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Jordanian MPs: Release Terrorist who Murdered Israeli Students

How did you get the impression that this man was/is not responsible for his doings?

Where did he, or anyone representing him, claimed he's mentally 'challenged'?

when you open fire on a school bus full of children on a field trip to a park because their noise is disturbing your praying, then it is a pretty safe bet that he is mentally unbalanced, especially given some of his erratic behaviour prior to the incident.

but hey, be my guest. release him in nine years. he will still be ubder 50 and probably in pretty good shape, and he will be rehabilitated, of course and the thought of seeking revenge will never have crossed his mind. my god, only a mentally ill person would think about revenging themselves against those who imprisoned him for "acting heroically", as his act is being touted by some jordanians.

that certainly is a better option than keeping him locked up indefinitely, isn't it? let him out in nine years.

you've convinced me.

he should get life for every girl he killed.

No one speaking of releasing him. I thought the question was weather he's sane or not?:confused:

UNDER Jordanian law, a life sentence means 25 years imprisonment. So, that means he is released in 9 years.
How did you get the impression that this man was/is not responsible for his doings?

Where did he, or anyone representing him, claimed he's mentally 'challenged'?

when you open fire on a school bus full of children on a field trip to a park because their noise is disturbing your praying, then it is a pretty safe bet that he is mentally unbalanced, especially given some of his erratic behaviour prior to the incident.

but hey, be my guest. release him in nine years. he will still be ubder 50 and probably in pretty good shape, and he will be rehabilitated, of course and the thought of seeking revenge will never have crossed his mind. my god, only a mentally ill person would think about revenging themselves against those who imprisoned him for "acting heroically", as his act is being touted by some jordanians.

that certainly is a better option than keeping him locked up indefinitely, isn't it? let him out in nine years.

you've convinced me.

he should get life for every girl he killed.

No one speaking of releasing him. I thought the question was weather he's sane or not?:confused:

the tribunal that tried him spared him the death penalty because he was deemed mentally ill. (not challanged. there is a difference.)

he was sentenced to life, but i understand that to be no more than 25 years according to jordanian jurisprudence.

i am not eactly sure what your problem is. i say he should be confined from society indefinitely (i.e. forever) because he is mentally ill.

you seem to think releasing him as a ODC in nine years is preferable.

in nine years...maximally, a man who gives every indication of being mentally ill will be released into a society where a significant portion of the population think his act was heroic. i think it unwise to release a person who is mentally ill into a society where he is praised for such an act.
when you open fire on a school bus full of children on a field trip to a park because their noise is disturbing your praying, then it is a pretty safe bet that he is mentally unbalanced, especially given some of his erratic behaviour prior to the incident.

but hey, be my guest. release him in nine years. he will still be ubder 50 and probably in pretty good shape, and he will be rehabilitated, of course and the thought of seeking revenge will never have crossed his mind. my god, only a mentally ill person would think about revenging themselves against those who imprisoned him for "acting heroically", as his act is being touted by some jordanians.

that certainly is a better option than keeping him locked up indefinitely, isn't it? let him out in nine years.

you've convinced me.

he should get life for every girl he killed.

No one speaking of releasing him. I thought the question was weather he's sane or not?:confused:

UNDER Jordanian law, a life sentence means 25 years imprisonment. So, that means he is released in 9 years.

Life sentence times 7.

I hardly passed math finals, and even I know to do that simple math
he should get life for every girl he killed.

No one speaking of releasing him. I thought the question was weather he's sane or not?:confused:

UNDER Jordanian law, a life sentence means 25 years imprisonment. So, that means he is released in 9 years.

Life sentence times 7.

I hardly passed math finals, and even I know to do that simple math

you're not a jordanian. it is none of your business, really, at this point.

life sentence=25 years.

all i am suggesting is mentally ill people be treated like mentally ill people.

didn't hitler believe in imprisoning those with mental defects...or mental illness, among other mental conditions.
In July 1997, a five-member Jordanian*military tribunal*found Daqamseh guilty of killing the Israeli schoolgirls, sentencing him to life imprisonment with hard labor. Under Jordanian law, a life sentence is equivalent to 25 years in prison. He could have faced the*death penalty*but the tribunal spared him because he was determined to be mentally unstable.[17]5. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_of_Peace_massacre http://www.nytimes.com/1997/07/20/world/jordan-soldier-convicted-in-killings-of-israeli-girls.html
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How could I not? IT DOES not matter what the ethnicity of a child is who is hurt or killed. I WAS thinking today about the children hurt in Boston today, I do not know details but they say children were hospitalized. THAT happened at the other side of the park where the big movie theatre is. MY husband was there last Thursday at that movie theatre. A 2 year old and others are among the children injured. WHAT a senseless act! BUT I have to say what I mostly feel about these children is sorrow, not some huge desire to make someone pay for the crime.

