Jorge Ramos fact of the day

Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
^Typical dumbfuck republican.

Ramos is an American citizen. So are you. How worried are you about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America? And improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay?

Hey dumbfuck, he holds dual citizenship, in Mexico and the US.
Oh okay dumb fucking asshole. I can't help but notice that you DIDN'T REFUTE A SINGLE THING I SAID!

Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
^Typical dumbfuck republican.

Ramos is an American citizen. So are you. How worried are you about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America? And improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay?

Hey dumbfuck, he holds dual citizenship, in Mexico and the US.
Cool, how many languages do you speak? Ramos speaks at least two.
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
^Typical dumbfuck republican.

Ramos is an American citizen. So are you. How worried are you about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America? And improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay?

You dumbass, he's a beaner, and his cause is advocating a beaner invasion. That is, moving as many brownies from south of the American border north into America. The stated reason? Because their countries cannot provide for them. I, on the other hand, have no ties to Bean Land.

If you cannot see a difference, or if you simply refuse to see the difference because your puny mind won't allow you to as a result of PC indoctrination, then you are doomed.

Don't bother me with such stupid shit again.
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
Trust me, "beaner" loses more Hispanic voters for your party. Good luck with your White Supremacist movement.

You maybe right. But at this point, who cares? PC culture has got to go.
dude is a left-wing political whore for retaining the pandering to illegals status quo.

Personally i hope the Left continues this practice; people are fed up with it.
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
No. Sorry, regurgitating something you read on dingbat sites is not going to cut it:

What share of the Hispanic vote do Republicans need to win in 2016? Is it 44 percent, as some have argued? Is it 49 percent? Or maybe it is as low as 33 percent?

If you’ve followed debates about elections for the past few years, you’ve probably heard analysts give answers to these questions. But the truth is, none of these answers are clearly correct. The reasons are threefold: First, these sorts of projections often hold all else equal from 2012 – that is, they assume that the white, black and Asian vote shares won’t move. Second, the projections offered typically involve the shares of the Hispanic vote (or that of other groups) that Republicans would need to win in order to take the popular vote. But, of course, our elections are determined by the Electoral College, and as we’ll see, Hispanic voters are much less relevant for the Electoral College than the popular vote.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
No. Sorry, regurgitating something you read on dingbat sites is not going to cut it:

What share of the Hispanic vote do Republicans need to win in 2016? Is it 44 percent, as some have argued? Is it 49 percent? Or maybe it is as low as 33 percent?

If you’ve followed debates about elections for the past few years, you’ve probably heard analysts give answers to these questions. But the truth is, none of these answers are clearly correct. The reasons are threefold: First, these sorts of projections often hold all else equal from 2012 – that is, they assume that the white, black and Asian vote shares won’t move. Second, the projections offered typically involve the shares of the Hispanic vote (or that of other groups) that Republicans would need to win in order to take the popular vote. But, of course, our elections are determined by the Electoral College, and as we’ll see, Hispanic voters are much less relevant for the Electoral College than the popular vote.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics

Nothing in that gibberish produces a plausible scenario with the GOP losing 75% of the Hispanic vote.
I'd never even heard of Ramos before the right wing started attacking him. This sounds like fodder for Retard Radio and Sean Hannity.
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
No. Sorry, regurgitating something you read on dingbat sites is not going to cut it:

What share of the Hispanic vote do Republicans need to win in 2016? Is it 44 percent, as some have argued? Is it 49 percent? Or maybe it is as low as 33 percent?

If you’ve followed debates about elections for the past few years, you’ve probably heard analysts give answers to these questions. But the truth is, none of these answers are clearly correct. The reasons are threefold: First, these sorts of projections often hold all else equal from 2012 – that is, they assume that the white, black and Asian vote shares won’t move. Second, the projections offered typically involve the shares of the Hispanic vote (or that of other groups) that Republicans would need to win in order to take the popular vote. But, of course, our elections are determined by the Electoral College, and as we’ll see, Hispanic voters are much less relevant for the Electoral College than the popular vote.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics

Nothing in that gibberish produces a plausible scenario with the GOP losing 75% of the Hispanic vote.
Read the Goddamned thing before talking out of your ass.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
No. Sorry, regurgitating something you read on dingbat sites is not going to cut it:

What share of the Hispanic vote do Republicans need to win in 2016? Is it 44 percent, as some have argued? Is it 49 percent? Or maybe it is as low as 33 percent?

