Joseph McCarthy

The Real Story on Joe McCarthy
dangerous movement has been growing among conservative writers to vindicate the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his campaign to expose Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

The FBI agents who were actually chasing those spies have told me that McCarthy hurt their efforts because he trumped up charges, unfairly besmirched honorable Americans, and gave hunting spies a bad name.

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The problem was that the people McCarthy tarnished as Communists or Communist sympathizers were not the real spies. Often, the information McCarthy used came from FBI files, which were full of rumor and third-hand accounts.

Several months before he died, I interviewed Robert J. Lamphere who participated in all the FBI’s major spy cases during the McCarthy period. Beginning in 1948, Lamphere also was the FBI liaison to the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service’s VENONA program and used leads from the intercepts to work cases involving Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby.

For my book “The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,” Lamphere told me that agents who worked counterintelligence were aghast that Hoover initially supported McCarthy. [Editor's Note: Get Ron Kessler's book. Go here now.]

“McCarthyism did all kinds of harm because he was pushing something that wasn’t so,” Lamphere told me. The VENONA intercepts showed that over several decades, “There were a lot of spies in the government, but not all in the State Department,” Lamphere said. However, “The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures. He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused. All along, Hoover was helping him.”

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Most lefties seem clueless about the post WW2 political climate and they seem to rely on pop-culture history rather than real history. Communism was perceived by both the government and the media to be a major threat to society during the Truman administration. Truman democrats created HUAC (House un-American activities committee) and it was the House Committee, chaired by democrats that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood. The American government had no power to "blacklist" Hollywood employees, Hollywood moguls blacklisted Hollywood writers because they thought they would lose money. Sen. Joe McCarthy wasn't even a chairman of a senate committee but the radical left had to blame a republican for the entire era and thanks to the liberal media they got away with it.
Most lefties seem clueless about the post WW2 political climate and they seem to rely on pop-culture history rather than real history. Communism was perceived by both the government and the media to be a major threat to society during the Truman administration. Truman democrats created HUAC (House un-American activities committee) and it was the House Committee, chaired by democrats that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood. The American government had no power to "blacklist" Hollywood employees, Hollywood moguls blacklisted Hollywood writers because they thought they would lose money. Sen. Joe McCarthy wasn't even a chairman of a senate committee but the radical left had to blame a republican for the entire era and thanks to the liberal media they got away with it.
So how many communists did McCarthy expose and how many did he bring to trial for breaking American laws?
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Victims of McCarthyism[edit]
It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of McCarthyism. The number imprisoned is in the hundreds, and some ten or twelve thousand lost their jobs.[52] In many cases simply being subpoenaed by HUAC or one of the other committees was sufficient cause to be fired.[53] Many of those who were imprisoned, lost their jobs or were questioned by committees did in fact have a past or present connection of some kind with the Communist Party. But for the vast majority, both the potential for them to do harm to the nation and the nature of their communist affiliation were tenuous.[54] After the extremely damaging "Cambridge Five" spy scandal (Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, et al.), suspected homosexuality was also a common cause for being targeted by McCarthyism. The hunt for "sexual perverts", who were presumed to be subversive by nature, resulted in thousands being harassed and denied employment.[55] Many have termed this aspect of McCarthyism "The Lavender Scare".[56]

Homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric disorder in the 1950s.[57] However, in the context of the highly politicised Cold War environment, homosexuality became framed as a dangerous, contagious social disease that posed a potential threat to state security.[57] As the family was believed to be the cornerstone of American strength and integrity,[58] the stigmatisation of homosexuals as "sexual perverts" meant that they were both unable to function within a family unit and presented the potential to poison the social body.[59] This era also witnessed the establishment of widely spread FBI surveillance intended to identify homosexual government employees.[60]

The McCarthy hearings and according "sexual pervert" investigations can be seen to have been driven by a desire to identify individuals whose ability to function as loyal citizens had been compromised.[59] Joseph McCarthy began his campaign by drawing upon the ways in which he embodied traditional American values in order to become the self-appointed vanguard of social morality.[61] Paradoxically, accusations of alleged homosexual behaviour marked the end of McCarthy’s political career.[62]

