For Republicans, The U.S. Constitution Is Now Looked Upon As Just A List Of Suggestions


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The congressional Republicans and too many of the long-serving congressional Democrats have lost sight of the fact the rule of law is the very virtue that separates a democracy from a dictatorship. Though one’s ability to vote is a feature of democracy, elections are meaningless without a functional legal apparatus to safeguard them. People are allowed to cast votes in virtual dictatorships all the time, but their collective will is ultimately crushed by leaders who rig the outcomes. Without the rule of law America is doomed as a democracy, and the sanctity of the legal system is exactly what the impeached president trump and his attorney general, William Barr, are working to dismantle in real time by turning the Department of Justice into a tool of the State. No one expects the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics to understand what is actually happening in this country.

The impeached president trump is reportedly seething after enduring three years of investigations for a multitude of criminal acts, which he and his devoted fanatics deny occurred. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he called for Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. But Russia honored his request almost immediately by hacking the Democratic National Committee. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and withheld desperately needed funding and political backing to pressure him into doing so. But the impeached president trump is never wrong, he can never be questioned, and he surely has never been held accountable in his life.

Now, the impeached president trump will carry the stain of his impeachment to his grave. For the ever-growing number of individuals he blames for his impeachment, he is planning his revenge, and the nation’s top law enforcement officer, William Barr. has proven eager to help the impeached president trump wherever possible.

Unfortunately, this goes way beyond the interference Barr ran last year on public release of the Mueller report, which otherwise would have been devastating to the impeached president trump. Barr is now intervening in the administration of justice on multiple cases, weaponizing the Justice Department against the impeached president trump’s political enemies, and shielding his cronies from the full force of the law.

Barr’s list of interventions is staggering, they include a relentless effort to find wrongdoing by the officials at the FBI and CIA involved with launching the Russia investigation in 2016, taking specific aim at former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who was already denied his pension benefits by Barr’s predecessor after decades of service at that bureau).

On the leniency side, in recent weeks Barr moved to lighten the punishment for Mike Flynn and Roger Stone, both are impeached president trump loyalists and former campaign advisers. In service of that goal, Barr removed the Senate-approved U.S. attorney in D.C. and replaced her in the interim with Timothy Shea, a close ally from his office. Shea, who has gladly done Barr’s bidding, is the guy who earlier this week signed off on overruling the sentencing recommendations made by the four federal prosecutors on Stone’s case. All four have since resigned in protest. While all these actions are indefensible, Barr’s interference with the sentencing recommendations of the impeached president trump’s cronies was so unprecedented that it has elicited an outcry from a groundswell of former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials.

During an interview, Joyce White Vance, a former U.S. Attorney in the Obama administration, told the Washington Post.“I’ve never seen so many prosecutors, including those who aren’t political or those who haven’t been following this situation closely, go to red alert so quickly. The reason is this: If a president can meddle in a criminal case to help a friend, then there’s nothing that keeps him from meddling to harm someone he thinks is his enemy. That means that a president is fully above the law in the most dangerous kind of way. This is how democracies die.”

Vance’s prognosis isn’t hyperbole. America is teetering on the edge and Republican lawmakers, thinking of nothing but their service to the very rich and Big Business, have proven to be nothing but a herd of sycophantic lemmings. Unfortunately, House Democrats, who do have some agency, haven’t been exactly robust in their response. Barr has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing but not until March 31.

At her weekly press conference Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Barr “a sad disappointment,” saying he had “deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the Department of Justice sentencing recommendations” in the Stone case, among other things.

Sadly, many long-serving Democrats, who really should be jumping up and down about this in order to shine a public spotlight on the Justice Department’s turn toward becoming nothing short of an instrument of authoritarianism, are also hanging back in their efforts to remain friendly with the large political donors.

Right wing propaganda feeds like FOX Noise are expected to shout their approval of such malfeasance, it gives their audience a feeling of validation. Unfortunately, very few of the so-called “legitimate” main stream news outlets have shown much concern for the developing crises in our government. Their near silence also obligatoty in their promotion of the political agenda of most members of the 0.1% and the U.S. corporate structure.

The American people should be seeing a bicameral press conference. Congressional committees should be burying the Justice Department in subpoenas just to make a point. The House Judiciary Committee should already be holding Barr’s hearing.

As has become normal, the conservatives that depend on FOX Noise and similar sources for all their “news” have welcomed the misinformation they’ve been fed. However, if the rest of the nation received more than the trickle of the information provided by the mainstream press, the public outrage would be spiraling into a spectacle not seen in the U,S. since the Nixon administration.

