Journalist Says Underage Girls Were on "Many" of Clinton's Trips on Epstein Plane

"Terrific guy" Epstein was buds with trump. They partied together at Mar-a-Lago.

No they didn't. And unlike your pedo lover hero, bill clinton, who continued to fly the lolita express, trump kicked the sick fuck out of Mar A Lago...but, being the typical progressive liar that you are, you neglected to mention that fact.



Kicked him out After he was arrested

Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?

Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.

Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

I’m troubled by anyone having spent any time with this piece of shit if they knew anything about what he was doing. I’m not seeing anything about trump and him that indicates they had anymore than a passing relationship being both billionaires in New York. If anything comes out showing that trump was regularly flying on this guy’s private jet that had a clear cut nickname indicating it was used for the purpose of prostitution, you let me know. I don’t condone the sexual exploitation of children and anyone who has ever been a part of it is a piece of shit and that includes donald trump.
"Terrific guy" Epstein was buds with trump. They partied together at Mar-a-Lago.

Shared the same women.

Trump says Epstein is a Terrific guy

Yet another village idiot chimes in. At least you got one thing right. Trump plays with WOMEN, not girls like your hero's epstein and clinton.

Trump molested pre teen Ivanka

Wow, it's a good thing you haven't been doxxed yet because methinks trump would own your house by the time he got done with you. And, your ridiculous claim aside, you still are defending your hero, the child rapist bill clinton. That's a pretty low position to hold, dude. Sucking the asshole of a pervert isn't good for your health.


Dayum, that's like a 9.0 on the Richter scale of irony.
"Terrific guy" Epstein was buds with trump. They partied together at Mar-a-Lago.

Shared the same women.

Trump says Epstein is a Terrific guy

Yet another village idiot chimes in. At least you got one thing right. Trump plays with WOMEN, not girls like your hero's epstein and clinton.

Trump molested pre teen Ivanka

Theres something seriously wrong with you. I don’t even see the right trying to claim Clinton molested Chelsea, Jesus Christ

Have you ever seen Chelsea? As a young girl? The Clintons had to beg the media to stop making fun of her.

Shit, they couldn't get a Republican Senator to stop making fun of her.
Interesting that blurb on the back cover of the book says that this book will have implications for the 2016 election, yet I don't recall ever hearing about it or even a discussion of it from the media. Clearly, it did not have implications on the election, or it had far fewer implications than the lies told about Donald Trump.

I personally hope that everyone named in this book is thoroughly investigated and if found to been involved, charged and if guilty, convicted. Regardless of who they are.
has already been investigated and it was found to be nothing but garbage GOP propaganda.
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
BS, one of the victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre said that she saw Clinton on the island. She was procured for Epstein by Ghislaine Maxwell when she was 14.

Maxwell is the one circled in red in this pic.


Why was the known child sex trafficker at Chelsea's wedding?
Last edited:
Amazing how willing people are to believe a boom that tells them what they think is true but every other book is just someone trying to make a buck.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
BS, one of the victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre said that she saw Clinton on the island. She was procured for Epstein by Ghislaine Maxwell when she was 14.

Maxwell is the one circled in red in this pic.


Why was the known child sex trafficker at Chelsea's wedding?
And one of the victims claims trump raped her. An eyewitness testified she saw that 13 year old victim and another 12 year old have sex with trump. That witness testified under the name, Tiffany Doe and is likely Ghislaine Maxwell.
"Terrific guy" Epstein was buds with trump. They partied together at Mar-a-Lago.

Shared the same women.

Trump says Epstein is a Terrific guy

Yet another village idiot chimes in. At least you got one thing right. Trump plays with WOMEN, not girls like your hero's epstein and clinton.

Trump molested pre teen Ivanka

Wow, it's a good thing you haven't been doxxed yet because methinks trump would own your house by the time he got done with you. And, your ridiculous claim aside, you still are defending your hero, the child rapist bill clinton. That's a pretty low position to hold, dude. Sucking the asshole of a pervert isn't good for your health.

I have pics
Do you?

You have pics of trump screwing an underage Ivanka? If that is true why haven't you trotted those right down to the cops so he can be arrested?

Oh, right, you're lying.

Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
BS, one of the victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre said that she saw Clinton on the island. She was procured for Epstein by Ghislaine Maxwell when she was 14.

Maxwell is the one circled in red in this pic.


Why was the known child sex trafficker at Chelsea's wedding?
And one of the victims claims trump raped her. An eyewitness testified she saw that 13 year old victim and another 12 year old have sex with trump. That witness testified under the name, Tiffany Doe and is likely Ghislaine Maxwell.
It’s funny what’s “likely” when it confirms a bias eh?
No they didn't. And unlike your pedo lover hero, bill clinton, who continued to fly the lolita express, trump kicked the sick fuck out of Mar A Lago...but, being the typical progressive liar that you are, you neglected to mention that fact.


Kicked him out After he was arrested

Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

When you are in business everyone is a terrific guy. Especially guys that are wealthy and influential. This isn't the PTA.

Nevertheless calling Epstein a terrific guy in 2002 has no bearing on Trump's opinion after he tossed Epstein out of MarALago and banned him from all properties.