Dalton Trumbo and his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947.
In the film industry, more than 300 actors, authors and directors were denied work in the U.S. through the unofficial Hollywood blacklist. Blacklists were at work throughout the entertainment industry, in universities and schools at all levels, in the legal profession, and in many other fields. A port security program initiated by the Coast Guard shortly after the start of the Korean War required a review of every maritime worker who loaded or worked aboard any American ship, regardless of cargo or destination. As with other loyalty-security reviews of McCarthyism, the identities of any accusers and even the nature of any accusations were typically kept secret from the accused. Nearly 3,000 seamen and longshoremen lost their jobs due to this program alone.[63]

Some of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:

In 1953, Robert K. Murray, a young professor of history at Pennsylvania State University who had served as an intelligence officer in World War II, was revising his dissertation on the Red Scare of 1919–20 for publication until Little, Brown and Company decided that "under the circumstances ... it wasn't wise for them to bring this book out." He learned that investigators were questioning his colleagues and relatives. The University of Minnesota press published his volume, Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919–1920, in 1955.[110]

Critical reactions[edit]

How gullible. You just bought the whole thing.

Sen. McCarthy managed to use a House committee to blacklist people a decade before he even became a Senator

Most lefties seem clueless about the post WW2 political climate and they seem to rely on pop-culture history rather than real history. Communism was perceived by both the government and the media to be a major threat to society during the Truman administration. Truman democrats created HUAC (House un-American activities committee) and it was the House Committee, chaired by democrats that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood. The American government had no power to "blacklist" Hollywood employees, Hollywood moguls blacklisted Hollywood writers because they thought they would lose money. Sen. Joe McCarthy wasn't even a chairman of a senate committee but the radical left had to blame a republican for the entire era and thanks to the liberal media they got away with it.
So how many communists did McCarthy expose and how many did he bring to trial for breaking American laws?
It was a democrat administration with a democrat majority in both houses. It's amazing that the liberal media managed to blame a single republican for the discomfort that communists had to endure.
Most lefties seem clueless about the post WW2 political climate and they seem to rely on pop-culture history rather than real history. Communism was perceived by both the government and the media to be a major threat to society during the Truman administration. Truman democrats created HUAC (House un-American activities committee) and it was the House Committee, chaired by democrats that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood. The American government had no power to "blacklist" Hollywood employees, Hollywood moguls blacklisted Hollywood writers because they thought they would lose money. Sen. Joe McCarthy wasn't even a chairman of a senate committee but the radical left had to blame a republican for the entire era and thanks to the liberal media they got away with it.
So how many communists did McCarthy expose and how many did he bring to trial for breaking American laws?
It was a democrat administration with a democrat majority in both houses. It's amazing that the liberal media managed to blame a single republican for the discomfort that communists had to endure.
So are Republicans now claiming there was no Senator McCarthy and if there was a Senator McCarthy he had to be a Democrat.
Democrats were in charge in the Senate and the House and the Executive branch. Communism was the perceived threat to American society and the Truman administration rolled with the flow.You almost gotta laugh that a single republican senator who had no power was blamed for the whole era. It's a tribute to left wing media propaganda and pop culture ignorance.
Democrats were in charge in the Senate and the House and the Executive branch. Communism was the perceived threat to American society and the Truman administration rolled with the flow.You almost gotta laugh that a single republican senator who had no power was blamed for the whole era. It's a tribute to left wing media propaganda and pop culture ignorance.
I think the problem is McCarthy used communism to ride to some fame and power. Most of the others that worked against communists did it in a workman like manner gaining little fame and little power, but McCarthy saw it as that magic political road and took it. For a time it worked but his lack of ability and his personal characteristics led the America people to see McCarthy for what he was and he lost it all.
Do you see how Liberals are really a cult of mindless drones repeating, without question, whatever is poured down into the Collective hive mind?

Even today, they say McCarthy used his HUAC to blacklist Hollywood writers.