Given the severe division today’s political system is designed to create, the people need a leader to voice a message of our collective disgust with Washington’s political games that have severely eroded our Democracy over the last forty years.

But, that leader will need to be a young person in their late twenties to mid thirties. It is imperitive that he or she is under the age of fifty. Most average Americans over fifty-years-of-age have become complacent or so hate-filled they cannot, or refuse to understand the truth of the challenges to be faced by the coming, younger generations. American voters, especially those over fifty-years-old, must be made to understand the stakes here and be fully operational when they hit the polls in November.

(Note: Sadly, the disdain for education by conservatives does not hinder the belief by the vast majority of righties, that they are far more learned in science, economics, psychology, political science, foreign policy, history, and every other subject than true authorities in their fields.
-These righties’ need only hear a patently inaccurate statement on a selected issue from FOX Noise, Limbaugh, or any of that ilk, and they will immediately consider themselves fully knowledgeable to challenge any proven fact put forth.
-So, post all empirical data available about any topic you wish, then, expect the FOX-taught conservative(s) to quickly leap in and contradict you. Naturally, their argument will consist of the usual nonsense they are convinced is truth.)

One of the impeached president trump's most devoted fanatics.

Yes, we know. Having lost on every other single front, and having a PATHETIC roster of candidates, the new gong you're trying to bang is Barr, Stone, blahblahblah

No one cares. You're still losing. Badly

Neither party (and especially Democrats) give a rat fuck out the constitution. It is nothing more than a road block to their plan of power.

The most glaring shit attitude for Dems as "suggestive" is the 2nd Amendment. In fact, Dems are so mad about the 2A that they are and have tried to torture the meaning into something it is not.

I am to the point where I believe any attempt to water down the 2A or the general unalienable right should be grounds for execution. I am dead fucking serious. 95% of those who would be executes are Dems.

So, if you are suggesting the Dems are somehow holy and sanctified, take your partisan bullshit and shove it up your ass, OP. Your and your ilk are also guilty of wiping your ass with the constitution.

For Republicans, The U.S. Constitution Is Now Looked Upon As Just A List of Suggestions

It has been ever thus for both parties since they came into being.
Yes, we know. Having lost on every other single front, and having a PATHETIC roster of candidates, the new gong you're trying to bang is Barr, Stone, blahblahblah

No one cares. You're still losing. Badly

hate to break it to you, but Rumps latest "Here Hold My Beer" moment that he bragged about just fired up the "Care" rate. And Rump is far from being done stomping on the Constitution.

The congressional Republicans and too many of the long-serving congressional Democrats have lost sight of the fact the rule of law is the very virtue that separates a democracy from a dictatorship. Though one’s ability to vote is a feature of democracy, elections are meaningless without a functional legal apparatus to safeguard them. People are allowed to cast votes in virtual dictatorships all the time, but their collective will is ultimately crushed by leaders who rig the outcomes. Without the rule of law America is doomed as a democracy, and the sanctity of the legal system is exactly what the impeached president trump and his attorney general, William Barr, are working to dismantle in real time by turning the Department of Justice into a tool of the State. No one expects the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics to understand what is actually happening in this country.

The impeached president trump is reportedly seething after enduring three years of investigations for a multitude of criminal acts, which he and his devoted fanatics deny occurred. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he called for Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. But Russia honored his request almost immediately by hacking the Democratic National Committee. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and withheld desperately needed funding and political backing to pressure him into doing so. But the impeached president trump is never wrong, he can never be questioned, and he surely has never been held accountable in his life.

Now, the impeached president trump will carry the stain of his impeachment to his grave. For the ever-growing number of individuals he blames for his impeachment, he is planning his revenge, and the nation’s top law enforcement officer, William Barr. has proven eager to help the impeached president trump wherever possible.

Unfortunately, this goes way beyond the interference Barr ran last year on public release of the Mueller report, which otherwise would have been devastating to the impeached president trump. Barr is now intervening in the administration of justice on multiple cases, weaponizing the Justice Department against the impeached president trump’s political enemies, and shielding his cronies from the full force of the law.

Barr’s list of interventions is staggering, they include a relentless effort to find wrongdoing by the officials at the FBI and CIA involved with launching the Russia investigation in 2016, taking specific aim at former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who was already denied his pension benefits by Barr’s predecessor after decades of service at that bureau).

