dems obstruct, it makes them look like they are hiding from something.

The Pubs can also ask about why the goalposts moved 6 types.
And they will never get a single answer. Best to expose the criminal scheme through other witnesses and hearings.
This just looks like a kangaroo court bent on character assassination

It’s not just Troy Nehls saying the quiet part out loud on impeachment


Perhaps nobody has been less shy than Rep. Troy E. Nehls (R-Tex.).

Nehls was asked Wednesday about what the House GOP conference hoped to gain from the Biden impeachment inquiry. He was blunt: “All I can say is Donald J. Trump 2024, baby!

The comment might be dismissed as an impolitic and unintentional one, except that it came just a week after Nehls registered another McCarthy moment. Speaking to USA Today, Nehls said that after Trump’s two impeachments, he wanted to give the former president “a little bit of ammo to fire back” — to be able to say that Biden, too, had been impeached.

And less than a month ago, Nehls applied this same raw, unapologetic political calculus to another of the most seemingly sober and rare decisions Congress can make: expelling a member. Responding to the growing GOP calls to oust Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) amid a brutal House Ethics Committee report, Nehls acknowledged the gravity of the report but reflected incredulously about “why would we want to expel a guy … [when] we’ve got a three-seat, four-seat majority. What are we doing?

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) last year pitched the investigations expressly as an attempt to influence voters’ 2024 choices.

“That will help frame up the 2024 race, when I hope and I think President Trump is going to run again,”
Jordan told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas. “And we need to make sure that he wins.”
Yes, the Dems will obstruct and filibuster and try to use procedural nonsense to muddy the hearing, but let’s get Hunter under oath to explain how he made millions from Ukraine, paid no taxes, and explain the WHATSAPP MESSAGE, THE LAPTOP, 10 to the big guy, sex trafficking, crack use.

Let the Dems obstruct, it makes them look like they are hiding from something.

The Pubs can also ask about why the goalposts moved 6 types.
the fifth, the fifth, the fifth, there will be no explaining. But, I agree, make the hearings public.
By “everyone” you mean Trumpers like yourself.

And which Biden are you referring to?

You honestly do not think Joe Biden has ever taken a penny he should not have in his life? Would you bet your life on it?

You can brag forever about how you voted for the worst POTUS in IS HISTORY twice.

He should flex and let his 9 incher accidentally flop out.


You cult fucks should hate Hunter....Millionaire White guy with a huge hog.



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Yes, the Dems will obstruct and filibuster and try to use procedural nonsense to muddy the hearing, but let’s get Hunter under oath to explain how he made millions from Ukraine, paid no taxes, and explain the WHATSAPP MESSAGE, THE LAPTOP, 10 to the big guy, sex trafficking, crack use.

Let the Dems obstruct, it makes them look like they are hiding from something.

The Pubs can also ask about why the goalposts moved 6 types.

That wasn't the Trump rules and we need to make sure we do no less than they did or we're fucked as a country. If you don't grasp that, I can't help you

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