Laughable, but it's a way to continue to monitor the complete effectiveness of the training, brainwashing and mind control they were subjected to in their formative years
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Victims of McCarthyism[edit]
It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of McCarthyism. The number imprisoned is in the hundreds, and some ten or twelve thousand lost their jobs.[52] In many cases simply being subpoenaed by HUAC or one of the other committees was sufficient cause to be fired.[53] Many of those who were imprisoned, lost their jobs or were questioned by committees did in fact have a past or present connection of some kind with the Communist Party. But for the vast majority, both the potential for them to do harm to the nation and the nature of their communist affiliation were tenuous.[54] After the extremely damaging "Cambridge Five" spy scandal (Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, et al.), suspected homosexuality was also a common cause for being targeted by McCarthyism. The hunt for "sexual perverts", who were presumed to be subversive by nature, resulted in thousands being harassed and denied employment.[55] Many have termed this aspect of McCarthyism "The Lavender Scare".[56]

Homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric disorder in the 1950s.[57] However, in the context of the highly politicised Cold War environment, homosexuality became framed as a dangerous, contagious social disease that posed a potential threat to state security.[57] As the family was believed to be the cornerstone of American strength and integrity,[58] the stigmatisation of homosexuals as "sexual perverts" meant that they were both unable to function within a family unit and presented the potential to poison the social body.[59] This era also witnessed the establishment of widely spread FBI surveillance intended to identify homosexual government employees.[60]

The McCarthy hearings and according "sexual pervert" investigations can be seen to have been driven by a desire to identify individuals whose ability to function as loyal citizens had been compromised.[59] Joseph McCarthy began his campaign by drawing upon the ways in which he embodied traditional American values in order to become the self-appointed vanguard of social morality.[61] Paradoxically, accusations of alleged homosexual behaviour marked the end of McCarthy’s political career.[62]

Dalton Trumbo and his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947.
In the film industry, more than 300 actors, authors and directors were denied work in the U.S. through the unofficial Hollywood blacklist. Blacklists were at work throughout the entertainment industry, in universities and schools at all levels, in the legal profession, and in many other fields. A port security program initiated by the Coast Guard shortly after the start of the Korean War required a review of every maritime worker who loaded or worked aboard any American ship, regardless of cargo or destination. As with other loyalty-security reviews of McCarthyism, the identities of any accusers and even the nature of any accusations were typically kept secret from the accused. Nearly 3,000 seamen and longshoremen lost their jobs due to this program alone.[63]

Some of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:

In 1953, Robert K. Murray, a young professor of history at Pennsylvania State University who had served as an intelligence officer in World War II, was revising his dissertation on the Red Scare of 1919–20 for publication until Little, Brown and Company decided that "under the circumstances ... it wasn't wise for them to bring this book out." He learned that investigators were questioning his colleagues and relatives. The University of Minnesota press published his volume, Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919–1920, in 1955.[110]

Critical reactions[edit]

Simple enough to prove this entire link is false.
The very first line:
"It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of McCarthyism. The number imprisoned is in the hundreds,..."

Which of those listed were jailed, yet not communists?

Dalton Trumbo is a perfect example of how bogus the propaganda is..... cost him nothing except using a different name on scripts he wrote.

This 'penalty' for a communist who 'blacklisted' anti-communists prior to the the revelations about the 100 million communism slaughtered.

Liberals/communists.....Dalton Trumbo.
Let's begin exposing them: one meme is ' the dark days of theHollywood Blacklist.'

The first thing to realize is that blacklisting.... "Concerted action by employers to deny employment to someone suspected of unacceptable opinions or behavior" was actually begin by communists in Hollywood against conservatives.

And Dalton Trumbo was one of the most vociferous, and vicious, in its use!

a. "Communists in high positions in Hollywood were able to see to it that ant-Communist works never made it to the screen.

Writing in "The Worker," Dalton Trumbo bragged about de facto anti-Communist blacklisting.
"We have produced a few fine films in Hollywood, a great many of which were vulgar and opportunistic and a few downright vicious. If you tell me Hollywood, in contrast with the novel and the theater, has produced nothing so provocative or so progressive asFreedom Road or Deep Are the Roots, I will grant you the point, but I may also add that neither has Hollywood produced anything so untrue or so reactionary as The Yogi and the Commissar, Out of the Night,Report on the Russians,There Shall Be No Night, or Adventures of a Young Man. Nor does Hollywood's forthcoming schedule include such tempting items as James T. FarrellBernard Clare, Victor A. Kravchenko I Chose Freedom, or the so-called biography of Stalin by Leon Trotsky."
FrontPage Magazine - Orwell vs. Communism

You didn't know that did you?