On the leniency side, in recent weeks Barr moved to lighten the punishment for Mike Flynn and Roger Stone, both are impeached president trump loyalists and former campaign advisers. In service of that goal, Barr removed the Senate-approved U.S. attorney in D.C. and replaced her in the interim with Timothy Shea, a close ally from his office. Shea, who has gladly done Barr’s bidding, is the guy who earlier this week signed off on overruling the sentencing recommendations made by the four federal prosecutors on Stone’s case. All four have since resigned in protest. While all these actions are indefensible, Barr’s interference with the sentencing recommendations of the impeached president trump’s cronies was so unprecedented that it has elicited an outcry from a groundswell of former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials.

During an interview, Joyce White Vance, a former U.S. Attorney in the Obama administration, told the Washington Post.“I’ve never seen so many prosecutors, including those who aren’t political or those who haven’t been following this situation closely, go to red alert so quickly. The reason is this: If a president can meddle in a criminal case to help a friend, then there’s nothing that keeps him from meddling to harm someone he thinks is his enemy. That means that a president is fully above the law in the most dangerous kind of way. This is how democracies die.”

Vance’s prognosis isn’t hyperbole. America is teetering on the edge and Republican lawmakers, thinking of nothing but their service to the very rich and Big Business, have proven to be nothing but a herd of sycophantic lemmings. Unfortunately, House Democrats, who do have some agency, haven’t been exactly robust in their response. Barr has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing but not until March 31.

At her weekly press conference Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Barr “a sad disappointment,” saying he had “deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the Department of Justice sentencing recommendations” in the Stone case, among other things.

Sadly, many long-serving Democrats, who really should be jumping up and down about this in order to shine a public spotlight on the Justice Department’s turn toward becoming nothing short of an instrument of authoritarianism, are also hanging back in their efforts to remain friendly with the large political donors.

Right wing propaganda feeds like FOX Noise are expected to shout their approval of such malfeasance, it gives their audience a feeling of validation. Unfortunately, very few of the so-called “legitimate” main stream news outlets have shown much concern for the developing crises in our government. Their near silence also obligatoty in their promotion of the political agenda of most members of the 0.1% and the U.S. corporate structure.

The American people should be seeing a bicameral press conference. Congressional committees should be burying the Justice Department in subpoenas just to make a point. The House Judiciary Committee should already be holding Barr’s hearing.

As has become normal, the conservatives that depend on FOX Noise and similar sources for all their “news” have welcomed the misinformation they’ve been fed. However, if the rest of the nation received more than the trickle of the information provided by the mainstream press, the public outrage would be spiraling into a spectacle not seen in the U,S. since the Nixon administration.

Given the severe division today’s political system is designed to create, the people need a leader to voice a message of our collective disgust with Washington’s political games that have severely eroded our Democracy over the last forty years.

But, that leader will need to be a young person in their late twenties to mid thirties. It is imperitive that he or she is under the age of fifty. Most average Americans over fifty-years-of-age have become complacent or so hate-filled they cannot, or refuse to understand the truth of the challenges to be faced by the coming, younger generations. American voters, especially those over fifty-years-old, must be made to understand the stakes here and be fully operational when they hit the polls in November.

(Note: Sadly, the disdain for education by conservatives does not hinder the belief by the vast majority of righties, that they are far more learned in science, economics, psychology, political science, foreign policy, history, and every other subject than true authorities in their fields.
-These righties’ need only hear a patently inaccurate statement on a selected issue from FOX Noise, Limbaugh, or any of that ilk, and they will immediately consider themselves fully knowledgeable to challenge any proven fact put forth.
-So, post all empirical data available about any topic you wish, then, expect the FOX-taught conservative(s) to quickly leap in and contradict you. Naturally, their argument will consist of the usual nonsense they are convinced is truth.)

One of the impeached president trump's most devoted fanatics.
View attachment 306943

At least with Trump we have a president who, unlike his predecessor, upholds and defends the US constitution and the rule of law.

That must really drive you TDS afflicted morons crazy.

The congressional Republicans and too many of the long-serving congressional Democrats have lost sight of the fact the rule of law is the very virtue that separates a democracy from a dictatorship. Though one’s ability to vote is a feature of democracy, elections are meaningless without a functional legal apparatus to safeguard them. People are allowed to cast votes in virtual dictatorships all the time, but their collective will is ultimately crushed by leaders who rig the outcomes. Without the rule of law America is doomed as a democracy, and the sanctity of the legal system is exactly what the impeached president trump and his attorney general, William Barr, are working to dismantle in real time by turning the Department of Justice into a tool of the State. No one expects the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics to understand what is actually happening in this country.