Investigate Epstein and let the real chips fall where they really may. There is a reason why Epstein was a loyal democrat and directed donations to democrat causes. Let's find out what those reasons are.
Answer one question please. Do you believe bill clinton was involved in sexual encounters with underage girls?

I do not. He is a sexual predator that has forced himself on women but has no history of doing so with underage girls.

I do not think it has any more validity than the stories that have come out about Trump and the 13 year old.
Ok I’ll take your word at face value. If you could just answer one more question. What do you think his intentions were every time he flew to an island with a guy who brings underage girls there for sex?

I have not seen any evidence he has been to the island, just that he flew on his plane.

All the stories about him being to the island are from far right conspiracy theory websites.
BS, one of the victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre said that she saw Clinton on the island. She was procured for Epstein by Ghislaine Maxwell when she was 14.

Maxwell is the one circled in red in this pic.


Why was the known child sex trafficker at Chelsea's wedding?
And one of the victims claims trump raped her. An eyewitness testified she saw that 13 year old victim and another 12 year old have sex with trump. That witness testified under the name, Tiffany Doe and is likely Ghislaine Maxwell.
Then have her come forward now. Unless she's still afraid of going to federal prison. When she withdrew her last phony case the Judge told her that she was prohibited from filing more phony complaints. So let's have it.
No they didn't. And unlike your pedo lover hero, bill clinton, who continued to fly the lolita express, trump kicked the sick fuck out of Mar A Lago...but, being the typical progressive liar that you are, you neglected to mention that fact.


Kicked him out After he was arrested

Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

The root of terrific is terror.

Trump also called Putin and Kim "terrific"

Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    of great size, amount, or intensity.
    "there was a terrific bang"
    synonyms: tremendous, huge, massive, gigantic, colossal, mighty, great, very great, very big, prodigious, formidable, sizeable, considerable; More

  2. 2.
    causing terror.
    synonyms: dreadful, terrible, appalling, awful, horrific, horrible, horrendous, horrifying, hideous, grim, ghastly, gruesome, frightful, fearful
    "terrific scenes of slaughter and destruction"
No they didn't. And unlike your pedo lover hero, bill clinton, who continued to fly the lolita express, trump kicked the sick fuck out of Mar A Lago...but, being the typical progressive liar that you are, you neglected to mention that fact.


Kicked him out After he was arrested

Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?

Kicked him out After he was arrested

Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
Wrong, he kicked him out years before. Are you always this stupid or are you just lying now trying to protect your hero, clinton?
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Here's an article saying he kicked him out around 2007....

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him

The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.

Clinton had stopped flying on Epstein's plane about 4 years before that.

Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
If he only flew on it 1 time, i don’t care. There are many many people who’ve flown on that jet 1 time. If it comes out that he flew on it 27 times I’m going to have a problem with that. But if that was even remotely true the media would already have had a field day with it.
Hmmm, facts seem to differ with what you are claiming. And by facts i mean legal documents. Those actually have weight, unlike biased reporting from the fake news media that has been caught lying about trump dozens of times.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
how about trying to understand what i'm saying before putting on your sanctimonious hat?

if trump is found guilty of child molestation, he goes to jail too.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
If he only flew on it 1 time, i don’t care. There are many many people who’ve flown on that jet 1 time. If it comes out that he flew on it 27 times I’m going to have a problem with that. But if that was even remotely true the media would already have had a field day with it.
Trump partied with Epstein at Mar-a-Lago, Clinton did not. By your standard, you should have a problem with trump.
Yeah, that video I posted is probably fake. Trump probably never referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy" who likes his women on the "younger side." Trump's phone numbers probably don't appear at all in Epstein's black book. It's all just fake news.

just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
how about trying to understand what i'm saying before putting on your sanctimonious hat?

if trump is found guilty of child molestation, he goes to jail too.
Dumbfuck, I got that. I'm pointing out there's no evidence that anything nefarious occurred on that plane with either trump or Clinton.
just show me his name on the flight records please.

hillary kissed byrd. by your logic hillary is now a card carrying member of the KKK.

suddenly those analogies are stupid, huh?
Not all flight logs have been shared on the Internet. The news is reporting there's a record of trump flying on Epstein's plane. That's not gonna change just because I can't access the flight logs. And if you read my posts, you would have read where I said just flying on that plane doesn't mean trump raped any kids. So your analogy is wasted.
given the hate for trump and all that has come out true or not, i find it hard to believe something like this just hasn't seen the light of day. that said however, if trump has been there, done that, he goes too.

this is NOT about politics but about what we allow adults to do to kids and NO ONE is safe from wrong doing there.
Don't be ridiculous. No one "goes" just for flying on Epstein's jet. You're gonna need more than that.
If he only flew on it 1 time, i don’t care. There are many many people who’ve flown on that jet 1 time. If it comes out that he flew on it 27 times I’m going to have a problem with that. But if that was even remotely true the media would already have had a field day with it.
Trump partied with Epstein at Mar-a-Lago, Clinton did not. By your standard, you should have a problem with trump.
Except I'm not doing a public trial. I'm ok to wait for details before I decide.

But go ahead. Keep making wrong assumptions about me.

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