I don't see this as some "huge desire" to make someone "pay" for a crime. Look at the facts of the case - what is known for sure:
- he did shoot 7 children in cold blood
- he clearly shows no remorse based on his own words, he feels he did nothing wrong and it was his "duty"
Pardoning someone like that strikes me as highly irresponsible...would you pardon and release Jared Lee Loughner or James Holmes free into society, for example? How is this man any different?

it is probably a good idea for societies to treat mentally ill behaviour as being different from criminal behaviour. that way you avoid these conundrums. a person could be confined indefinitely then...instead of releasing a mentally ill person because he has served his criminal sentence. it is not like mental illness can be rehabilitated.

obviously, if a person has a severe mental illness, they are ill and not responsible for the crimes they commit.

I absolutely agree - if I could rep you I would :)

A person like that can never be safely released but they also aren't responsible. You need a "guilty but insane" verdict, and permanent incarceration in an appropriate facility with treatment.
How could I not? IT DOES not matter what the ethnicity of a child is who is hurt or killed. I WAS thinking today about the children hurt in Boston today, I do not know details but they say children were hospitalized. THAT happened at the other side of the park where the big movie theatre is. MY husband was there last Thursday at that movie theatre. A 2 year old and others are among the children injured. WHAT a senseless act! BUT I have to say what I mostly feel about these children is sorrow, not some huge desire to make someone pay for the crime.

I don't see this as some "huge desire" to make someone "pay" for a crime. Look at the facts of the case - what is known for sure:
- he did shoot 7 children in cold blood
- he clearly shows no remorse based on his own words, he feels he did nothing wrong and it was his "duty"
Pardoning someone like that strikes me as highly irresponsible...would you pardon and release Jared Lee Loughner or James Holmes free into society, for example? How is this man any different?

I DO not see how you can make any statement about whether he feels remorseful today. NO interviews with him have taken place recently, at least none I have read about. ALL I have read of are statements he allegedly made 16 years ago.HIS present state of mind and mental condition and physical condition all have relevance to whether he should be released before his 25 year sentence is satisfied, in my opinion. AND BY all means, Jordan needs to follow Jordanian laws and practices here.

Sherri - don't you read your own links or what has been posted? Interviews HAVE taken place recently and he specifically stated his feelings on the matter and that he felt he should be pardoned.

If you are trying to make a case for injustice you've really chosen the wrong one - he is not a political prisoner, he is a cold blooded murderer who does not regret what he has done.

Step outside yourself for one moment and ask yourself if you think John Wayne Gacey should have been pardoned? Or how about Tim McVeigh? We're talking mass murderers here.
WE are speaking here about a man who killed 7 children and whether he should be released after 16 years in prison. IN ANOTHER thread we learn Israel will hold no Israelis accountable for the murders of over 30 Palestinisan children in Gaza in 2012. WHY THIS DOUBLE STANDARD?

Two different topics.

The fact that Israel has a double standard in regards to justice with Palestinians has absolutely no bearing on whether a mass murderer should be pardoned and if that is the rationale for your support of this man's release that is truly pathetic.

By the way - what human rights groups are even advocating for this man's release? They are certainly advocating for better justice for the Palestinians, but I've seen nothing about this man.
WE are speaking here about a man who killed 7 children and whether he should be released after 16 years in prison. IN ANOTHER thread we learn Israel will hold no Israelis accountable for the murders of over 30 Palestinisan children in Gaza in 2012. WHY THIS DOUBLE STANDARD?

Moron, two different Countries and two different set of facts. Anything you post is loaded with lies, misinformation and fabrications.

As for the Jordanian, the release was for POLITICAL prisoners not mass murderers.

So let me get this right.... if someone murdered 7 of your relatives in cold blood and stated he did nothing wrong that it was his duty, you would be fine with releasing him from prison in 16 years?

I AM a Christian who believes in forgiving others as Jesus forgavel. OF COURSE, I would forgive! I AM NOT LIVING BOUND IN HATE!