The impeached president trump is reportedly seething after enduring three years of investigations for a multitude of criminal acts, which he and his devoted fanatics deny occurred. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he called for Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. But Russia honored his request almost immediately by hacking the Democratic National Committee. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and withheld desperately needed funding and political backing to pressure him into doing so. But the impeached president trump is never wrong, he can never be questioned, and he surely has never been held accountable in his life.

Now, the impeached president trump will carry the stain of his impeachment to his grave. For the ever-growing number of individuals he blames for his impeachment, he is planning his revenge, and the nation’s top law enforcement officer, William Barr. has proven eager to help the impeached president trump wherever possible.

Unfortunately, this goes way beyond the interference Barr ran last year on public release of the Mueller report, which otherwise would have been devastating to the impeached president trump. Barr is now intervening in the administration of justice on multiple cases, weaponizing the Justice Department against the impeached president trump’s political enemies, and shielding his cronies from the full force of the law.

Barr’s list of interventions is staggering, they include a relentless effort to find wrongdoing by the officials at the FBI and CIA involved with launching the Russia investigation in 2016, taking specific aim at former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who was already denied his pension benefits by Barr’s predecessor after decades of service at that bureau).

On the leniency side, in recent weeks Barr moved to lighten the punishment for Mike Flynn and Roger Stone, both are impeached president trump loyalists and former campaign advisers. In service of that goal, Barr removed the Senate-approved U.S. attorney in D.C. and replaced her in the interim with Timothy Shea, a close ally from his office. Shea, who has gladly done Barr’s bidding, is the guy who earlier this week signed off on overruling the sentencing recommendations made by the four federal prosecutors on Stone’s case. All four have since resigned in protest. While all these actions are indefensible, Barr’s interference with the sentencing recommendations of the impeached president trump’s cronies was so unprecedented that it has elicited an outcry from a groundswell of former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials.

During an interview, Joyce White Vance, a former U.S. Attorney in the Obama administration, told the Washington Post.“I’ve never seen so many prosecutors, including those who aren’t political or those who haven’t been following this situation closely, go to red alert so quickly. The reason is this: If a president can meddle in a criminal case to help a friend, then there’s nothing that keeps him from meddling to harm someone he thinks is his enemy. That means that a president is fully above the law in the most dangerous kind of way. This is how democracies die.”

Vance’s prognosis isn’t hyperbole. America is teetering on the edge and Republican lawmakers, thinking of nothing but their service to the very rich and Big Business, have proven to be nothing but a herd of sycophantic lemmings. Unfortunately, House Democrats, who do have some agency, haven’t been exactly robust in their response. Barr has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing but not until March 31.

At her weekly press conference Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Barr “a sad disappointment,” saying he had “deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the Department of Justice sentencing recommendations” in the Stone case, among other things.

Sadly, many long-serving Democrats, who really should be jumping up and down about this in order to shine a public spotlight on the Justice Department’s turn toward becoming nothing short of an instrument of authoritarianism, are also hanging back in their efforts to remain friendly with the large political donors.

Right wing propaganda feeds like FOX Noise are expected to shout their approval of such malfeasance, it gives their audience a feeling of validation. Unfortunately, very few of the so-called “legitimate” main stream news outlets have shown much concern for the developing crises in our government. Their near silence also obligatoty in their promotion of the political agenda of most members of the 0.1% and the U.S. corporate structure.

The American people should be seeing a bicameral press conference. Congressional committees should be burying the Justice Department in subpoenas just to make a point. The House Judiciary Committee should already be holding Barr’s hearing.

As has become normal, the conservatives that depend on FOX Noise and similar sources for all their “news” have welcomed the misinformation they’ve been fed. However, if the rest of the nation received more than the trickle of the information provided by the mainstream press, the public outrage would be spiraling into a spectacle not seen in the U,S. since the Nixon administration.

Given the severe division today’s political system is designed to create, the people need a leader to voice a message of our collective disgust with Washington’s political games that have severely eroded our Democracy over the last forty years.