If you’ve followed debates about elections for the past few years, you’ve probably heard analysts give answers to these questions. But the truth is, none of these answers are clearly correct. The reasons are threefold: First, these sorts of projections often hold all else equal from 2012 – that is, they assume that the white, black and Asian vote shares won’t move. Second, the projections offered typically involve the shares of the Hispanic vote (or that of other groups) that Republicans would need to win in order to take the popular vote. But, of course, our elections are determined by the Electoral College, and as we’ll see, Hispanic voters are much less relevant for the Electoral College than the popular vote.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics

Nothing in that gibberish produces a plausible scenario with the GOP losing 75% of the Hispanic vote.
Read the Goddamned thing before talking out of your ass.

I reset the black vote to normal historical levels of 11% for GOP.

I raised the Hispanic vote until the GOP was ahead in the popular vote. It had to go to 43%.

It's up to you to come up with plausible changes in the other figures if you want to show the GOP winning with 25% of the Hispanic vote.

YOU go to the chart,

set the Hispanic vote at 25% and then juggle the other numbers until you get the GOP ahead.

Then make the case that your juggled numbers are plausible outcomes in 2016.
Ramos is the most popular media figure in the US among Hispanic-Americans.

This is politics, some of you seem to forget. This is about who votes for whom in the election. If over 3/4s of Hispanics vote for the Democratic nominee, it is all but mathematically impossible for the Republican to win.

Go down with your ship if you wish, but remember we told you so.
No. Sorry, regurgitating something you read on dingbat sites is not going to cut it:

What share of the Hispanic vote do Republicans need to win in 2016? Is it 44 percent, as some have argued? Is it 49 percent? Or maybe it is as low as 33 percent?

If you’ve followed debates about elections for the past few years, you’ve probably heard analysts give answers to these questions. But the truth is, none of these answers are clearly correct. The reasons are threefold: First, these sorts of projections often hold all else equal from 2012 – that is, they assume that the white, black and Asian vote shares won’t move. Second, the projections offered typically involve the shares of the Hispanic vote (or that of other groups) that Republicans would need to win in order to take the popular vote. But, of course, our elections are determined by the Electoral College, and as we’ll see, Hispanic voters are much less relevant for the Electoral College than the popular vote.

Demographics and the 2016 Election Scenarios | RealClearPolitics

Nothing in that gibberish produces a plausible scenario with the GOP losing 75% of the Hispanic vote.
Read the Goddamned thing before talking out of your ass.

I reset the black vote to normal historical levels of 11% for GOP.

I raised the Hispanic vote until the GOP was ahead in the popular vote. It had to go to 43%.

It's up to you to come up with plausible changes in the other figures if you want to show the GOP winning with 25% of the Hispanic vote.

YOU go to the chart,

set the Hispanic vote at 25% and then juggle the other numbers until you get the GOP ahead.

Then make the case that your juggled numbers are plausible outcomes in 2016.
Try moving the white vote.
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I hear so much about.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62

Every. Single. Day.
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I hear so much about.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62

Every. Single. Day.

cuz one comment condemns whole groups

you lost your case long ago; but you're too mentally-ill and far to small of a person to admit it
you had to have the mod defend you little sissy G5

now tell everybody here just what your point is about "every day"?
you point out one comment and that makes your case that all republicans are "racist" how again???????
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I hear so much about.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62

Every. Single. Day.

cuz one comment condemns whole groups

you lost your case long ago; but you're too mentally-ill and far to small of a person to admit it
Just providing you the evidence you asked for when I said that whenever a right winger is talking about a minority, it is always in a negative light.