All of you communist dupes should find a copy of
Victor A. Kravchenko's "I Chose Freedom" for an education.

Democrats were in charge in the Senate and the House and the Executive branch. Communism was the perceived threat to American society and the Truman administration rolled with the flow.You almost gotta laugh that a single republican senator who had no power was blamed for the whole era. It's a tribute to left wing media propaganda and pop culture ignorance.
I think the problem is McCarthy used communism to ride to some fame and power. Most of the others that worked against communists did it in a workman like manner gaining little fame and little power, but McCarthy saw it as that magic political road and took it. For a time it worked but his lack of ability and his personal characteristics led the America people to see McCarthy for what he was and he lost it all.

As is the case with most of your posts, the very opposite is the case.

It cost him his career....and, some say, his life.
McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Victims of McCarthyism[edit]
It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of McCarthyism. The number imprisoned is in the hundreds, and some ten or twelve thousand lost their jobs.[52] In many cases simply being subpoenaed by HUAC or one of the other committees was sufficient cause to be fired.[53] Many of those who were imprisoned, lost their jobs or were questioned by committees did in fact have a past or present connection of some kind with the Communist Party. But for the vast majority, both the potential for them to do harm to the nation and the nature of their communist affiliation were tenuous.[54] After the extremely damaging "Cambridge Five" spy scandal (Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, et al.), suspected homosexuality was also a common cause for being targeted by McCarthyism. The hunt for "sexual perverts", who were presumed to be subversive by nature, resulted in thousands being harassed and denied employment.[55] Many have termed this aspect of McCarthyism "The Lavender Scare".[56]

Homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric disorder in the 1950s.[57] However, in the context of the highly politicised Cold War environment, homosexuality became framed as a dangerous, contagious social disease that posed a potential threat to state security.[57] As the family was believed to be the cornerstone of American strength and integrity,[58] the stigmatisation of homosexuals as "sexual perverts" meant that they were both unable to function within a family unit and presented the potential to poison the social body.[59] This era also witnessed the establishment of widely spread FBI surveillance intended to identify homosexual government employees.[60]

The McCarthy hearings and according "sexual pervert" investigations can be seen to have been driven by a desire to identify individuals whose ability to function as loyal citizens had been compromised.[59] Joseph McCarthy began his campaign by drawing upon the ways in which he embodied traditional American values in order to become the self-appointed vanguard of social morality.[61] Paradoxically, accusations of alleged homosexual behaviour marked the end of McCarthy’s political career.[62]

Dalton Trumbo and his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947.
In the film industry, more than 300 actors, authors and directors were denied work in the U.S. through the unofficial Hollywood blacklist. Blacklists were at work throughout the entertainment industry, in universities and schools at all levels, in the legal profession, and in many other fields. A port security program initiated by the Coast Guard shortly after the start of the Korean War required a review of every maritime worker who loaded or worked aboard any American ship, regardless of cargo or destination. As with other loyalty-security reviews of McCarthyism, the identities of any accusers and even the nature of any accusations were typically kept secret from the accused. Nearly 3,000 seamen and longshoremen lost their jobs due to this program alone.[63]

Some of the more notable people who were blacklisted or suffered some other persecution during McCarthyism are listed here:

In 1953, Robert K. Murray, a young professor of history at Pennsylvania State University who had served as an intelligence officer in World War II, was revising his dissertation on the Red Scare of 1919–20 for publication until Little, Brown and Company decided that "under the circumstances ... it wasn't wise for them to bring this book out." He learned that investigators were questioning his colleagues and relatives. The University of Minnesota press published his volume, Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919–1920, in 1955.[110]

Critical reactions[edit]

What a classic example of why I laugh at anyone who thinks Wikipedia is a "source".
more proof you are ignorant.