But, that leader will need to be a young person in their late twenties to mid thirties. It is imperitive that he or she is under the age of fifty. Most average Americans over fifty-years-of-age have become complacent or so hate-filled they cannot, or refuse to understand the truth of the challenges to be faced by the coming, younger generations. American voters, especially those over fifty-years-old, must be made to understand the stakes here and be fully operational when they hit the polls in November.

(Note: Sadly, the disdain for education by conservatives does not hinder the belief by the vast majority of righties, that they are far more learned in science, economics, psychology, political science, foreign policy, history, and every other subject than true authorities in their fields.
-These righties’ need only hear a patently inaccurate statement on a selected issue from FOX Noise, Limbaugh, or any of that ilk, and they will immediately consider themselves fully knowledgeable to challenge any proven fact put forth.
-So, post all empirical data available about any topic you wish, then, expect the FOX-taught conservative(s) to quickly leap in and contradict you. Naturally, their argument will consist of the usual nonsense they are convinced is truth.)

One of the impeached president trump's most devoted fanatics.
View attachment 306943

At least with Trump we have a president who, unlike his predecessor, upholds and defends the US constitution and the rule of law.

That must really drive you TDS afflicted morons crazy.

Haven't you been listening? Rump has no reason to follow the Constitution. He has all but stopped following it and he's not even bothering to write his own. He's well on his way to being the first President to be impeached twice and he may not fare as well the second time because he's just thrown the Court System and the Judicial under the Bus. A month ago, predicted would do more "Here Hold My Beer Moments" and he is going full speed ahead. And don't give me this crap about Barr getting tired of it. Barr has his nose so far up Rumps Rectum that when you give Rump a rim job, you hear a thank you from Barr.
At least with Trump we have a president who, unlike his predecessor, upholds and defends the US constitution and the rule of law.

That must really drive you TDS afflicted morons crazy.

Haven't you been listening? Rump has no reason to follow the Constitution. He has all but stopped following it and he's not even bothering to write his own.
I disagree with your contention that Trump has no reason to follow the US constitution. However I agree with you 100% that Trump has not stopped following the constitution and certainly isn't writing his own. That's a good thing IMO.

He's well on his way to being the first President to be impeached twice and he may not fare as well the second time because he's just thrown the Court System and the Judicial under the Bus. A month ago, predicted would do more "Here Hold My Beer Moments" and he is going full speed ahead.
Trump was clearly against impeachment from the beginning and refused to cooperate with the shenanigans. So that is not his fault. That "hold my beer" moment is clearly 100% the fault of the Democrats. They own it. You cannot blame that national embarrassment on Trump.

Trump doesn't even drink, and therefore has no "hold my beer" moments.

The congressional Republicans and too many of the long-serving congressional Democrats have lost sight of the fact the rule of law is the very virtue that separates a democracy from a dictatorship. Though one’s ability to vote is a feature of democracy, elections are meaningless without a functional legal apparatus to safeguard them. People are allowed to cast votes in virtual dictatorships all the time, but their collective will is ultimately crushed by leaders who rig the outcomes. Without the rule of law America is doomed as a democracy, and the sanctity of the legal system is exactly what the impeached president trump and his attorney general, William Barr, are working to dismantle in real time by turning the Department of Justice into a tool of the State. No one expects the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics to understand what is actually happening in this country.

The impeached president trump is reportedly seething after enduring three years of investigations for a multitude of criminal acts, which he and his devoted fanatics deny occurred. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he called for Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. But Russia honored his request almost immediately by hacking the Democratic National Committee. The impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics deny he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and withheld desperately needed funding and political backing to pressure him into doing so. But the impeached president trump is never wrong, he can never be questioned, and he surely has never been held accountable in his life.

Now, the impeached president trump will carry the stain of his impeachment to his grave. For the ever-growing number of individuals he blames for his impeachment, he is planning his revenge, and the nation’s top law enforcement officer, William Barr. has proven eager to help the impeached president trump wherever possible.

Unfortunately, this goes way beyond the interference Barr ran last year on public release of the Mueller report, which otherwise would have been devastating to the impeached president trump. Barr is now intervening in the administration of justice on multiple cases, weaponizing the Justice Department against the impeached president trump’s political enemies, and shielding his cronies from the full force of the law.

Barr’s list of interventions is staggering, they include a relentless effort to find wrongdoing by the officials at the FBI and CIA involved with launching the Russia investigation in 2016, taking specific aim at former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (who was already denied his pension benefits by Barr’s predecessor after decades of service at that bureau).