Then why is it you are forgiving of a mass murderer but not of the Israeli's? Your standards are confused to say the least. You forgive him and think he should be let loose into society when by his own words he feels he only did his duty and nothing wrong in gunning down children.
Well, at least let us consider how much Sherri also grieves for all the Israel's killed by Palestinians. Right Sherri?

Moron, two different Countries and two different set of facts. Anything you post is loaded with lies, misinformation and fabrications.

As for the Jordanian, the release was for POLITICAL prisoners not mass murderers.

So let me get this right.... if someone murdered 7 of your relatives in cold blood and stated he did nothing wrong that it was his duty, you would be fine with releasing him from prison in 16 years?
WEll, in the past 5 years Israel has killed over 500 Palestinian children and in that same 5 years Hamas has killed one Israeli child. ITS HARD TO GRIEVE FOR FANTASY dying Israeli CHILDREN WHO DO NOT EXIST!

According to B'tselem there have been 5 Israeli minors killed by Palestinian attacks since 2009 - still very lopsided I agree.

How does this justify the release of an unrepentent mass murderer?
I don't see this as some "huge desire" to make someone "pay" for a crime. Look at the facts of the case - what is known for sure:
- he did shoot 7 children in cold blood
- he clearly shows no remorse based on his own words, he feels he did nothing wrong and it was his "duty"
Pardoning someone like that strikes me as highly irresponsible...would you pardon and release Jared Lee Loughner or James Holmes free into society, for example? How is this man any different?

it is probably a good idea for societies to treat mentally ill behaviour as being different from criminal behaviour. that way you avoid these conundrums. a person could be confined indefinitely then...instead of releasing a mentally ill person because he has served his criminal sentence. it is not like mental illness can be rehabilitated.

obviously, if a person has a severe mental illness, they are ill and not responsible for the crimes they commit.

How did you get the impression that this man was/is not responsible for his doings?

Where did he, or anyone representing him, claimed he's mentally 'challenged'?

It was claimed in one of the articles that he suffered from an anti-social disorder - that was where that came from.
it is probably a good idea for societies to treat mentally ill behaviour as being different from criminal behaviour. that way you avoid these conundrums. a person could be confined indefinitely then...instead of releasing a mentally ill person because he has served his criminal sentence. it is not like mental illness can be rehabilitated.

obviously, if a person has a severe mental illness, they are ill and not responsible for the crimes they commit.

How did you get the impression that this man was/is not responsible for his doings?

Where did he, or anyone representing him, claimed he's mentally 'challenged'?

It was claimed in one of the articles that he suffered from an anti-social disorder - that was where that came from.

Ok, but the fact that he had the disroder doesn't mean he didn't know what he was doing. Question is, was he under an 'attack' or such a situation that took over his inner judgment and therefore he did what he did.

At least that is the logic in which my justice system works on. I don't really know how its in jordan.
So that would mean anyone who kills indiscriminately is insane right? :dunno:

Where do you get that idea? A lot of them are to one degree or another - but that does not always mean they can't be held responsible. It depends on each case individually.
UNDER Jordanian law, a life sentence means 25 years imprisonment. So, that means he is released in 9 years.

Life sentence times 7.

I hardly passed math finals, and even I know to do that simple math

you're not a jordanian. it is none of your business, really, at this point.

life sentence=25 years.

all i am suggesting is mentally ill people be treated like mentally ill people.

didn't hitler believe in imprisoning those with mental defects...or mental illness, among other mental conditions.

This is none of my business, sure, but since it's a message board, I express my opinion. I am a regular person with no influence on Jordanian justice system, so of course, it's 'none of my business'.

And I don't think bringing hitler to this debate is wise, to say the least.
Life sentence times 7.

I hardly passed math finals, and even I know to do that simple math

you're not a jordanian. it is none of your business, really, at this point.

life sentence=25 years.

all i am suggesting is mentally ill people be treated like mentally ill people.

didn't hitler believe in imprisoning those with mental defects...or mental illness, among other mental conditions.

This is none of my business, sure, but since it's a message board, I express my opinion. I am a regular person with no influence on Jordanian justice system, so of course, it's 'none of my business'.

And I don't think bringing hitler to this debate is wise, to say the least.

From that point of view this is nobodies business on this board since none of us live in Jordan. The thread should be locked and everyone should move on to other things.

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