I'm not the one citing the HUAC and the Hollywood blacklist as "evidence" against Joe McCarthy, a man who never served in the House, and didn't enter the Senate until well after the HUAC's activities.
Classic distinction without a difference.

Even if one is silly enough to follow you in the belief that the House of Representatives and the Senate are a "distinction without a difference", it would still be difficult to call Time itself such.

Face it, jack wagon. Your only "proof" of McCarthy's evils are acts that HE NEVER COMMITTED. Which is also a substantial difference by any standard you'd care to name.

If you wish to convict him, produce a guilt he actually bears.
The Real Story on Joe McCarthy
dangerous movement has been growing among conservative writers to vindicate the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his campaign to expose Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

The FBI agents who were actually chasing those spies have told me that McCarthy hurt their efforts because he trumped up charges, unfairly besmirched honorable Americans, and gave hunting spies a bad name.

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The problem was that the people McCarthy tarnished as Communists or Communist sympathizers were not the real spies. Often, the information McCarthy used came from FBI files, which were full of rumor and third-hand accounts.

Several months before he died, I interviewed Robert J. Lamphere who participated in all the FBI’s major spy cases during the McCarthy period. Beginning in 1948, Lamphere also was the FBI liaison to the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service’s VENONA program and used leads from the intercepts to work cases involving Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby.

For my book “The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,” Lamphere told me that agents who worked counterintelligence were aghast that Hoover initially supported McCarthy. [Editor's Note: Get Ron Kessler's book. Go here now.]

“McCarthyism did all kinds of harm because he was pushing something that wasn’t so,” Lamphere told me. The VENONA intercepts showed that over several decades, “There were a lot of spies in the government, but not all in the State Department,” Lamphere said. However, “The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures. He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused. All along, Hoover was helping him.”

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Well, gosh, why didn't you tell us in the first place that you had a leftist opinion piece that agreed with you? We never would have doubted you with such "proof" in hand. :blahblah:
The Real Story on Joe McCarthy
dangerous movement has been growing among conservative writers to vindicate the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his campaign to expose Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

The FBI agents who were actually chasing those spies have told me that McCarthy hurt their efforts because he trumped up charges, unfairly besmirched honorable Americans, and gave hunting spies a bad name.

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The problem was that the people McCarthy tarnished as Communists or Communist sympathizers were not the real spies. Often, the information McCarthy used came from FBI files, which were full of rumor and third-hand accounts.

Several months before he died, I interviewed Robert J. Lamphere who participated in all the FBI’s major spy cases during the McCarthy period. Beginning in 1948, Lamphere also was the FBI liaison to the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service’s VENONA program and used leads from the intercepts to work cases involving Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby.

For my book “The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,” Lamphere told me that agents who worked counterintelligence were aghast that Hoover initially supported McCarthy. [Editor's Note: Get Ron Kessler's book. Go here now.]

“McCarthyism did all kinds of harm because he was pushing something that wasn’t so,” Lamphere told me. The VENONA intercepts showed that over several decades, “There were a lot of spies in the government, but not all in the State Department,” Lamphere said. However, “The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures. He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused. All along, Hoover was helping him.”

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Well, gosh, why didn't you tell us in the first place that you had a leftist opinion piece that agreed with you? We never would have doubted you with such "proof" in hand. :blahblah:
If what I post is in your words "beneath notice", why the fuck do you keep responding?
Slow day at the trailer park?
The Real Story on Joe McCarthy
dangerous movement has been growing among conservative writers to vindicate the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his campaign to expose Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

The FBI agents who were actually chasing those spies have told me that McCarthy hurt their efforts because he trumped up charges, unfairly besmirched honorable Americans, and gave hunting spies a bad name.

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The problem was that the people McCarthy tarnished as Communists or Communist sympathizers were not the real spies. Often, the information McCarthy used came from FBI files, which were full of rumor and third-hand accounts.

Several months before he died, I interviewed Robert J. Lamphere who participated in all the FBI’s major spy cases during the McCarthy period. Beginning in 1948, Lamphere also was the FBI liaison to the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service’s VENONA program and used leads from the intercepts to work cases involving Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby.

For my book “The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,” Lamphere told me that agents who worked counterintelligence were aghast that Hoover initially supported McCarthy. [Editor's Note: Get Ron Kessler's book. Go here now.]