Every. Single. Day.

And it wasn't just that post I quoted. This very topic was started to attack a very well-known and beloved member of the Hispanic community.

So go ahead and yawn and put yourself in a self-induced coma. I know why you deniers do that. It's a defensive thing. You need to preserve your "because gifts" delusion rather than face the reality that it is because every single time a right winger talks about a minority, it is in a negative light.

And you deniers are enabling it.

Minorities notice shit like that, and that is why they will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.

By your absolute refusal to clean up these shitbags, and your attacks on those who are trying to, by your very denial that the blazingly obvious problem exists, you are part and parcel of that bigotry.

You might not be the guy who throws the darkies in the oven. You're way too cowardly for that. You're a villager who puts a handkerchief over his mouth and nose to cover up the stench and then says, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

So I am going to be rubbing your nose in it for a while, you cowardly willfully blind enabler.
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Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I hear so much about.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62

Every. Single. Day.

cuz one comment condemns whole groups

you lost your case long ago; but you're too mentally-ill and far to small of a person to admit it
Just providing you the evidence you asked for when I said that whenever a right winger is talking about a minority, it is always in a negative light.

Every. Single. Day.

And it wasn't just that post I quoted. This very topic was started to attack a very well-known and beloved member of the Hispanic community.

So go ahead and yawn and put yourself in a self-induced coma. I know why you deniers do that. It's a defensive thing. You need to preserve your "because gifts" delusion rather than face the reality that it is because every single time a right winger talks about a minority, it is in a negative light.

And you deniers are enabling it.

Minorities notice shit like that, and that is why they will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.

By your absolute refusal to clean up these shitbags, and your attacks on those who are trying to, by your very denial that the blazingly obvious problem exists, you are part and parcel of that bigotry.

You might not be the guy who throws the darkies in the oven. You're way too cowardly for that. You're a villager who puts a handkerchief over his mouth and nose to cover up the stench and then says, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

So I am going to be rubbing your nose in it for a while, you cowardly willfully blind enabler.


you're only making a fool of yourself. you arent rubbing anything in my nose dummy. you're saying that a whole group of millions are to be condemned for the comments of one or two people. you're spewing hypocrisy in the name of tolerance. that makes you an idiot whether you like to own it or not. you say "darkies" as if to imply that others are thinking of that term

you keep saying i'm denying something; but you cant point out what. again all you do is embarrass YOURSELF obsessing on me because i HURT YOUR PRIDEFUL ARROGANCE

try again boy
Ramos is an angry and cocky little beaner who genuinely feels that America owes the world. He should be worried about stamping out corruption in Mexico and Central America, improving their economies and making their part of the world some place where they want to stay.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats I hear so much about.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62

Every. Single. Day.

cuz one comment condemns whole groups

you lost your case long ago; but you're too mentally-ill and far to small of a person to admit it
Just providing you the evidence you asked for when I said that whenever a right winger is talking about a minority, it is always in a negative light.

Every. Single. Day.

And it wasn't just that post I quoted. This very topic was started to attack a very well-known and beloved member of the Hispanic community.

So go ahead and yawn and put yourself in a self-induced coma. I know why you deniers do that. It's a defensive thing. You need to preserve your "because gifts" delusion rather than face the reality that it is because every single time a right winger talks about a minority, it is in a negative light.

And you deniers are enabling it.

Minorities notice shit like that, and that is why they will not vote for a party which so clearly HATES them.

By your absolute refusal to clean up these shitbags, and your attacks on those who are trying to, by your very denial that the blazingly obvious problem exists, you are part and parcel of that bigotry.

You might not be the guy who throws the darkies in the oven. You're way too cowardly for that. You're a villager who puts a handkerchief over his mouth and nose to cover up the stench and then says, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

So I am going to be rubbing your nose in it for a while, you cowardly willfully blind enabler.

i'll clean up the "shitbags" when you are man enough to "clean up" a thousand left-wing idiots making blind accusations against ALL Republicans on a daily basis............................


you're simply a laughable clown dude

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