On the leniency side, in recent weeks Barr moved to lighten the punishment for Mike Flynn and Roger Stone, both are impeached president trump loyalists and former campaign advisers. In service of that goal, Barr removed the Senate-approved U.S. attorney in D.C. and replaced her in the interim with Timothy Shea, a close ally from his office. Shea, who has gladly done Barr’s bidding, is the guy who earlier this week signed off on overruling the sentencing recommendations made by the four federal prosecutors on Stone’s case. All four have since resigned in protest. While all these actions are indefensible, Barr’s interference with the sentencing recommendations of the impeached president trump’s cronies was so unprecedented that it has elicited an outcry from a groundswell of former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials.

During an interview, Joyce White Vance, a former U.S. Attorney in the Obama administration, told the Washington Post.“I’ve never seen so many prosecutors, including those who aren’t political or those who haven’t been following this situation closely, go to red alert so quickly. The reason is this: If a president can meddle in a criminal case to help a friend, then there’s nothing that keeps him from meddling to harm someone he thinks is his enemy. That means that a president is fully above the law in the most dangerous kind of way. This is how democracies die.”

Vance’s prognosis isn’t hyperbole. America is teetering on the edge and Republican lawmakers, thinking of nothing but their service to the very rich and Big Business, have proven to be nothing but a herd of sycophantic lemmings. Unfortunately, House Democrats, who do have some agency, haven’t been exactly robust in their response. Barr has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing but not until March 31.

At her weekly press conference Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Barr “a sad disappointment,” saying he had “deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the Department of Justice sentencing recommendations” in the Stone case, among other things.

Sadly, many long-serving Democrats, who really should be jumping up and down about this in order to shine a public spotlight on the Justice Department’s turn toward becoming nothing short of an instrument of authoritarianism, are also hanging back in their efforts to remain friendly with the large political donors.

Right wing propaganda feeds like FOX Noise are expected to shout their approval of such malfeasance, it gives their audience a feeling of validation. Unfortunately, very few of the so-called “legitimate” main stream news outlets have shown much concern for the developing crises in our government. Their near silence also obligatoty in their promotion of the political agenda of most members of the 0.1% and the U.S. corporate structure.

The American people should be seeing a bicameral press conference. Congressional committees should be burying the Justice Department in subpoenas just to make a point. The House Judiciary Committee should already be holding Barr’s hearing.

As has become normal, the conservatives that depend on FOX Noise and similar sources for all their “news” have welcomed the misinformation they’ve been fed. However, if the rest of the nation received more than the trickle of the information provided by the mainstream press, the public outrage would be spiraling into a spectacle not seen in the U,S. since the Nixon administration.

Given the severe division today’s political system is designed to create, the people need a leader to voice a message of our collective disgust with Washington’s political games that have severely eroded our Democracy over the last forty years.

But, that leader will need to be a young person in their late twenties to mid thirties. It is imperitive that he or she is under the age of fifty. Most average Americans over fifty-years-of-age have become complacent or so hate-filled they cannot, or refuse to understand the truth of the challenges to be faced by the coming, younger generations. American voters, especially those over fifty-years-old, must be made to understand the stakes here and be fully operational when they hit the polls in November.

(Note: Sadly, the disdain for education by conservatives does not hinder the belief by the vast majority of righties, that they are far more learned in science, economics, psychology, political science, foreign policy, history, and every other subject than true authorities in their fields.
-These righties’ need only hear a patently inaccurate statement on a selected issue from FOX Noise, Limbaugh, or any of that ilk, and they will immediately consider themselves fully knowledgeable to challenge any proven fact put forth.
-So, post all empirical data available about any topic you wish, then, expect the FOX-taught conservative(s) to quickly leap in and contradict you. Naturally, their argument will consist of the usual nonsense they are convinced is truth.)

One of the impeached president trump's most devoted fanatics.
View attachment 306943

Holy TDS
hate to break it to you, but Rumps latest "Here Hold My Beer" moment that he bragged about just fired up the "Care" rate. And Rump is far from being done stomping on the Constitution.
And yet you don't have an actual example to display.

I would but you would just scream "Fake News" and insult me to no end. Standard the party of the rump response.
hate to break it to you, but Rumps latest "Here Hold My Beer" moment that he bragged about just fired up the "Care" rate. And Rump is far from being done stomping on the Constitution.
And yet you don't have an actual example to display.

I would but you would just scream "Fake News" and insult me to no end. Standard the party of the rump response.
I accept your admission that you have no example.

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