Journalism school dean: The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed

Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?

Don't tempt fate. I got some zingers handy for mocking Jesus, and the other guy. :)

But, we can't mock Mohammed?


Are you willing to admit that for centuries the Catholic Church, for example, was wrong to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?
Be specific, when is the LAST time the Catholic Church was able to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?

It's fucking mind blowing to see liberals turn their backs on freedom of speech when it comes to islam. These people are a bunch of pussies!
Once more libs come out in favor of warmonger Bush

Really? Islam has been at war with the west for a very long time. I wouldn't blame Bush for what islam aims to do. Of course, your knowledge of history is very limited.

So what have you have had us do after being attacked?
If islam can wage war over cartoons, so can everyone else.....thus Bush was justified in bombing whoever whenever if they insulted us
It shouldn't be illegal to depict Mohammed, but it should be discouraged.
Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?

Don't tempt fate. I got some zingers handy for mocking Jesus, and the other guy. :)

But, we can't mock Mohammed?


Are you willing to admit that for centuries the Catholic Church, for example, was wrong to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?
Be specific, when is the LAST time the Catholic Church was able to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?

Heresy and blasphemy was for those in the church, not a cartoon office.
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Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?

Don't tempt fate. I got some zingers handy for mocking Jesus, and the other guy. :)

But, we can't mock Mohammed?


Are you willing to admit that for centuries the Catholic Church, for example, was wrong to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?
Be specific, when is the LAST time the Catholic Church was able to punish people for heresy and blasphemy?

Heresy and blasphemy was for those in the church, not a cartoon office.
I want the specific last time it was punished, I am past tired of comparisons from hundreds of years ago and claiming they are the same as today. Unlike Islam the Catholic Church grew up.
Just a month ago or so you people were claiming the first Amendment ended where the protestors in NYC supposedly incited a man to kill 2 policemen.

Which is it? You people flip flop more than a boated fish.
Never said they couldn't do it. Just pointed out you would have to be a left wing retard to do so. And your people promptly proved the point.
It shouldn't be illegal to depict Mohammed, but it should be discouraged.

No it should be encouraged. Only when Muslims learn to tolerate criticism of their barbaric cult will the world be safe from Islamic terrorism.
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.

I love your post about "toxic talk". How many years did gays use "toxic talk" to be treated like equals?

In 1975 gays were fighting for their right. After noting Alexander the "Great" and his habbits...

In 1985 Wham started making more extremely obvious threats to "toxic talk"

and then, the Jitterbug....., he wears a "choose life" shirt while openly being gay in a time where it wasn't allowed to be open to be gay.

Oppression of gays isn't even gone today yet we see the oppressors saying people need to drop the topic.

America has a challenge.

Freedom of Religion in the 2A is that challenge. It doesn't mean freedom to force our religion. It means freedom of all religions, the reason we got away from people acting like us years ago.
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.

He's right. The First Amendment isn't absolute. You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre either. And if mocking Mohammed results pretty predictably and assuredly in riots globally, that's even worse than shouting "Fire!"

Actually the Constitution is Absolute 100%.

I can go downtown and hand out flyers on how to make a home made bomb. Law states that if I don't intend to make that bomb, it's free speech because I didn't plan to harm others.

Yet common sense humans question why I can go hand out flyers on how to build bombs that can kill thousands of humans..

Freedom of Speech. A fun topic America is not in yet, but will be deep in soon .
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.

He's right. The First Amendment isn't absolute. You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre either. And if mocking Mohammed results pretty predictably and assuredly in riots globally, that's even worse than shouting "Fire!"
No he is not, yelling "fire" effects every body, of all races and religion, what makes a bunch of towel heads different then say pollocks , krauts, japs, ?

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