“McCarthyism did all kinds of harm because he was pushing something that wasn’t so,” Lamphere told me. The VENONA intercepts showed that over several decades, “There were a lot of spies in the government, but not all in the State Department,” Lamphere said. However, “The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures. He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused. All along, Hoover was helping him.”

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Well, gosh, why didn't you tell us in the first place that you had a leftist opinion piece that agreed with you? We never would have doubted you with such "proof" in hand. :blahblah:
If what I post is in your words "beneath notice", why the fuck do you keep responding?
Slow day at the trailer park?

Now how would I know anything about conditions in your neighborhood? Poke your head outside and check. Watch out for bullets.
Democrats were in charge in the Senate and the House and the Executive branch. Communism was the perceived threat to American society and the Truman administration rolled with the flow.You almost gotta laugh that a single republican senator who had no power was blamed for the whole era. It's a tribute to left wing media propaganda and pop culture ignorance.
I think the problem is McCarthy used communism to ride to some fame and power. Most of the others that worked against communists did it in a workman like manner gaining little fame and little power, but McCarthy saw it as that magic political road and took it. For a time it worked but his lack of ability and his personal characteristics led the America people to see McCarthy for what he was and he lost it all.
It's not about McCarthy, it's about the power of the liberal media. McCarthy was supported by the media at first and later when it seemed that Communists weren't so bad after all the liberal media forgot about their initial anti-communist rhetoric and Harry Truman and blamed the whole anti-commie era on a republican even though democrats were in power during the whole episode.The sad sorry truth is that the liberal media was the only source of information at the time and the liberal media writes the pop-history books.
The Real Story on Joe McCarthy
dangerous movement has been growing among conservative writers to vindicate the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and his campaign to expose Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

The FBI agents who were actually chasing those spies have told me that McCarthy hurt their efforts because he trumped up charges, unfairly besmirched honorable Americans, and gave hunting spies a bad name.

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The problem was that the people McCarthy tarnished as Communists or Communist sympathizers were not the real spies. Often, the information McCarthy used came from FBI files, which were full of rumor and third-hand accounts.

Several months before he died, I interviewed Robert J. Lamphere who participated in all the FBI’s major spy cases during the McCarthy period. Beginning in 1948, Lamphere also was the FBI liaison to the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service’s VENONA program and used leads from the intercepts to work cases involving Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby.

For my book “The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,” Lamphere told me that agents who worked counterintelligence were aghast that Hoover initially supported McCarthy. [Editor's Note: Get Ron Kessler's book. Go here now.]

“McCarthyism did all kinds of harm because he was pushing something that wasn’t so,” Lamphere told me. The VENONA intercepts showed that over several decades, “There were a lot of spies in the government, but not all in the State Department,” Lamphere said. However, “The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures. He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused. All along, Hoover was helping him.”

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Well, gosh, why didn't you tell us in the first place that you had a leftist opinion piece that agreed with you? We never would have doubted you with such "proof" in hand. :blahblah:
If what I post is in your words "beneath notice", why the fuck do you keep responding?
Slow day at the trailer park?

Now how would I know anything about conditions in your neighborhood? Poke your head outside and check. Watch out for bullets.
Do you also have trouble with knowing your own location. ?
Again you are contradicting yourself by responding to my posts, so it's not surprising you'd have a shit load of other problems with perception.
You clowns fail to realize that in this country there is no law against being a communist.
Or does the 1st amendment mean nothing to you.

There is no law against being any manner of cultist.

Revel in your delusion.

was that supposed to be a response to his comment?

1. communism is an economic construct that, contrary to extreme rightwing fallacy, is not an economic system encouraged or desired by liberals.
2. communism is also not a cult.

would you care to try again, this time with comprehension?

"Communism" has been since the 1950's a catch-all term for all Marxist-based nonsense.

All groups comprised of adherents to strongly held and shared beliefs are cults by definition.
Marxist-based nonsense that has nothing whatsoever to do with 'liberals' and Democrats in the United States.

Yet many on the ignorant right continue to attempt to propagate that ridiculous lie.


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