Journalist Gets Fired For Pretending To Board Up Vandalized Business For Instagram Photo


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
On Monday night a video of a woman in Santa Monica interrupted a man boarding up his business just to take a photo pretending to be helping out during the protests and then immediately jumping into her Mercedes went viral.

The outrage? Really? Every night we see more killing, violence, looting, destruction and the general breakdown of a civilized society and a women taking a picture pretending to be using drill for whatever reason goes viral, gets extreme backlash and she ends up fired? This country is truly f'cked.
Ever think that the reason she was fired is because she is a journalist that does a thing called "Facts with Fiona", and her fraudulent post put her credibility into question? She put her own credibility into serious question with this fake thing, which is why the Washington Examiner doesn't want anything to do with her anymore. Not only that, but because of the backlash on Twitter she got for doing this, that probably also figured into their decision to fire her, because they didn't want their own credibility called into question.

Yeah, I know, reading the link provided kinda mutes the outrage the OP is displaying. Quick question for all you people out there, if you ran a news agency and one of your reporters who's brand is about chasing down facts, called their credibility into question (and possibly your news agency) by doing something like this, wouldn't you fire her as well? I know I would. Can't have liars reporting as journalists because Trump has already got everyone questioning the news.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what got her fired exactly, filming what was filmed at all or doing what was done during the film?

God bless you and her and the guy always!!!

Ever think that the reason she was fired is because she is a journalist that does a thing called "Facts with Fiona", and her fraudulent post put her credibility into question? She put her own credibility into serious question with this fake thing, which is why the Washington Examiner doesn't want anything to do with her anymore. Not only that, but because of the backlash on Twitter she got for doing this, that probably also figured into their decision to fire her, because they didn't want their own credibility called into question.

Yeah, I know, reading the link provided kinda mutes the outrage the OP is displaying. Quick question for all you people out there, if you ran a news agency and one of your reporters who's brand is about chasing down facts, called their credibility into question (and possibly your news agency) by doing something like this, wouldn't you fire her as well? I know I would. Can't have liars reporting as journalists because Trump has already got everyone questioning the news.

You funny.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what got her fired exactly, filming what was filmed at all or doing what was done during the film?

God bless you and her and the guy always!!!


Ah, here's the real issue. From another article:

"Moriarty-McLaughlin garnered negative Twitter attention on Sunday when she criticized a Los Angeles protester for spray painting an Ouai billboard with the words 'Black Lives Matter'."

The real issue is she criticized the protesters and rioters. I don't think she actually posted that picture of her holding the drill to her account. Maybe she did, but I haven't read any article that says she did. If she didn't, then this is an extreme reaction for what she did and I'd have to think she's really being targeted for her stance on the rioters.
Ellen DeGeneres getting lit up now for saying "people of color" instead of "black".

Drew Brees getting lit up for saying he'd never disrespect the flag.

Ellen DeGeneres getting lit up now for saying "people of color" instead of "black".

Drew Brees getting lit up for saying he'd never disrespect the flag.

We have to purge the country of these leftist lunatics
By any means neccessary.
We have to purge the country of these leftist lunatics
By any means neccessary.
This national sickness is not unprecedented as in France and then during the Russian revolution people
lost their freedom, money and lives for not kowtowing to the mob. In China also and in Cambodia and Viet Nam.
Hopefully we can remember who we are and push back on the SJW mobs until they go back into their holes.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what got her fired exactly, filming what was filmed at all or doing what was done during the film?

God bless you and her and the guy always!!!


I put down what I thought in post 3. Apparently, this journalist worked for the Washington Examiner, and her column was called "Facts With Fiona", meaning her brand is about getting to the truth.

She then posted this stupid video, trying to project that she was helping, when in reality, she wasn't. She was called out on Twitter for posting fake crap (as a journalist no less).

She had her own credibility called into question because of the fake post. The Washington Examiner saw the backlash she was getting on Twitter for being fake, and fired her for it. They probably figured that because she put her own credibility into question, people might say that the Washington Examiner was fake as well, so they fired her to avoid having their credibility questioned.

Like I said....................if I owned a news agency, and a journalist who lost all credibility because of a fake posting, I would have fired her as well, because there are a whole bunch of people who like to shout "fake news", and if they kept her on, they might say that the Examiner was fake because they hire journalists who lie.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what got her fired exactly, filming what was filmed at all or doing what was done during the film?

God bless you and her and the guy always!!!


I put down what I thought in post 3. Apparently, this journalist worked for the Washington Examiner, and her column was called "Facts With Fiona", meaning her brand is about getting to the truth.

She then posted this stupid video, trying to project that she was helping, when in reality, she wasn't. She was called out on Twitter for posting fake crap (as a journalist no less).

She had her own credibility called into question because of the fake post. The Washington Examiner saw the backlash she was getting on Twitter for being fake, and fired her for it. They probably figured that because she put her own credibility into question, people might say that the Washington Examiner was fake as well, so they fired her to avoid having their credibility questioned.

Like I said....................if I owned a news agency, and a journalist who lost all credibility because of a fake posting, I would have fired her as well, because there are a whole bunch of people who like to shout "fake news", and if they kept her on, they might say that the Examiner was fake because they hire journalists who lie.

She didn't take a video. Her friend took a picture of her holding the drill. IF she even posted the picture, like anyone actually thought she was hanging plywood?? LOL riiiight. Here's the real issue from another article:

Moriarty-McLaughlin said, “People don’t have the facts. People call Trump a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and they have no facts to back that up ever.

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