Journalist says a CBP officer withheld his passport until he agreed he writes 'propaganda'

There's no mention of open borders in your link.

Journalist says a CBP officer withheld his passport until he agreed he writes 'propaganda'

"Walter Shaub, an attorney who served as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics until 2017, tweeted that incident should go to the Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General office for review.

"A customs agent withholding the passport of a journalist until he agrees to say he writes 'propaganda' is actionable misconduct, even in Trump's America,' he said.

"A growing list of journalists say they have been startled by government officials's harassment in a country that prizes freedom of the press. The encounters are raising fears that hostile rhetoric led by President Donald Trump and his allies are damaging reporters's ability to do their job unhindered."

What makes you think an opportunistic moron like Trump is "making America great again" by threatening the First Amendment?

Oh brother...He's done less to threaten the 1st amendment than Obama did....Fact.
Oh brother...He's done less to threaten the 1st amendment than Obama did....Fact.
Did Obama do more or less to threaten the First Amendment than Dick and Dubya?

National Security

Both major parties know what's coming and want as few restrictions as possible to deal with it. Trump is no different than his predecessors in this regard and his successor will likely be even worse regardless of which major party she represents. At least Obama, Dick, and Dubya read the Constitution which is probably more than Trump has done.

I don't recall Bush or Nixon using the FBI and CIA to investigate and threaten journalists....Nor do I recall Trump doing that...So yeah, Obama was worse than all three...
I don't recall Bush or Nixon using the FBI and CIA to investigate and threaten journalists....Nor do I recall Trump doing that...So yeah, Obama was worse than all three...
Watergate scandal - Wikipedia

"Nixon and top administration officials discussed using government agencies to 'get' (or retaliate against) those they perceived as hostile media organizations.[36]

"Such actions had been taken before.

"At the request of Nixon's White House in 1969, the FBI tapped the phones of five reporters.

"In 1971, the White House requested an audit of the tax return of the editor of Newsday, after he wrote a series of articles about the financial dealings of Charles "Bebe" Rebozo, a friend of Nixon.[38]"

Hmmmm....Interesting...So, Obama was no better than Nixon....Good to know, thanks.
Hmmmm....Interesting...So, Obama was no better than Nixon....Good to know, thanks.

As the Obama DOJ Concluded, Prosecution of Julian Assange for Publishing Documents Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedom

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